소원 - Sowun Ent | 최애정 | Sirena | Lead Dancer, Rapper

Character Name — Choi Aejeong 최애정
nickname — 
Aegi - Ever since she was a kid, her mother addresses her with this nickname since she was her mother's only child. It was also derived from her real name.
Chae - Usually, her close friends call her this (that includes the groups from Sowun Ent.) This nickname was a combination of her surname, Choi, and the first syllable of her name, Ae.
 - Her favorite nickname. This is just the shorter version of her real name and mostly, friends also call her this alongside her other nickname Chae.

birthday — 25/12/1992
birth place — Seoul, South Korea
hometown —Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
nationality — Korean

languages — 
Korean - This is her native language as she was born and raised in South Korea.
English - Conversational; Aejeong had been learning this language ever since she was young.
 - Basic; She had an elective in Japanese language when she was in high school and also in college. Aejeong was very interested with it so she learned it well.

blood type — RH-O

Choi Aejeong

by ygsmjypfam (mei)


— What is exo planet? pretty sure that we are in korea.


face claim
 — Lee Sungkyung
back up — Jo Eunhee

height — 176cm
weight — 50kg

Upon seeing Aejeong at first glance when she's standing tall and not sporting a smile on her face, people find her really intimidating. The way she carries herself seems like she's someone to be truly respected. What they do not know that she's actually a very kind person who smiles brightly at anyone she sees. Many people really find her pretty... Aejeong has brown eyes that oftentimes, others would ask her if she's wearing contact lenses in which she will decline politely, she has a porcelain skin complexion that most women would die to have and she takes care of it with passion, and one of her best physical feature is her height. She was often asked if she had a foreign blood but she would clear out the confusion that she's a full blooded Korean. Aejeong also had always been underweight because she finds it really hard to gain more even though she eats a lot. This is why she's often mistaken as a supermodel, she's really tall and slim. She also has a beauty mark near her lips on her right cheek and has a dimple on her left one that appears whenever she makes any facial expressions. She doesn't wear make-up that much but often applies a light pink matte lipstick and mascara.

fashion style

— Should I manse before i rush?

Aejeong is quite known to be fashionable and at the same time, shows comfortness in her style of clothes. Her style varies, but almost sticks to the same kind of fashion. She is usually seen wearing long sleeve knitted sweaters, t-shirts, denim jackets, ripped jeans, skirts, denim shorts, and leggings. No one will ever see her go out wearing only sleepers nor sandals as Aejeong always preferred to wear sneakers, boots, and oxfords. Heels would also be a no no to her because she thinks it will be a death of her if ever she wears one. Aejeong's not much of an accessory fan either and she only likes wide brim hats, beanies, wrist watches, and anklets. She's also usually seen carrying a rucksack with different designs (she collects a lot) or messenger bags.



— Dumb dumb, red velvet isn't just a cake 

positive : diplomatic, friendly, graceful, intelligent
negative : Escapist, irresolute, passive, rancorous

Aejeong is the kind of person who's really not hard to like because of her easygoing and eager to please personality. One of her best known traits is being fair-minded. She always prefers justice and equality as she doesn't like the feeling of stepping on other people's feet. She seeks balance and harmony in the midst of different people and in whatever way she can, she will do her best to maintain that as she likes things right. Because of this, a lot of people appreciates Aejeong and truth be told, she considers everyone as her friends. It's always easy for her to mingle with others even if they have different situations in life. She can practically be thrown to any groups of people and she will find her way to befriend them. Hence, Aejeong is naturally charming and full of grace. She has this pleasing manner of talking that usually exudes sophistication and others usually think of it as very attractive. Her affability helps someone feel welcomed, happy, and comfortable. She has her way with words that's why it's easy to be drawn to her. Aejeong is an intelligent and quick-witted person too; the very reason why others remember her at once. She is a bright lady who likes to put her mind in good use. She uses her cleverness and communication skills to get to know others and be friends with them.

