Lyn : Evelyn thompson
Lion_Heart36 : Yinie : 9 out of 10
full name : evelyn Gail Thompson.
other NAME(s) : song Hee young ( 송희영 ) // her name in Korean.
nickname(s) : 
ebie;ebwie // rocky calls her this, however since it is harder for Koreans to pronounce the v sound, evie ended up coming out as ebwie or ebie, she doesn't mind though, and now he perposely calls her ebie.
miss energy // this nickname came about when their main manager started calling her this. Everyone knew she was hyper when happy, so when he started calling her this, the nickname sort of caught on. She doesn't mind, in fact she likes being called it. Over all the members and their managers call her this the most.
happy virus;mood maker // the fans call her this, because it is exactly what she is. Sometimes they don't even call her lyn or Evelyn, just happy virus as a joke, because she embodies the meaning best of all. it is like her real name, some joke.
name // explanation.
birthdate : 12.08.99
birthplace : darwin, Australia.
hometown : melbourne, Australia.
ethnicity : german & Irish decent.
nationality : austrailian.
languages : 
english // fluent // she learnt it growing up, as it is her native tongue.
korean // high conversational // she is getting better day by day, but it's still kinda hard on her since she isn't too good at learning languages, she tried French once, and gave up after half an hour. Learning Korean was a doozy, yet worth it.
faceclaim : bea Miller
backup : dove Cameron
height & weight : 165 cm & 50 kg
bloodtype : o+
appearance : 
evelyn was born with fawn hair, and had it to her shoulders most of her life, the same during trainee days (minus her blue purple hair faze), however for debut, she cut it a little shorter, and dyed it blonde. Her eyes are a brownish green, but she likes wearing black circle lenses. She has a dolphin tattoo on her hip which she got with her father's promotion back in Melbourne. Her cup size is 36b, and her is just round enough to not be considered totally flat. She has a six pack, which is pretty impressive, but it isn't too defined since she is still young and a girl.
style : 
evelyn has a very urban, yet casual style. SHe wears what looks good and is comfortable before worrying about following trends. Some of her favourite pieces are tank tops, ripped Jean shorts, skinny jeans, docs, dangling earrings, and funky t-shirts. She likes earthy or vibrant colours, it really all depends on her mood.
traits :
+ ; outgoing, bubbly, caring, sensitive, passionate
– ; too-hyper, bold, judgemental, disrespectful, self-critical, fussy
personality : 
Evelyn cares a lot for those who mean something to her, not to say she won't look out for those not that close to her, but it is harder for her to open up and fully trust someone she doesn't know. While in the other hand, when she does trust someone, she dedicates herself to them. Making people happy is kinda her goal, even if she isn't conscious that it is. She is very bright, and loves to smile and spread hype and good vibes. Her bubbly personality is what draws people in, and she is very happy to make new friends...but best friends, well that might take some time. She judges people easily, just by their looks, or how they act around her the first time. She is quick with assumptions, so it takes a lot for someone to change her mind.

She is very sensitive, even if she doesn't seem so at first. She cries with her whole heart, and is very passionate about many things. When something or someone is important to her, she puts her entire being into it. Evelyn, unlike most young girls her age, cares very deeply and makes connections very easily. Not only that but she is stubborn, and so when she puts her heart into something it's rare she doesn't meat her goals.

However along the journey of making her goals applicable, she is very self critical about whether or not she is good enough, and constantly fussy. She pushes herself harder then she probably should a lot of the time.

She is outgoing, but bold. You won't see Evelyn slaking when it comes to her dreams or what she feels is right, but in many cases she has been seen as out of line, and very disrespectful. She has a mouth on her. Which isn't always a bad thing, but isn't always good either. On veriaty she uses her personality in a positive, bubbly way, the girl who isn't afraid to be un girly. However behind the scenes, as a trainee, she needed to be taught a lesson by the other trainees; that she wasn't good enough, and isn't able to do anything about it.

Over all, in her goodness, and in her badness, Evelyn is just a girl, one who needs close friends, and people she loves and that love her back; never leaving her side. Even if she acts too hyper, and makes people around her frustrated and annoyed, she'll do all she can to make you smile again.
background :
Evelyn was born on a stormy day in Darwin Australia. It was a worry if her father would even be able to make it in time for her birth, because the weather was so bad. This should have been taken as a sign, because even though her birth was supposed to have saved her parent's marriage, Evelyn's folks were getting a divorce by the time she was seven. Her dad won custody over Evelyn since she was so young and the courts saw it not fit for her to live with her mother, but her sister insisted on staying, but that is until she was beaten by one of her, other's new boyfriends that she finally agreed to live with their father. Her mom sobered up more, and broke up with that one guy, but her knew husband was ten years younger then her and a obsessed with beer. Evelyn didn't know how to express how she felt, so her father bought her a guitar so she could sing and play to get rid of stress, she took to it fast, and has been singing since then. By the time she was 14 she was expiring to go busking and hopefully be noticed...she never was, not by any producers anyways. Many people stood to watch, as she had a great voice.

