〈 ♂ ラブエゴイスト : スクールランブル♀ 〉「 박현애 ♡ 홍지수」

kindaichi. KEI. 8. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
park hyunae
"no matter how transparent you are, people only see what they want to see"
FULL NAME — Park Hyunae
OTHER NAME — Jesicca Park
• Jess + called by Jisoo.
• Una + called by her brother who claimed Hyunae is a bit difficult to pronounce, so he calls her Una instead.
DOB — 18.12.1998
BIRTHPLACE — Startford, England
HOMETOWN — Stratford + Seoul, South Korea
ETHNICITY — Korean-British
• English; native tongue + she lived in England for almost 9 years before her family came back to Korea when she was almost eleven
• Korea; fluent + she has been living in Korea for about six and half years, but still there are some words that she doesn't know, like she needs an explanation for some words.
• Despite of having a british mother, Hyunae looks so asian different from her brother who looks British. But, she stills love her look. Just like other asians, she has a dark hazel eyes, and thanks to her mother, her eyes isn't too small just like other Koreans.
Because the school is not allowing any striking color, her hair is always either dark brown or black. However, when on holiday, she likes to dye it ombre 
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 165cm + 47kg
• Hyunae doesn't picky about clothes.She wears everything that comfortable for her. She is just simple girl who wears jeans and loose shirt for casual, and sometimes tank top with shirts and jegging. She finds dress is uncomfortable but still wear it nevertheless, if she needs too.
As for school, she has never been to discipline room, which means she follows all the dress code. If the shortest skirt should be around 13cm above the knees (if not it's breaking the dress code) then her skirts probably will be around 12cm above the knees. Usually, she only wears shirt and vest, without blazer. Her hair is always down and sometimes she ties it in ponytail.
[+] responsible, organized person, good listener, trustworthy
[-] quiet, socially awkward, opionated, sarcastic
• Ever heard of Leo of VIXX personality that is so expressionless and don't talk too much? NO. SHE'S NOT EXACTLY LIKE LEO but somehow she's a mix of Leo and Sassy Jokwon. Weird much? Yes. It is. To be honest, Hyunae is the type who is so quiet and socially awkward. She keeps everything to herself and barely talks with other except her close friends, but honestly she will eventually talk to someone when she got comfortable with them. She has that mysterious aura around her. She'd rather stay quiet and listening to others' opinion than giving out her opinion. However, when the opinion is clashed with her opinion, she would stand up and that is when she will give out her opinion. As you can see, she's a bit opinionated. However, the arguement will not last long because at the end, she will end up saying "nobody is ever going to change their mind. Not you, not me,"  while flips her hair. That is how sassy and sarcastic she can be. Oh, sometimes she will say "100 years from now, no one would ever remember this," and her close friends will always by saying something like "100 years from now, we're already dead," which can lead to another harmless arguement, This is why she's a a mix of Leo and Jokwon. She can be quiet for the whole day and at the end of the day without anyone can predict, she can be all sassy and sarcastic in a second. 
Despite all those personality, Hyunae can be really responsible - maybe because her parents had taught her since kid that she must responsible for everything she did. When she starts doing something, she'll finish it saying "it's my work. Of course I should finish it." What motivates her to be responsible is the feeling that she is actively participated in her life. For better, or worse she is taking an account and being accounted. Hyunae also is an organized person. She has a calendar and made a list, because like that she can keep track of everything that she plans on doing for every job she's going to get finished and how she will do it. However she's not picky and don't need to have things in a certain way; she just wants things to be organized because that will make everything easier for her. Despite of being the sassiest and the most sarcastic girl living on earth, Hyunae is a good listener and a trustworthy person. When you tell her your problem, she may not give you any advices, but she will listen to you until you're done with your everything and she knows how to comfort you. And don't worry, your secret is safe in her hand. She is honestly her friends' go-to person.
• her father is korean man working in England. There, he met her mother; Jennifer Carter. They started as friends but the friendship changed into a relationship after a few months. After two years in relationship, they both got married and a year later, her brother Hyunjae was born. Four years later, Hyunjae got a younger sister, which is her; Park Hyunae. Different from her brother who doesn't look like Korean at all, she has a Korean look. You can say she was a lucky girl to be born in a pretty rich family, her father is an engineer while her mum is a doctor. However, when she was ten her father got a job promotion and was being sent to a headquarter in her father's hometown; Korea.
In Korea, everything was a bit hard for her at first. But thanks to her father who talks to her in korean with her and her brother, she didn't feel so much of language barrier. She could easily adapt to the Korean culture. Her father was planning to send her to private school but objected by her mum and that was how she ended up going to school that use fully korean. There were a lot of times when she failed her Korean language. Speaking is easy but writing in hangeul, she had a lot of mistakes
Middle school was just so-so for her; nothing interesting about it except that was when everyone started to call her 'spoiled brat'. Did I mention she's a quiet girl but turn into a sarcastic and sassy when an opinion clashed with hers? Yes, it because of that. Not that she cared about that, but even so, it is still unpleasant to her ears. That however changed as time went by; she slowly talked to some classmates who had been in the same class as her since her first year at middle school. And also, getting the last place in her class just because she failed korean language was kinda normal for her during the first year.
And so, she hopes that high school will be a great memory to her..
• Nothing much to say about her lifestyle. She wanted to live alone but her parents totally objected it, saying she's not even 18 yet. Even so, she is kinda independant. Both of her parents are busy and she is always left alone in the house - her brother lives alone as his university isn't in Seoul. She does everything by herself. Usually, after school, if she's not going anywhere with her friends, she will go home right after class ended, unless there's discussion or club activity. She spends her evening resting or watching some shows on the tv or on netflix. At night, usually at 8pm, she will starts studying for about 3 hours and then she will sleep afterwards. The same routine goes even during exam periods. She doesn't like stressing herself out. As for weekend, she usually finishes all of her homeworks on Saturday and she claims Sunday as her lazying around day which means she does nothing related to school that day, unless it's important!
• Park Junhyung | Father | Enginees | 49 | busy, caring, and can be a bit annoying and strict
- Working as an Engineer, Junhyung is the best definition for a busy father. He go out for work early in the morning, and even though he comes back home early, but most of the time he wil be in the study room, finishing his work. So, she isn't that close with her father. Hyunae finds that her father can be a bit annoying too, especially when her father doesn't allow her to do/buy certain things. Being spoiled by her mother, she hates it when she is being controlled by her father. But despite that, her father is actually really cares about the family. He does that for the sake of his children too. He doesn't want his children to be too spoiled. They need to work hard for what they want.
• Jennifer Carter | Mother | Doctor | 47 | Supportive, spoils her children too much
- Contrary to her husband, Jennifer is the type who spoils her children too much. Just like Junhyung, she is also a busy woman. So, she thinks the only way she can make her children happy is making them feels that they aren't abondoned by the busy parents; which was spoiling them. But she's not type who will turn her eyes blind when the children are doing something wrong. She also is very supportive towards her children's hobby and dream as that is the only things she could give to her children
•  Choi Rael | Best friend | Student | Mischievious
- She met Rael in primary school and they had been attending the same school since then. Rael is kinda a sister from another parents to her. She's glad that she met Rael. She also attends the same high school, yet she is in different class.
• Gong Joohyun | Friend | Student | Cheerful, sociable
- She is the first girl that she talked to when she entered the class. Her personality made Hyunae wanted to approach her and she was right; Joohyun is really friendly. She can easily feel comfortable with her and she is the one that she talks to, the most in her class.
• chocolate
• coffee
• blue and yellow 
• reading
• mystery, thriller, crime dramas and movies
• j-dramas
• Yamada Ryosuke
• birds
• bugs
• orange color
• overly romantic and cheesy guys
• biting her lips - she usually does that when she
is nervous
• her eyes widened and she covers her ears with
hands when she shocks
• watching dramas, movies and anime,
• reading manga
• window 8 shopping (she made up this term with Rael, which means online window shopping)
• writing
• balloon + she might cry if you ask her to blow balloon, or even put the balloon near her face
• blood
— food economic + basically this is where she learns how to cook
— graphic designing + well let just say her dream is to be a graphic designer thus the reason why she chose this subject
— creative writing club + she kinda likes writing too
— art club + she really has talent for that