Although Aejeong seeks peace, whenever a big conflict arises, expect her to run away from it instead of actually facing the situation which usually leaves a problem unsolved. She doesn't like herself going through emotional stress and she'd rather read a book or watch a movie to forget reality. Because of her obsession for people to like and accept her, Aejeong tends to keep everything to herself and is somewhat scared to voice out her true feelings. She will bury it deep inside her heart just to make way for others and bring peace for everybody. Sometimes, she doesn't really know what her true feelings are because she always tries to make everyone else happy. Aejeong tends to be an indecisive person too just because she doesn't want to hurt anyone or to cause conflict in a given situation. When she'd be asked to choose between sides, she'll definitely have a hard time to make a decision and she sometimes forgets that she has her own opinions. And if all of these worries and insecurities are being bottled up inside her heart, it gradually turns to resentment. Aejeong can hold a grudge against someone especially when they've wronged her. If she treats other people kindly, she expects that in return. And being a passive person that she is, she will just keep everything in herself until she develops a certain resentment on someone who did something awful to her.

Aejeong is a perfect embodiment of a complex person. She doesn't know who she actually is and is desperate for love and approval by other people that's why she can never say the word "no" to anyone just to prove that she is nice. Some of her personalities clash with each other and she just accepts it just the way it was. She can be fun and really loud now, but later she can be all lazy and have simply no energy (Except for trainings, of course. She'd do her best because being given this second chance to live her life in 2015 is a very, very rare and unusual opportunity). Aejeong is most talkative whenever she is with the people she is comfortable with and she can rather show them her dork side freely; forgetting the fact that others actually view her as a prim and proper lady. She is afraid to be viewed as a bad person and is always conscious to whatever people thinks of her. She could be a scaredy cat, to be honest.


— likes

MUSIc — She generally lives for music and her interest to it started when she was still young.
hiphop — She thinks it's really cool and dynamic. So, upon taking interest with it, Aejeong decided to learn more about hiphop.
female rappers — Admittedly, Aejeong's role models for the hiphop scene are female rappers because they can show how fierce and strong a woman is throughit. She admires them a lot and she's the biggest fan of T Yoon Mirae, and for her, Mirae's the best.
NOTEBOOKS — Everywhere she goes, be sure that you'll spot her carrying one because she easily can think of words that may be used for songs or poems and she'll make sure to jot it down so she wouldn't forget it.
books — She loves to read, most especially when she's getting stressed out. It's her medium of escaping reality for a while and live a life in fantasy.
winter and snow — Since she was born on a winter's night, Aejeong likes to believe that her love for this season is because of that reason. She feels really happy when it's snowing.
films — Any genre will do for her, may it be horror, drama, comedy, or even romance (Though she would cringe at the thought of it). And she also loves musicals.
night time — She finds comfort at night.
Stars — Aejeong would usually find herself at the rooftop or at the patio, looking up to the heavens, admiring the twinkling stars that shine in the dark sky.
Traveling — She had her driver's license when she turned 18 years old and the old car of her mother was given to her. Aejeong usually goes out for a drive whenever she wanted to relax a bit.

— dislikes

Confrontations — Aejeong's scared of conflicts and arguments. If someone tries to confront her, she will feel really bad about herself and won't forget it.
Clowns — Because they're creepy.
Cockroaches — Dang those flying ones! She dislikes them to the core and yet she can't kill them because she hates the feeling of this insect's body on her shoe or slipper when she killed it.
People disappointed at her — She always tries her best to do what is right so it really pains her whenever someone's disappointed with her.
Fireworks — Ever since she was a kid, she never thought of it as fascinating and it actually scares her.
Medicines — The bitterness is too much OTL
Too much noise — Or anything that's too loud. Not necessarily, loud people though. For example, pressure cookers, fireworks, and the like.
Insensitivity — Aejeong had always been sensitive towards other people's situations or walks of life. She understands if someone is sad and she does everything to make them happy. This is why she usually expects people to do this for her and insensitive ones irk her most of the time as they sometimes don't care if they hurt someone.
Criticism — To be honest, she's really scared of being criticized and she knows that's very immature of her, but it just hurts. Now that she had matured more, she's trying to accept them openheartedly.
Amusement park rides — It doesn't amuse her in anyway.