Visiting her mother was always the worst two weeks of Evelyn's summers, and whenever she got home there was always something to cry about on Zander's shoulder. It was after one specific summer visit what she had come across Midnight Entertainment's Australian Auditions. She was walking by a theatre and saw a bunch of people lined up, and there were signs everywhere, but she was a little confused. She asked one of the girls in line what was going on, and she said a promising record label was holding auditions, and that she was close to her dreams coming true. All Evelyn ever wanted was for her dream of being a singer to become real, so she entered the auditions and got in line. When she got on stage, she felt there was something off, most definitely, because it didn't seem like a local record label audition...then again she had asked about that to the girl. All the judges were Asian, she had nothing against that, but she was a little suspicious. To everyone's surprise, before she introduced herself or went on about all the kpop boy/girl groups she loved (like every other contestant) Evelyn asked what audition it was for. It flustered everyone...everyone but the CEO. He just laughed lightly, before telling her it was for a Korean entertainment company he founded and that they were auditioning for trainees. Then he explained that all trainees would, like their title, train, and if good enough — scratch that — perfect enough, they could debut and become singers in the Korean pop industry.

Evelyn didn't know anything about this..."kpop"...so she was a little confused. After that the CEO did something a little unorthodox, he asked her is she came here to sing because she loved it more then anything else in the world...and she answered yes. Then he said there was only one thing he needed her to do, sing. It was unorthodox because everyone else was ready to yell "Next!" But he wanted her to sing and audition. She nodded, and took out her guitar. She sang 'irreplaceable' and after about a minute the CEO stopped her, and smiled silently, then he got out of his seat and walked over to a staff member, and handed them something to give to Evelyn. It was a tablet, with a video on it. The CEO said it was a song he had helped produce and was very successful. She pressed play,mans by the time it ended she was amazed, she hadn't seen anything like that before, and even if she couldn't understand what was said, the talent was amazing. The CEO then asked her if that was something she would be interested in doing....and Evelyn said yes.
likes :
• Dolphins 
• blues, oranges and purples
• singing
• performing
• having a good time with her friends 
• Korean bBq 
• the company cafeteria
• her group members
• warm milk before bed/tired or stressed
• muffins
• pineapples
• clear skies on a summer day, with a light breeze
• napping
• drawing
• Astro, mainly rocky
• Amber senior
• weekly idol
• horror movies
dislikes :
• her trainee days
• fighting with zander
• being controlled by Joo hyun/not being aloud to sing
• the thought her dreams might not come true
• the co-CEO (lol, she finds her intimidating)
• super girly outfits, not on others, but on her
• when people down talk her friends
• when she hasn't slept
• doing her hair up fancy on a normal/regular day, a.k.a messy buns or nothing
• jéssica's scolding
• having to be the one to cook
• useing a Rice cooker
• when someone takes away her food
• dieting
• super cutie pie girl groups
• Joo hyun (ok, like, she had to be on this list)
• cliffhangers (curse you every kdrama ever!!)
hobbies :
• dancing
• drawing
• playing the guitar 
• photography
habits :
• scrunching her nose when frustrated
• filling her cheeks with air
• nodding her head to the beat, she doesn't even notice, just does
• frowning and raising an eyebrow at the same time (she calls it Lyn-face)
• rubbing her right eyebrow when stressed
• acting boy-ish (a.k.a her reactions during sports games and while playing mortal kombat ㅋㅋㅋ)
trivia :
• first and for most she is minbin/binhyuk(Minhyuk and moonbin)'s number one fan/shipper
• she loves cake
• she is obsessed with Audrey Hepburn, she has lots of clothing items with her on them. she thinks of her as an amazing female role model, and quotes her a lot
• if jéssica is obsessed with batman, then Evelyn is obsessed with dolphins, her phone case has a dolphin on it, her sketch book's cover has Dolphins on it, and her first sketch In it is a dolphin, her favourite night shirt has Dolphins on it, and sometimes she does her nails with dolphin designs. She even has a necklace, which she got back home, with a Dolphin on it. It is her number one lucky charm
• my fair lady is still her favourite movie, but pirates of the Caribbean is a close second
• when she was young, she used to be in love with h2o just add water
• her American celb crush is Orlando bloom (something both her and Amber have in common)
• the first Korean drama she saw was my love from another star, and recently she finished watching the innocent man and is crushing on joong ki (because who doesn't?)
• it became a trending topic when hyeong don gave her a piggyback ride on weekly idol, he personally said she was his favourite in chasing dreams because of her lively and outgoing side on tv. He also said if she wanted to go into variety he would love to be her mentor.
• her fav song on chasing dreams' debut album is 'Way to go' because it makes her think of all her loved ones
• she loves watching horror movies, but they scare the bananas out of her
• her favourite American band is fall out boy, and one of her most prized possessions is a shirt with their logo on it
• her current jam playlist
• she used to do a lot of busking when she was younger
• she has two different insta accounts. One that the fans know about and follow: chasing_lyn & her private account for only personal friends and family to know about: ausie_dolphin34
• on chasing_lyn, she posts selfies of herself, members, idol friends, and random stuff she wants to share with the fans. on ausie_dolphin34 which she has had since 2011 and possesses all her personal stuff, only friends from back home, and people she wants to have that personal connection with are allowed to follow her. She posts a lot of stuff that media would probably pick at and could start scandals or rumours over, for example the picture Rocky took on her phone while they were chilling out with the rest of the Astro members. Evelyn had her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist, while he had his arm around her waist to keep her from falling. Both were making funny faces in the mirror and were just fooling around, but she knew it could start rumours if it was a public photo
