Henry thinks children's shows will turn people weird?


Henry was one of the MCs' targets esteemed guests on the January 27 installment of 'Radio Star,' during which he rambled on about his distaste for children's shows and also revealed his deep respected for fellow actor and 'Oh My Venus' co-star So Ji Sub

Henry told the MCs, "He is a sunbae that I admire the most. [So Ji Sub] comes to the set an hour before to prepare. He even gave me some advice on acting," revealing that So Ji Sub is not only diligent but also considerate of his juniors. 


Henry also talked about his dislike toward children's shows, ranting, "I really dislike programs with children on it. For the sake of the children's future, I hope these programs disappear. You can turn a little weird when you decide to become a star in your twenties. When you get so much attention at such a young age, a person can get a little weird. [These shows] must be eliminated for the kids."


Kim Gu Ra added, "He's been saying this on every show he went on but they were all edited out. But we won't," reassuring the idol. However, Henry was unconvinced. He carped, "I've said it on 6~7 shows. It won't air this time either." Well, it seems like the crew of 'Radio Star' was true to their word! Now the whole world knows why Henry doesn't like children's programs.



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how true...
Coffee2s #2
Sad but true. I can't believe it kept getting edited out that's so funny XD
yeah i agree with him