— habits

Runs her fingers through her hair — She does this with no particular reason. It's just natural with her.
Pokes ends of hair to her skin/Face — This was a weird habit she had developed at an earlyage. Her mother told her that it was her way to make her fall asleep when she was younger. Now, she just does this when she does not have anything to do. Sometimes, when she's with the Sirena members, whoever has the longest hair, she'll gently hold their hair and poke the ends to her skin and sometimes face. They were surprised at first, but they just got used to it eventually.
Hums tunes whenever she's doing something — Aejeong likes music very much and she would oftenly heard humming whenever she does chores or simply walking. Sometimes, it irritates others too though and she'd quickly stop at once.
Jogs every 4:00am by the han river — She believes she needed some exercise too because she didn't want to die early :))
Looking but not seeing — Whenever she's in deep thoughts, Aejeong tends to stare at nothing in particular but in reality, she's actually looking at someone or a some thing, she just doesn't realize this because she's not exactly seeing where she's looking at.

— hobbies

Not all those who wander are lost — Literally. Aejeong likes to walk around when she's not doing anything or when she needs to relax. She'll go around and then she'll end up being at the rooftop.
Trying to compose songs / rap parts — She exercises her skills with it by constantly writing on her notebook and she'll play with words.
Going out for a Stroll — Whenever they're bummed at their dorms and she's done doing household chores, Aejeong will grabe her hoodie, shades, and face mask (sometimes scarf) to go out. She'll do her best to blend with people because she just needs this to recharge herself.
Reading books and watching movies — These are a form of escape for her, a chance to live in another world that she doesn't have. Aejeong enjoys doing these so much. Makes her happier too.
Listening to music — Another form of relaxation for her. If there are things that she can't say, she let the words of songs express what she truly feels.

— other facts

one — Has her own social media accounts. She has both Instagram and Twitter and for both platforms, Aejeong has the same usernames. @choiaj25
two — Aejeong graduated BFA Filmmaking in Korea National University of Arts with flying colors.
three — She's very much interested in beatboxing and she has decided to learn it.
four — She can play the violin because her grandmother taught her how to.
five — Became close friends with Kage and Nox members. Aejeong's pretty close already with the Sirena members and she's thankful that she's with them.
Six — Aejeong likes to do household chores and so in their dorm, she's usually seen cleaning, washing the dishes, and doing their laundry.
Seven — She owns three small potted plants in their dormitory and she placed them by the window in their bedroom. She waters them every morning.
Eight — Loves to eat a lot! Her favorite food are tteokbokki, jjajangmyeon, samgyeopsal, fried chicken, pasta, pizza, and all kinds of sweets and pastries. With drinks, she loves bubble teas (all flavors), coffee, strawberry milk, and fruit milkshakes.
Nine — Her favorite color is Tiffany Blue.
Ten — She's a leftie.
ELeven — Aejeong likes dancing to the songs of EXO, Big Bang, Infinite, and 2NE1.