• she has a close relationship with their main manager, she trusts him and He is kinda like a big brother in some ways
• practice room three is very important to her, she spent most of her trainee days there practicing dancing while the others were doing vocal lessons. Even when everyone else, including those who stay back late to practice have left, Evelyn won't leave right away. She if she isn't practicing, she'll just look at herself in the mirror wondering about her future and debut. Sort of contemplating life in general
• the only time she feels like she gets to be herself completely is when she is alone in a practice room, or with her members. Its not that she pretends to be different the rest of the time, but with her members or hanging out in the practice room she feels free and able to speak her mind honestly and let loose a little
• she has sketched every member of chasing dreams, multiple times in her sketch book
Evelyn says :
  #1    "I think I just activated the self destruct botton on the rice cooker!"
    #2     "do rice cookers have self destruct bottoms?" "No" "then what the hell did I just press?!"
    #3        "shut up so I can draw your stupid face!"
    #4        "no body move, I dropped my paint palet!"
    #5        "Let's face it, a nice creamy chocolate cake does a lot for a lot of people; it does for me...CAKE!!"
    #6      "oh my god I think you fatally injured you halarious gene!"
    #7      "fall out boy is love, fall out boy is life."
  #8     "sorry, what was that? I couldn't here you over my awesomeness"
  #9     "remember me, for centuries!"
  #10   "heavy metal broke my heaart!"
  #11     "the opisit of amnesiaa~!"
  #12    "The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides."
  #13     *sings 4minute hate* "that's what I feel about you."
  #14    "I have at least seven books on my shelf I haven't read. Total amount of books I own? Seven."
  #15     "I wonder how many times I'll have to bang my head against the wall until I can't hear you anymore?"
  #16     "we coo be immoooooooor immortals~"
family :
father / anthony thompson / 50 / restaurant owner / he is very serious most of the time making it harder to get along with him for most people, however somehow, evelyn is the one who always manages to get the goof out of him. just seeing her puts a smile on his face. naturally they are very close, her first job was at his restaurant, and growing up he was her role model. he has a habit of pulling on her ears playful, as when she was little she would run around doing that saying she was an elephant, and evelyn always pinches his stubbly cheeks because his ruff face was her favourite part of her daddy as a kid.
mother / shannon levi / 47 / bar tender / evelyn was the product of her parents trying to fix their marriage. simple as that. she wasn't an accedent like courtney was, but still, shannon and anthony weren't ment to be from the start. shannon is very care free, and doesn't think before doing, she just does, and most of the time when she "just does" it ends badly. anthony tried to love her, and did, but her attitude just wouldnt mix well with him. when evelyn was seven her parents divorced and she moved in with her dad in melbourne, her sister wanted to live with her mom, but ended up moving in with them a year later. evelyn hates seeing her mother, as much as she doesn't want to. shannon got remarried to a drunk, and still lives in darwin. visiting her was always the worst part of evelyn's summer. shannon loves to play the role of cool mom, but offering your teenager alcohol and wanting to party like your sixteen when your over forty...well evelyn wasn't into that.
older sister / courtney thompson / 23 / waitress / courtney is a lesbian. evelyn doesn't care though, and her father excepts it, her mom still thinks it's just a kink...it is all kinda confusing, more so when she first came out. her girlfriend stefanie is totally cool though, and treats evelyn like a little sister too, so she doesn't mind at all. courtney loves her sister, now they are like best friends, and she is the first to know of all evelyn's boyfriends and crushes. they used to fight a lot when they were little, but now that's in the past. courtney loves listening to all of chasing dreams songs, even if she can't understand korean (she even discovered f(X) because of evelyn, and is a total fan).
friends :
best friend (my potato) / naomie seo / 16 / midnight ent. trainee / naomie has been a trainee since the 2011 auditions in the philippines were she was living with her family at the time. she was only 12, but a hard working, and seemingly promising trainee, however she started loosing passion half way through her second year do to bullying from other trainees. she stayed with the company because of her sweet voice, and in 2013, when the new trainees from other countries came in she was even more over whelmed...until she met evelyn. because she lived in the philippines her english was pretty descent, and so seeing how much of an out cast evelyn was, naomie wanted to approach and talk to her. they got close fast, and naomie is to this day one of evelyn's closest friends, even if she got to debut before her. neither mind, friendship is friendship. they have nicknames for eachother, naomie is potato, and evelyn is pancake. they are like sisters really.
best friend (my dad) / jéssica rodrigues / 18 / member of chasing dreams / jéssica was always rather intimidating in evelyn's eyes, at the start anyways. as they all got to know eachother better, and evelyn became more open, the two started to bond, both being not even remotely asian, and having the same kinda pressure (jewel maybe a bit harder being a main vocal and not a lead vocal, either way). even if she is only a year or so older, jéssica treats evelyn almost as if she is her child, but not like a mother would. jéssica has a habit of scolding evelyn like a father would, and when it gets to the point were she is yelling in portugese at the girl for leaving her laundry everywhere...well at that point evelyn knows she is in trouble. lol. she tried calling jéssica "father" in korean, and it ended terribly wrong. jéssica ended up chasing her around the practice room for a full five minutes while the others enjoyed the fried chicken they ordered. over all, jéssica is protective over evelyn, and tries to keep her settled down on tv, but everyone knows evelyn is a hyper butterfly. believe it or not, jéssica has actually voluntarily given her piggy back rides, and they used to sleep together in their trainee dorms, till the chasing dreams members moved to their group apartment.
