Fair Warning: A Comment Rant

Oh hai guise. 

Hope you're all doing splendidly. 

I'm gonna go on a bit of a rant (I know, you're all shocked as all ing get out. haha) about comments. 

Now, I'm sure that the majority of you reading this little ranty blog post are not guilty of such things. There have been a few twits out there who are of the opinion that leaving comments such as: UPDATE PLEASE, MORE, WHY HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED THIS? WHEN ARE YOU UPDATING THIS? OMG UPDATE NOW! HOW DARE YOU F-LOCK THIS FIC! and other such y ery and ENTITLED wank is perfectly a-ok. Most of you have received this same kind of year in, year out. 

I know a lot of you fellow writers of fic and things just ~A D O R E~ getting this kind of useless tripe on your hard work. I know I do. No, I lie. It's not feedback. It's white noise. It's a demand. It's rude and I've ing had it. You work hard on something, that I needlessly remind you we DO NOT GET PAID to do, and you get that. It churns my grits when you spend (sometimes very limited spare) time on something and update it only to get: UPDATE in response. er, are you having a laugh? 

So, I'm not going to be backwards in coming forward in my responses to this dickish behaviour. People will be told to get well and truly ed. If you haven't got anything else to say, I'd rather you stay silent on the subject. Just like some of you may think this is an extreme reaction but really - some people have been putting up with this for too long and I'm not sitting around letting it go on unabated. 

And do not ever try to defend this crap with: BUT PEOPLE ARE JUST SHYYYY, they're intimidated by blah blah blah. CHILD, NO. that. It's ing bull and you know it. 

Anyway, cranky pants has had her say. I'm off to see who I can make cry next. lol.




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I don't get why taking time to write a comment just to ask things like that... that's rude, you author share your hard work with us nd we should at last be grateful for that!!
BTW the comment rep. had been made for that I guess!! you know the arrows next the name up if the comment is good and down if it's bad, like anyone can put up or down, we don't know who give us a good or bad reputation... (from what i had observed maybe read the FAQ for more information)
Damn I've spent so long ranting about this bull that I've just lost all motivation to update anything. Every single blasted time I ask for helpful comments I get this OR the 'I'm too shy to type a message out on the internet'. Ok well don't read ing fics if you're too shy to say anything about them. You think writers aren't shy? That they don't write beyond topics they know about? Hell writers put a lot into their updates, sometimes they write about things which scare them or can affect their health then you get this absolute bollocks. Another peeve comment which you didn't mention was "More " or "When's the ?" Like you know where the exit is please do us all a favour and take it →

People who comment don't realise how their comments reach/affect authors. If some even spent five whole minutes typing up something thoughtful we'd be all over it. I know it's tiring to leave comments but heck that's just me and I try to keep up with what I'm reading. I was surprised when I finished writing a fic recently and once it was done I got a load of comments telling me how unhappy people were with the ending...... HOW am I supposed to know if you're enjoying it or not if you don't tell me sooner? I refuse to rewrite and it's honestly pathetic how readers treat writers nowadays. I ranted a little bit myself there but I'm so relieved that someone as talented yourself is getting just as pissed off as I am about this. Fanfiction used to mean so much more and nowadays only a few "popular" writers are treated with respect. It's disgusting. Whatever anyone says I just want to thank you for being honest and speaking out for writers. You're amazing babe and I look up to you so damn much.
-Qiaolian #3
I've seen it so many times & every time i do, i give them all a downvote.
its annoyin af when you finish readin a chap from your fav story & scroll down to the comments sect to write yours & all ya gonna see is : UPDATE SOON!
We're all pretty aware of my own personal standing on this particular topic, but YAAAAAS. PREACH IT.
Readers just don't seem to get it.
I'm yet to find someone who writes who does leave comments like those.
Writers GET it.
This website and the toxic waste that bubbles within it are enough of a deterrent for the atrongest, let alone me, so I'm thrilled that you're just giving them the what for.
I wish I had balls as big as yours my love xo
ozwalkr #5
A-FREAKIN-MEN! I HATE comments like "update please". I find it disrespectful to the people who take time from their usually BUSY everyday life to write and post their stories. WE DO NOI just blink and a chapter happens! This is a long, delicate process, especially for longer fics where everything has to maintain flow and details from chapter one may be relevant to chapter 16. Its not easy to keep everything straight and in perspective! Yes, we love comments, but we love REAL ones. I try to make comments relevant to the story, or if I see a continuity flaw, make it known to the author in case they need/want to fix it. I have found that blocking these people hepls some, but usually I just call them some ugly name in my head and ignore them. I have learned through the years to not let the wankers get me down. Yes, it is hard somedays when you see 15 new comments and only 2 are worth the time to even look at, but I look at it another way too. AT LEAST they WANT me to update! Tiny consolation, but still a positive note to a crappy comment. Just take a deep breath, kick the trash can through the hedge, and do what YOU want to and let the ingorance of the masses flow past you and remember that WE are still here. The people who love you, understand you and go through the same stupidity that you do. Rant when you need to and we will all call them s together.
Tabismouse #6
Ooo can we up and downvote comments now? This could be relevant.
Tabismouse #7
This. I completely agree.

I know we say, as writers, that we love comments and they make us feel good. But those kinds of comments really just make me feel ty. I call it being treated like a fic dispenser. It is rude and annoying and dehumanizing. I've decided I am just going to delete these comments. You give em what for tho! I support it all the way.
AbsoluteHominy #8
Someone has to tell them. I try to be nice but sometimes comments are so freaking randoms. It's like spending hours making someone a cake from scratch and when you give it to them, they just go on about how pretty the plate is that its on. So did they like the cake at all, no one ing knows. I've gotten to the point where I'll gladly take "the was hot" over these whines or misdirected comments. *shakes head*
Give 'em hell, girl