— rock 'ur body to my love equation

The Present Aejeong lives alone in an apartment unit in Gangnam and her only companion was her pet gold fish named, Kimchi. She was pretty much satisfied with her life and it seemed like she didn't have to ask anything anymore. Her career in the Film industry as a cinematographer was great and she was earning more than enough. Aejeong's focus had always been her career and she never got the chance to marry and fall in love again. Of course, she had been in a few relationships along the way, but she felt like there was something lacking and to be honest, she found it easy to let these guys go. One night while she was watching the television, she happened to watch an idol show and Aejeong felt remorse with it as her passion and dreams for being an artist never fade away. This was when she realized how much she misses performing and what could have had happen if she pursued her passion for music. It was a dream that she sadly never got the chance to pursue and now that she was older, there was no way she can ever be one anymore. Working closely related to the entertainment industry even hurt her more and she felt annoyed with herself for being afraid on taking a chance to it. While watching, one of the idols happened to mention about Sowun.com and Aejeong got curious about the said site. She recalled that during the same day, she had been hearing about that peculiar website from a lot of strangers and as the curiosity fill her mind, Aejeong decided to check it out. Upon reading what the website was about, she registered there and joined the community as she discovered that there were a lot of people like her who never got the chance to do what they really love. It seemed like misery really loves company.

The Past Growing up, Aejeong already developed a deep sense of love for music and performing. Her mother actually enrolled her in a ballet school because she thought that being a ballerina shows the elegance of a person. Aejeong enjoyed the lessons and took this as her advantage since she was often chosen by her teachers to sing and dance during school events and that was when she knew this was her dream she wanted to pursue. Even though Aejeong looked like a girl who would prefer classical music than anything else, she's actually quite into hip hop ever since she was young. Her role model is the legendary, T Yoon Mirae and since she discovered the artist, Aejeong decided to learn how to rap and be like a confident and strong lady like Mirae. There was even a hiphop club in their school during her middle school and high school years and Aejeong joined those clubs because she knew it was a way to enhance her skills in that specific genre. Many of her classmates didn't think she could pull it off, but because of practice and 100% determination, she actually became good with it. Back in third grade, Aejeong's mother was sent to the USA for a big project and so she was left in South Korea together with her grandmother. The project lasted for three years and her mother even found a high paying job there so she stayed in the USA. When Aejeong was in her junior year in high school, she told her mother that she wanted to audition in a music company but her mother didn't give her the go signal as she thought it would just be a waste of time and Aejeong should just focus on the real things instead of her "hobbies". Originally, her mother wanted her to take up Architecture so Aejeong could follow her footsteps but unexpectedly, the younger girl declined and pursued Film studies instead as it was closer to the industry she really wanted to be in. Even though she was in Film, Aejeong was pretty much active in the theater and dance organizations in her university just so she could still be closer with her real goals. When she graduated college, her mother took her to the USA and Aejeong felt like it was even more impossible to pursue her dreams. She even found it harder to enter a Television Company there as the competition was high and she just found a job as a sales lady in a mall and her mother was really disappointed with that. They were pretty well-off to begin with and she wasn't belittling her job, but her mother was a different story. After two years, Aejeong felt depressed on what she had become and thought she haven't achieved anything yet. There was no growth in her so, she decided to go back home in South Korea and strived her best to enter in a film production company and her mother didn't stop her with that anymore. She actually wanted to try again in the music industry but she felt like it was too late for her already that was why she decided to work in film since she graduated with that major.


Miss Independent Aejeong never knew who her father was and she seldom talked about this with her mom. All she knows was that her father's a Korean working overseas. Both her grandmother (2034) and mother (2042) passed away already.


New Friend 2015 — Kim Hyuna // 23 // Idol - 4Minute // Cute, funny, talkative // Besides the Sirena, Kage, and Nox members, Aejeong met Hyuna during an event were idols were invited. They accidentally bumped into each other and they just started talking. Aejeong told her that she was into rapping as well and Hyuna was delighted to know that. They talked for god knows how long and the two decided to exchange numbers so that they could talk more. The two became friends in an instant, they even go out together to eat or even shop. To be honest, Aejeong felt really happy and honored to become her friend.

Close Unnie — Hwan Raeyul // 24 // Idol - Nox // Motherly, protective, honest // Because of Raeyul's motherly nature, Aejeong mostly leaned on her the first time they arrived 2015. She felt comfortable with her unnie and she often talks to her just so she could feel at ease. Aejeong was undeniably scared at first, but thanks to Raeyul and the rest of them who came to 2015, she felt better. Oh, not to mention, Raeyul is one of her girl crushes.