best friend (my mom) / choi min ah / 20 / member of chasing dreams / despite jéssica's hate for being called "father" min ah adores it when evelyn calls her "mother". evelyn never had a proper mother figure, so the caring protective way min ah treated evelyn as an older member, evelyn couldn't help wanting to show her affection back. they weren't that close when evelyn joined the company, because there were so many trainees, but once min ah started noticing evelyn more, min ah realized evelyn was just a child, and she needed someone to look out for her; min ah wanted to be that person. even if evelyn calls her "mother" fans also dub them "minlyn" because of how close they act. min ah is always fixing evelyn's hair, and they hug quiet a lot, as well as hold hands. min ah never scolds evelyn, which makes the others somewhat jealous, becuase somehow she is able to worm her way around strict min ah. they have rooms across from eachother, and min ah is always the one who is able to get evelyn up in the morning (well jéssica does too, but that usually doesn't work till she is hitting her with a pillow).
close friend (my queen) / amber liu / 23 / member of f(X) / they met at m!countdown were amber was a guest mc, and backstage they got talking, because their cool, chill, but lively traits mixed well. amber wanted to look out for evelyn and chasing dreams after that, and she gives lots of good advice. she knows what it is like to be different in the industry, she was the first tomboy idol, so many people judged her, and she knew people would judge evelyn and the others of chasing dreams for being different too, and wanted to help give her advice and support. amber is a real role model/mentor for evelyn, as she is always helping her and inspiring her. she couldn't have asked for a better senior.
others :
rival / go jae hyun / 18 / midnight ent. trainee / jae hyun was one of the original midnight ent. trainees, and believed she had an amazing voice. she was certain she would debut, all the trainees loved her talent, but in 2013 her competition tripled for the spot of main vocalist. jéssica was an obvious fit, as well as [insert 2nd main vocalist name] and a couple more. so she desided to set her sights on lead vocalist, and wouldn't let anyone stop her, however during a vocal lesson, the trainees were to do a duet in order to get the old and new trainees mixed together, and jae hyun got pared with a trainee who seemed almost invisible do to how shy she was. she was new too. her name was evelyn and seemed easy to trample, but when they got to practicing their randition of "rolling in the deep", jae hyun was unpleasantly shown up vocally [ X ]. after evelyn's turn singing the song, jae hyun started taking to her in korean, which she didn't understand, but could tell was threatening. it ended up with jae hyun singing most of the song, and evelyn would do the back up. the judges/staff were impressed in jjae hyun's voice, and completely ignored evelyn. jae hyun wanted to keep it this way, so kept bullying and threatening evelyn to keep from singing "too much". evelyn was upset, but there wasn't much she could do, she didn't know how to stand up against jae hyun, and so spent most of her time in practice room 3 dancing instead of hanging out in the vocal room with the other singers. jae hyun resents evelyn after she debuted, saying it should have been her.
mystery guy / yoon doo joon / 26 / member of beast / now, their relationship is...interesting, to say the least. when doojoon started having suspicions of kikwang and jewel, he was concerned and curious, like any good hyung would be. of course, this man being doojoon, he has a unique approach when it comes to "confirming" their relationship for himself. instead of just asking kikwang like a normal human being, doojoon took it upon himself to...spy on them. at music shows, or anywhere both beast and chasing dreams were, he would stalk spy on the two...however somehow always being caught by lyn, of all people. so, after she got tired of always teasing this strange oppa, lyn started offering and sharing her snacks and drinks with him, even staking out together. in return he gives her lots of tips about being an idol (as he has been around for more then six years); much like amber...except her advice was meaningful...and actually helpful...instead this was what evelyn calls "doovice" from the "stalker oppa". he sighs at her not taking him seriously (but I mean who would, this is doojoon we're talking about, he can be a little over the top sometimes...but still adorable). strangely, the rare time she does take his advice, it happeneds to workout, of course she won't start doing everything he says anytime soon.
boyfriend; ex boyfriend / Zander Hillis / 17 / unemployed / well, they have known eachother ever since evelyn moved to melbourne. they grew up together, being neighbours. they went to all the same schools, and in their group of friends, they were the two that everyone wanted to end up together. honestly it did end up like that. they started to date in early 2013, and considering her ideal type, she thought they could really be perfect, and it seemed so. he was even a big support to her music dreams, and would help get an audience together for her busking. thing is, she moving over seas didn't bode well for him, but after a fight were she told him her personal passions were more important then any man, he had to surrender, if not he would seem selfish and ist, and his girlfriend obviously wouldn't like that. they talked on the phone sometimes (because we all know over seas calling is super expensive) but texted even more often. he was the ligh of her everyday when she was having a hard time. the company didn't mind her still dating him, since they were in totally different countries, and she didn't use her phone that often till after practice. even when chasing dreams debuted they were still in a relationship, it really seemed like they were ment to be...that is until evelyn started to become friends with the members of astro, more specifically her 99liner pal rocky. these two were together all the time, all the fans knew the 99liners (not just lyn and rocky, other idols born at that time too like seventeen dino) were close. however, on evelyn's personal, secret, private account, she has a lot of videos and photos that would be considered "scandal worthy" because she is very close with rocky and the others in these videos. basically zander didn't want evelyn talking to him, or cavorting with him anymore, and she would have to pick between her boyfriend and one of her now closest and dearest friends...she picked the latter, especially because of the way he told her to stop being friends with rocky.
Chasing dreams contains the most talented girls from all around the world. How do you feel knowing you're one of them? :
