INFINITE Fan Game [Stolen from taemeilin_ and Blu3Wind)

I tried to make it into a SHINee version, but some questions are hard to modify~!


1. First song/mv you heard/saw? what did you think of them?
Back (i have an embarrassing past with it dont ask)


2. Who did you recognize right away? who did you not recognize?
Hmm, I used to confuse between Sungyeol and Sungjong. Other than them, the rest are so familiar to me from Blu3Wind eonni's 'Trapped in a K-Drama'!

3. First bias?

4. Current bias?
A tie between Hoya and Woohyun (cant choose one lol)

5. Favorite song/mv?
Song: Love of My Life (THE VOCALSSSSS)
MV: hmm... hard to choose, but.... welllll.... White Confession is my most fan!

6. Least favorite song/mv?
Least fav? Is that a question that is supposed to be here? I like all of their MV's! (well maybe you can leave out She's Back because idk why that ain't attractive enough)

7. Best looking member?
Hmmm.... well L is a visual for a reason; that leaves 6... I prefer Woohyun

8. Best overall package? (no, i don't mean THAT package, I mean in terms of talent and looks ><)
JANG DONGWOO he can sing, dance, rap and just has the world's beautiful smile~! ^^

9. Rapping - Dongwoo or Hoya?
Dongwoo~ Hoya is a rapper too, but i feel like Donwoo can go more freestyle than Hoya (what i mean is he can rap freely while Hoya's rap sounds a bit confined)

1O. How much do you like Woohyun's aegyo?
I'm okay with it... (NOT this guy's too cheesy for a human)

11. Favorite OTP?
WooGyu (there's a reason for this ship to exist~), 2Woo (dorks xD), and Myungjong

12. Which member is the least closest to the others?
I think... Sungjong...? idk he seems so distant from the others (actually all of them look so distant unlike the past T~T Infinite Showtime hits me with this like HARD)

13. Least favorite member? why?
Again... wait this is a valid question. Sungjong because he tries too much to act manly. if he was like how he was before, I'd still like him (not that i hate him but he tries so hard that it distanced my liking a bit from him)

14. Do you think any member resemble another kpop idol?
Hmmm, not that i think of.

15. Which member do you think is the most erted? o____O
WOOHYUN this guy looks like the most erted guy everrrr


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