Sirena|Main Rapper, Visual (Lead Dancer, Rapper)

— The most common regret is not living a life true to yourself. Have the courage to live a life true to yourself, and not the life others expect of you.

Why did they wish to pursue music? — Performing and sharing my talents to everyone had always been my life. It's like, I was born to do this and nothing else. I have had the chances before, but due to some circumstances, I wasn't able to pursue it anymore. I've never felt like I've achieved anything or actually lived my life, unless it's for music.

Do they like being in 2015 with the others?  — There's no doubt to it how much I love being given a second chance to relive my life in 2015. Sure, it was pretty scary because suddenly my life changed to 180 degrees and I became someone whom I have always daydreamed about and always wanted to be. Then suddenly, it wasn't so scary anymore. I was given this opportunity already and I can't waste that. I am genuinely happy for everyone too because we all had something in common and now we're actually here, living our dreams.

Stage name; Aejeong
Persona; The Elegant Snowflake
Singing twin;
Bae Joohyun - Red Velvet (Just a backup :) )
Dancing twin; Jung Eunji - Apink
Rapping twin; Bae Joohyun - Red Velvet

last comment — Hello, Twilla! Yay! I'm finally done with my app. :) I had fun writing this! I hope the background part isn't confusing because I originally wrote something different already but when I checked out the other's app forms, I had the same idea with one applicant and I got scared that I may be accused of copying it so yeah~ Last minute changes. Haha! Sorry for the grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language. Thank you! Fighting with your story! :)

scene requests — I don't have anything in mind right now. But once something came up, I'll add it right awat and I'll let you know. Sorry, authornim. Thank you! :)

password — When I thought of Sirena's genre, these songs came to mind:

Number Nine - T-ARA
- Dal Shabet
Crazy - 4Minute
Red Light - f(X)
Catch Me if You Can - Girls' Generation
Can't Nobody - 2NE1
Come Back Home - 2NE1

Flashback - After School
Hot Pink - EXID

i'll love you right like any wolf can.

— Kim Myungsoo 김명수
— applicant


personality — At first glance, Myungsoo seems to be like an Ice Prince because of his handsome features and cold stares. It's not like he's actually like that though, people just need to crack the surface to get to know him. He is a debonair who naturally exudes confidence and suaveness that most girls, and everyone to be exact, actually find intriguing and not to mention, charming. His somewhat mysterious aura draws them to him and they all just want to get to know this young man. The way he carries himself seems like he's a person who holds a high position in the society, in a very good way though. He's also a real gentleman that's why a lot of ladies fall for him. And deep inside that stoic expression and "coolness" he wears everyday, when Myungsoo is comfortable with someone, he could actually be a dork who loves to laugh so much that there are times that it's hard to make him stop. His laughs are contagious and everyone will just find themselves laughing along with him. He is seriously should be known as a 4D Alien Prince because there's more to him than his piercing looks and he's actually a squishy and weird human being. His close friends mostly know this because he feels at ease and more like himself whenever he's around them. Yeah, a really handsome guy who says weird stuff and who unconsciously does aegyo. "Chef chef~" Myungsoo is a crazy guy with a really kind heart. He cares so much with the people who are dear to him and he will do anything to make them happy. He would check if they're okay and if they're sad, he will not think twice and he'll lend his ears to them. He will do his best to cheer them up and he will help them in any way he can. On another note, Myungsoo can be a very shy person at first and he usually covers that up with the cold facade he wears. He'll still hold his head up high and stand straight that makes him look confident, but in reality, he's in panic deep inside him. He just doesn't want to show it. He feels awkward with someone he just met like he has social anxiety whenever someone casually tries to talk to him. When it comes to the fans though, that's a different story and he'll gladly do fan service. Myungsoo can be a bit stubborn too when he feels like not listening to anyone. If he thinks he is right, his mind will not change or adjust to anyone else's just because they told him to. Myungsoo's also a bit blunt as he doesn't like to sugar coat things up. His co-members sometimes makes fun of it, but he just thinks it's easier if he is going to be honest around them instead of saying flowery words or keeping his opinions.