well, its really just unbelievable, because I spent so much of my life hoping, and dreaming, but never actually getting anywhere. So to think a little dash of luck got me here; dancing and singing with amazing girls, and meeting very talented people all day, not to mention being friends with them – it's pretty insane. I know I'm not the best, but I try my best to do well in order to honour all these incredible people I know. Most of all my members.
why did you decide to become an idol? : 
Well, idol wasn't really what I was going for originally. From the start I've loved music, and when I was little I decided it was my destiny to be a singer. Who am I to stand in the way of fate? However fate never really came my way, BUt when it did, I thought training to be an idol would be the exciting challenge I was meant for. unfortunately it was harder then I though; but music is my dream, so no matter what I'd work for it, and here I am.
how do you feel about finally debuting? : 
it's almost serial. I feel like just yesterday I was was saying goodbye to my family, and boarding a plain to South Korea, and starting my first confusing day as a trainee. Of course that was almost four years ago. *starts getting chocked up* Today, I'm finally debuting, I'm finally making my dream real, and it's impossible to explain how happy I am in just words. *sniffs and wipes tear away*
if you weren't an idol, what would you be? : 
right now? Or as a future career choice in general? Well right now I'd be a normal high school student, struggling to get noticed for her voice. It wouldn't be that bad I guess, because I would have Zander and my friends, but then leading into a future career choice, I'd probably be a stay home wife/mother, which I'd hate, because that is a typical female stereotype. So I would probably look into work, and then find nothing that interests me, but go into finance because for some reason I'm good at math. So basically I'm painting the picture of almost everything I've never wanted. It sounds negitive perhaps, but there really isn't anything else I'd want to be but a singer. Not just a street singer either, one who's music can be heard all around the world.
what was the hardest part about being a trainee? : 
wow, ok, well...I think for the average trainee it would be "am I not good enough?" or, "will I ever debut?" Those sorts of questions. However for me, it was "will I ever get to show what I love?". As a trainee, I was unable to show my singing voice properly. I won't go too much into the specifics because then this interview would take ages, but basically I worried all three. It scared me to death even, the thought of losing my big chance at becoming a singer. Thank goodness for the CEO-Nim, because without him I probably wouldn't have gotten a chance. Him and the other girls are really what got me through it all.
what is your ideal type? : 
Uhm, I don't really know when it comes to looks. I just don't care when it comes to that sort of superficial stuff. Personaly I want to be in love with my best friend. Not saying I am crushing on my BFF, but when I'm in a relationship with someone, I don't want to worry about acting girly and pretty for them, or going on fancy dates...I'm not into that. What I want is someone who knows, understands and loves me for me, and someone I understand, know and love as well. We can just do nothing and have fun together. No pressure, just love. You don't need to dress up feelings with an expecive restaurant, ordering take out is one thousand times better in my books. As long was we can have that kind of relationship, what he looks like doesn't mater to me....However I do have a strange attraction to hands, necks, and thighs...don't ask me why *thinks lol that rythmedㅋㅋㅋ* I just do.
would you date a fan? : 
well, I'm not sure. If he is a nice guy and we have lots in common sure...but I'm kinda already In a relationship. But I have no OTher objections against that as long as we can be like friends at the same time. Like I said about my ideal type, I don't want to feel pressured to be a certain way with any guy I date. So whether he is a fan or not wouldn't be a problem for me.
where do you see yourself in 20 years? : 
shizz, i just realized i'll be like 36 then! *awkward pancake pause* oh! uhm, well, since i'll be 36, by then i expect to probably be married, maybe have kids – because honestly part of me has always wanted to be a good mom. love is important, we all as human beings need it, or else life would be empty. in 20 years i definitely want to be married and a mother...i want to be living happily in 20 years. not only that either, but I hope to work for a compony, hopefully even midnight, as a composer, or vocal trainer. I never want to leave music...it's my life.
stage name :
lyn  // It is derived from her full first name, Evelyn. Originally they were going to go with her middle name Gail, but because it was harder to pronounce for Koreans without sounding off, they went with Lyn, since it was elegant and short, as well as pronounceable.
persona :
atmospheric energy ; energy princess // because of how energetic she is, people always find her very bright and refreshing, however she is very hyper naturally, meaning the slightest thing will get her going, and she fills the atmospher with a birght excitement most wouldn't believe. She'll jump up and down, clap her hands super fast, whatever it maybe, she'll get you just as hyped, and the energy just grows. So, because of this, when ever she introduces herself, she always says she is chasing dreams' atmospheric energy.
position : 2nd lead vocals.
talent twin(s) :
vocal twin // jimin - 15&
dance twin // Sohyun - 4minute
aegyo twin // Seulgi - red velvet
Variety twin // bomi - apink
trainee years : about 2 and a half, almost three.
trainee life :
After Joo hyun and Evelyn's performance of Rolling in the Deep, the CEO was very disappointed. He was amazed at Evelyn during the auditions...he wasn't sure what the matter was. He then took the time to watch her closely, the only class she was doing well in was dance, the others she was lacking in. Plus she wasn't even attending vocal training! If this kept up the Co-CEO would insist he drop her. But Sungjin was willing to do that. He kept an eye on her, and noticed her one day spying on the vocal lessons, but ran back to the dance studio. Later Jang Jun ho reported to the CEO of Jae hyun, one of the trainees with a group of girls, picking on Evelyn after the work out. They were flicking hair ties at her and everything. This got the CEO think that something was up, even Hyejin noticed something was up, since Evelyn got an English question wrong. Sungjin thought this was the last straw, and so did his sister. She said if he didn't confront Evelyn, she needed to be dropped.

