Shipping Game (Stole it from EXOPROMISE)

» Answer the following questions on your own blog, and the people reading it can comment which kpop-idol they ship you with, based on your answers. It's all for s and giggles, and I have no intention of dating a k-idol, but the questions are pretty legit. I guess. 

Age: 14

Height: Around 150 cm -155 CM

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Black

Nicknames: none

Describe Yourself:

-Once I go fangirling, i can go shouting and running around my room xD

-I love food but I can't cook

-I like meeting new people, and I wish to have more friends!

-Can be crazy sometimes. I like to pretend to be Miss Universe :)

-I'm a crybaby.

Hobbies: Listening to music, playing sims, dancing( i'm just starting)

Special Skills: Typing...? I can type without see the keyboard. And, the most important one : EATING FAST!

Comment down who do you ship me with, thanks xD


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kimsfangirl #1
Kyungsoo ^^ He can balance your personality in ny opinion, plus he can satisfy your eating habit ^^