korean (4)
english (1)
maths (2)
science (3)
history (1)
physical education (5)
PLOTLINE NAME — Definitely that social awkward person in a class that people always mistaken as an arrogant (maybe she really is) but actually she just doesn't know how to greet people except her close friends
BACKUP — Wen Junhui
Quiet, polite, shy, hardworking, kind hearted, optimistic. Well, that what people think he is, but for Hyunae, he is just a pain in the , annoying little creature that she grows to like.
LOVE STORY — IMPRESSED. That all that needs to say. It started when Jisoo and Hyunae had to work in a group; those two were in group. Everyone knows Hyunae as a quiet Hyunae. Yes, she is. But during discussion, the opinion was differed from what she had. That was when Jisoo was so impressed looking at her. He never knew this kind of side of her. 
"I don't know you have this side too," that was what he told her after the discussion ended - after he witnessed a debate between Hyunae and other girl.
"Me too. I don't know you have this side too," her reply. She was always thinking Jisoo was the precious guy, like you know he looked so fragile that you needed to protect him? But after the discussion, she discovered a new side of him which she was sure no one ever saw that yet. HE WAS SO ANNOYING.
She thought it'd end when the group project was ended but it wasn't. It seemed like Jisoo really like to a lot that she became so lazy to argue with him anymore. 
"Where's your sarcastic remark? I barely hear them lately,"
"You're so annoying!"
"Aw, I love you too"
"So sweet of you. I love me too,"
Did everyone expect this coming from Hong freaking Jisoo? Well, at least not her. Somehow, after a lot of bickering, she found that Jisoo was a bit interesting and that was when she started to be closer to Jisoo.
INTERACTIONS — Bickering and sarcastic remarks happens when they are together. But deep down, those two really cares about each other. Jisoo is the person who Hyunae can be so open, besides her friends. Also Jisoo wrapping her arms around her shoulder is kinda normal lately. They barey being affectionate in front of others but sometimes they do, only hug tho. Friends don't kiss each other, right?
RELATIONSHIP — Friend but Hyunae knows she really likes him and she knows he feels the same but she isn't hundred sure about that
CONCLUSION — definitely couple.  
I dont include her brother since I dont think he's important in this. Also, please tell me if there's any mistake,this is my first app hehe
• Hyunae asks Joohyun to sleep over at her house when her parents aren't home but Joohyun brings almost everyone in the class because Joohyun thought she needs to be closer with the classmates (is this make sense?)
• she will get closed with her classmates
replace with love interestreplace with love interestreplace with love interest


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