Evelyn was practising hard as always, in dance at least, and was getting bored of the trainee's cover of Growl, and decided to ply something else. She was dancing to hard to 'Ain't No Body', when she somehow burst into tears. She didn't want to dance right now, she wanted to sing...so she got up, and went to her phone to change the song. No one else was in practise room three, because the girls had convinced Joon hoon to go out and eat meat with them. Evelyn didn't feel up to it, she was feeling particularly depressed today. She changed the song to an instrumental, and after taking a breath, began to sing. Little did she know, she was being watched, and by Min Joo hyun and Jung Jun yeon no doubt. They were blown away by her vocals, and then went to talk with the CEO. Sung jin and the others agreed the next trainee evaluation would be soon, and they needed to hear Evelyn sing.

As usual, she danced, and people clapped, but she was no where near as good as many other dancers, but she was still very good. However, before she could leave, and let the next performer (I'd think ironically Jae hyun, but who ever), they stopped Evelyn...and asked her to sing. The song they requested, was 'you raise me up', the song she had sung in the practice room. While performing she did get a little chocked up, but the whole room was in silence and in aw, because she had finally been able to sing, like she was meant to.

After that, she was basically forced to go to vocal lessons, and even though she wasn't the best, everyone knew she was great, and better then Jae hyun and her bullying. This wasn't the only thing she struggled with. Even though she was learning Korean diligently now, she still had trouble once in a while, and the culture shock was actually starting to hit her. Before she was worried about singing, but now she was able to enjoy herself by going out and doing things....but then she realized she wasn't in Melbourne anymore. It was Seoul, and that meant Korea, and that meant totally different country. She had many instances of getting lost on the subway, in Myeongdong, and trying to talk to people but being ignored or criticized for being rude. People just didn't seem to like her.