relationship — After their meeting, Myungsoo and Aejeong never got the chance to see each other again. Infinite became busy with all the concerts around the world whilst Sirena was promoting their songs. Not to mention, they even forgot to exchange phone numbers so, how the heck will they even talk again privately? To be honest, Aejeong tried to go to the spot where they first met every time she went for a jog but it seems like the universe was against it. Myungsoo did too but then again, they usually missed each other out. Like when Myungsoo just left, Aejeong will arrive or it was the other way around. Until one day, both groups were present in an event and they finally, FINALLY, got to see each other again. They actually left a good impression towards the other that was why they really wanted to be friends. This time, it was Aejeong who spotted him and called him at once. Miraculously, amongst the crowd, Myungsoo heard her loud and clear and saw her at once. (She wasn't hard to see anyway. She's a tall girl. Haha!) The two of them met half way and chuckled. The first thing that they did was to exchange phone numbers as they didn't want to miss another opportunity again. Since then, they would casually talk to each other on the phone. May it be sending text messages or even call. They talk about the shallowest things that they could think of to the most important ones. Myungsoo never felt awkward around Aejeong and they could just be their crazy selves whenever they're together. Sometimes, the two will meet secretly and tries their best to hide, just to eat jjajangmyeon or tteokbokki together. Their friendship was actually great and there were times that they would be actually sweet towards each other. Myungsoo already developed a habit of reminding Aejeong to eat on time and forget dieting because she was too skinny already or she will usually check up on him and ask how his day went. Talking with each other became a necessity for them and never will day go by without them chatting around. Whenever they see each other during events, they would casually talk to each other and people around them would question what's the deal with them. Of course, it didn't become a big deal because they just seemed to be really good friends. Few more months passed by, and the once friendship they had, jumped on to the next level. Aejeong knew she was falling in love already but she can't admit it outright to him because she was afraid that he might not feel the same way and might just scare him off. What she didn't know was that Myungsoo was already planning to confess and he mustered all his courage up to finally admit his feelings for her. He didn't prepare anything fancy as he knew Aejeong doesn't like cheesy stuff that much and confessed. Of course, our heroine was shocked. She always thought that he was just treating her as a best friend and didn't expect this coming. Aejeong lovingly accepted his feelings and told him she felt the same. :)

First Meeting — Myungsoo and Aejeong got to meet each other when the two of them happened to jog around by the Han River at the same time, one weekend morning. Aejeong decided to take a rest and looked for the nearest bench where she could sit first. Exhaustion washed over her since they have hard trainings everyday and she still wasn't used to it yet and she just can't find herself to skip a day without having to jog. So, she walked to the grassy part of the place and laid down there, planning to take a short nap just to make her feel better. On the other hand, Myungsoo took a turn just where Aejeong was sleeping and saw her laying on the cold grass. Being a concerned citizen, he immediately went to her aid as he thought that she may have fainted there. He tapped her shoulder gently and Aejeong woke up in an instant, only to see a very handsome young man sitting beside her. Of course, she knew him. Who wouldn't? Aejeong cleared and sat up. He asked her if she was fine and she replied quite shyly to him. Myungsoo thought she looked familiar and suddenly it dawned on him that Aejeong was actually an idol like him. (Both of them didn't wear disguises as they thought it was still early for fans to be lurking around) An awkward silence enveloped them and since Aejeong's the type to be more sociable, she did try her best to open up a conversation with him and truthfully, Myungsoo appreciated that. They started talking about non sense and then poof! They just clicked. The two ended up deciding to eat breakfast together and they actually enjoyed each other's company. One thing went wrong though... They forgot to exchange phone numbers.



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