This wasn't always the case though, there were many people who gave her directions, and politely corrected her on her honourifics. She even had a nice conversation with a curious old lady on the subway when she got lost and had to ride the subway all the way back to the main station. All in all there were hard times, lots of them, but over all she was happy, because she knew she was making friends and making a home there somehow. Plus, this was the easy bit...debut is a whole other rainbow of chaos!
pre debbut : 
well, before she became a trainee, evelyn did a lot of busking on the street, or in parks. her boyfriend and other friends would video tape her, and they posted quiet a few on youtube. as for pre debut activities after becoming a trainee, she was asked to be an extra in got7's music video for 'a', though she doesn't have a lot of screen time, she was one of the background extras.
scandals :
cd member dating? (true) // after chasing dreams debuted, the fact that they had non Asian members steered curiosity, so many people wanted to research and get to know more about these foreign members. naturally people eventually came across evelyn's old busking videos, in which she was not only singing, but later kissing and hugging a boy. after this blew up on social media, lyn came out and spoke about this. she said that she was in fact in a relationship, and she had known him her whole life practically. they were very close and he was very nice and supportive (*cough* in his own way *cough*) so she believed the fans would like him. after some criticizing, among others support, the news died down, till the point were it was announced she wasn't dating zander anymore.
cd member depressed? (false?) // many people noticed lyn had been posting many pics of herself on insta using a black and grey filter, in which she did not smile. people began to, do to her young age, think she was depressed, and many fans were afraid their energy princess was un happy. she told the fans not to worry, and that she was just tired and had no make up on so the filter made her look less sweaty (of course not too many people believed that but didn't say anything). either way the ceo granted lyn two weeks vacation during one of the groups breaks were she could go home. when she came back she had mixed emotions about zander, but happy to see her dad and sister.
love interest : park Minhyuk (Rocky) of Astro
backup love interest : moon bin of astro
personality :
+ ; cheeky, friendly, bright, kind, passionate, thoughtful
– ; reserved, clueless-in-love, reserved(shy), competitive
rocky is very cheeky, in the sense he is always smiling and being charming. he is a very friendly person, but because he is kinda reserved (or as Evelyn calls if "shy") he won't be the first to aproach someone. You need to go to him first, then when he sees your open to being friends, he'll gladly get to know you.  another part of his reserved nature, makes him semi clueless-in-love. He won't know what to do or how to tell her how he feels, and when he realized he liked her, it was before Evelyn and Zander broke up, and he couldn't tell she liked him till she told him to his face. In which case he opened up (kinda) and was super adorable. Because he is bright, he likes bright people. Rocky enjoys lively things, so hanging out with people who are lively like him is always great. He is a kind person, and cares a lot about s and those who are important to him such as friends and family. Many people have said it...he is a dance prodigy. There is no denying it, he is completely amazing, and his passion is un de handle as well. from a young age he has been working hard at dance and at making his dreams come true. However he is a little competitive. As a trainee, before the ASTRO line up was confirmed there was much completion even among friends, in order to debut. He is very thoughtful though, and looks out for those closest to him, and is in general a loveable person.
history :
The first time Evelyn met Rocky was when both groups were on a special weekly idol episode centred around trending rookie groups: ASTRO and Chasing Dreams! Rocky had done his solo dance to Usher Moving Mountains (Phatt Remix) on Mission_TV. Evelyn was very impressed, and Rocky found her confidence and silliness refreshing (lol, she gets the piggy back on this episode of weekly idol). They parted ways after that, but not after exchanging contact information. They knew they were meant to know each other, and after filming weekly idol they texted LOTS, and one day Rocky called her and asked if she wanted to hangout with him and the other members at their company. They happened to have a day off on the same day, and so Evelyn was happy to hangout. They couldn't really go out and do anything, so she just snuck over to their company and chilled out with the ASTRO boys in their practice room. They all played around and even ordered take out! You'll bet Lyn was excited about that^^

Evelyn found it fun hanging out with people around her age, it was fun with her members, but it was like they were her only friends, and now she had some guys she could chill with. Somehow she always preferred having male friends, probably because she could act like a bro around them and not get scolded for being unladylike. Trust me she was scolded many a time. However, around the boys, she could just sit around and chill. Plus they got the drone thing working again so they all had lots of fun.

Rocky and Evelyn became really close friends through these times. It want just one day, it was whenever they had free time, they even hung out at music shows they were both on. People would say "Where there is a Rock, there's a Lyn.", and it was quiet true. They were almost always together, and so as you can imagine (or at least I do XD) some fans started shipping them as Rocklyn (because omg that sounds so cute!! The dorky child couple^^). However they were really just friends. That is until Evelyn gets a phone call from her boyfriend one time they were hanging out and Rocky started feeling kinda weird, jealous actually. He tried to ignore it, but the fact Evelyn had a boyfriend angered him for some reason. It didn't matter how he felt though, he knew that. He wasn't allowed to feel jealous, so he didn't say anything.

Then Evelyn went home, and Rocky really missed her. They texted often, though it bothered Zander how many times they did, not to mention the stories of funny things she had done with ASTRO. Zander was proud of his girlfriends for making her dreams real, but he didn't this Rocky, or Minhyuk, whatever his name was! He said he didn't like her being so close to other guys, and that he felt like she didn't care for him anymore. She didn't want him to think that so she stopped talking to Rocky while she was on vacation and spent time with Zander. They did lots together, and it was nice, but Rocky felt kinda dejected. His best friends picked her boyfriend over him, but once again he wasn't allowed to be jealous so he didn't say anything.

When she got back, she felt kinda awkward around Rocky for just leaving him hanging, but he said it was fine. They started getting back to normal, and with out thinking Evelyn posted a picture of her and Rocky being adorable together on her private insta. It said in the description they were being silly while waiting for MJ to pay for the chicken they ordered, but that is what got Zander angry. He called Evelyn and started yelling at her, she got upset and even cried. Then came the ultimatum. Chose between her selfish bf, or her BFF who made her feel happy in a foreign country? She ultimately picked BFF. Rocky was shocked when she came back in with swollen eyes saying she had to leave.

After crying with her member Eonnies, she started feeling a little better (because Jessíca threatening to beat you ex up and a bowl of ice cream plus a popororo blanket makes everything better) and life started to seem normal. Eventually the split into sub units and that meant Evelyn had to leave to the US soon. She had to sh by to some of her me,her for a while, plus her friends (aka the reunion of pancake and potato!)...plus Rocky. He stopped by Midnight Ent. to say goodbye, and when they were alone he told her he would really miss her, and even kissed her on the forehead (lol kdrama moment XD) after kinda sorta confessing.

She felt so strange after that, and she could stop thinking of Rocky the entire time they were promoting in America. What did that kiss mean? He said he liked her? He probably was just being a good older twin brother right? Right? But they weren't really twins...they were best friends...and he kissed her...and now she feels...happy? The members noticed she was a little spaced, but when they caught her doodling in her sketch book in their dressing room during a photoshoot, that's when they figured out what was up. She was constantly re copying "Evelyn Park" and "Mrs. Park Minhyuk" and finally "rocky~" all over it in different colours matched by a sketch of a guy kissing a girl on the forehead.

When they got back Evelyn needed to figure out what she was feeling, but until then they just kept acting like good friends, and they cared and looked out for each other.
interactions :
• Rocky and Evelyn aren't afraid of skinship together, they used to be, but it just became natural. They hold hands, seven hug sometimes.
• She likes to rest her head on his chest while they lie on their backs in practice room number three. You know why?
• Because with the lights off you can see the glow in the dark star stickers the trainees put on the ceiling.
• They have also taken Polaroid pictures together and have then stuck to the back wall.
• They ruffle each other's hair a lot too.
• Because Rocky calls her ebie, Evelyn calls him Rockhyuk sometimes, however most of the time just Minhyuk.
Actual relationship : close friends with feelings for each other.
future RELATIONSHIP : you can pick Debbie.
comments :
hey, I'm really sorry it has taken so long for me to hand this in. I've just been busy, but I'm handing it in now. I hope you like her, she is like ma baby, lol, jk. But seriously I worked really hard on her so I hope you like her. I'll start working on my second app soon as well. I'd love you hear what both you and your co-author think (because I put the both of you in my app, lol) I really do hope you like Evelyn! I'll fix or add on anything you think neccisary, also I'm super excited right now because I've decided what high school I'm gonna go to! Plus guess what? They have a kpop club there! But that's not the only reason I'm going, they also have drama and theatre appreciation and I might be going to Europe next year! Also I'll hopefully be in English ap so it should be really cool^^
scene request(s) :
• chasing dreams American promoting sub group visits a late night talk show as guests, and while they are being interviewed, the host asks Evelyn about Rocky, since everyone knows (fans at least) that she is very close with him. Evelyn gets excited and says he is literally one of her closest male friends and in some ways he is like her twin. She jokes about how they are "obssessed with one another" while the members say they are like glued to each other, and Evelyn also refers to him as her "spirit animal" (maybe, I don't know, lol). The members explain how because they are the same age, it was very easy for them become friends so quickly in Korea. Evelyn also mentions how she has him on speed dial, and the host asks her to call him. Evelyn eventually agrees, but he doesn't pick up till the third ring. He tells her he was in the middle of practice but couldn't pick up till the dance coach left and Evelyn makes a pouty whiny noise, and the audience is astonished (along with the host) while the girls are just giggling. They talk in Korean and then Evelyn tells the host what they said. When she tells Rocky they were on live tv he pauses and then laughs before calling her "daebaek".
• jessíca and Evelyn going out for ice cream in Seoul and are asked to take pictures with the manager, who tells them they can get free ice cream when ever they come there.
• the group getting in a fight after the tragic thing that happens and then eventually making up and becoming closer.
suggestion(s) :
• if you use wings as their sub unit debut, instead of the U.K. Flag, you could have the South Korean flag, or the South Korean flag in the middle surrounded by all the flags representing were the members are from/their heritage or ethnicity. This could become something talked a lot about in the media.
• the unit groups film themselves dancing and singing along to the other's songs. For example starz could film themselves In a  hotel room dancing and singing to I'm jelly baby, and clouds could film themselves in their dressing room at m!countdown listening to wings.
• chasing dreams have a showcase, doesn't matter when, probably around debut maybe, second third promotions?
• chasing dreams are the main characters for the next hello baby! The babies could be (Ocs btw, feel free to pick the face claim) Laidia Minji park, Jason bin Worner, and shim dongmin
• chasing dreams could do video logs, were they just sit alone or with another member in their dorm or in some part of their company and just talk, about future goals they have, their albums, just stuff, it could be silly too, kinda like BTS's video logs
• a chasing dreams news segment on bbc world news and/or CNBC world news
password :
STarz = wings, black magic (originally Little Mix)
CLOUDS = i'm jelly baby, abing abing (originally AOA cream & orange caramel)


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