왜 또 ▬ What's Wrong // Forbidden Love

Kim areum 
Lion_heart36 : YiNie : 9 / 10
full name : kim AREUM ( 김아름 )
other NAME(s) :  N / a
nickname(s) : 
ice queen ; she isn't given this nickname for a cliché like you'd expect. She isn't called this because she is quiet, cold, and shows no emotion, but super pretty making her intriguing. No. Areum is called this, for that simple fact, she is a queen on the ice. her skating skills are fantastic, and so her friends started to call her this.
are ; a nickname jaesoo ans her other close friends call her when she is acting ridiculous.
arooom~ ; the aegyo way her youngest brother says her name. Mihwan once heard it and thought it was halarious ans now calls her that to , but gradually it turned into an affectionate term.
jinhwan's yeodongsaeng(younger sister) ; media address her like this quiet often when the news came out about her being his half sister ans the daughter of Kim Jin Hyuk. Bethany calls her this to annoy her.
reum-ah ; her mother calls her this most of the time, it's just a cute nickname ;)
birthdate : August 12th, 1999
birthplace : Bucheon, South Korea
hometown : Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity : korean
languages : 
korean ; fluent | it is her native tongue, and grew up speak it.
Japanese ; mid - conversational | she has always wanted to go to Japan, and so is currently learning the language in order to do things there someday.
like a mannequin
faceclaim : Seulgi // red velvet
backup : yein // Lovelyz
height & weight : 160 cm & 50 kg
bloodtype : O
appearance : her appearance is very elegant. She has long black hair, and her cheeks still have a bit of baby fat in them. her ears are pointy, but it is a unique trait she doesn't mind. She used to hate them, but when her friends told her they looked cute, she stopped doubting herself. She has wide smile, and light lips, that are redder on the bottom naturally. She always has her nails filed nicely, and rarely wear nail polish, unless of course she is at a special occasion, but honestly she doesn't see the point. Her skin is usually clear of acne, but her worst spot is her nose. She pays extra attention there for black heads.
style : she doesn't really care for fashion, she really just wears whatever fits, looks decent (decent enough) for going out, and is comfortable. She wears what she feels like, which expresses her free spiritedness. She doesn't really get intimidated when shopping, but when shopping with other girls, who are very particular about appearance, she tends to stiffen up. Still, she has her way of expressing herself, so don't be surprised to see her wearing a cute pink sweater, matched with docs and ripped black leggings. Its all about the mood Bae Bae ~
why am i like this?
traits : 
+ // passionate, optimistic, light hearted, motherly, caring 
– // hot headed, out spoken, worried, self critical, too emotional
personality : Areum is very passionate about things that are important to her, most of all, figure skating. It's her biggest passion. She's done it for as long as she can remember, and she'll do anything to be able to continue going it. For some reason, even if bad things happen to her, or her over all life , she'll keep telling herself it isn't the end yet, and it'll all get better. The problem is, after Jinhwan entered her life, she started losing optimism, because seeing his face brings both joy, and conflict. Over all she is very light hearted, she loves joking around and having a good time, because it's easier then focusing on the hard things, the tough things...the things that she knows won't work out.

She loves kids, and loves taking care of them too. Maybe it's because she loves her little brother so much, but she wants to look out for every child she sees. One of the things she hates most is seeing parents yelling at their kids in grocery stores, or seeing completely ignoring them. She has an impulse to bud in, but she knows she can't. She is just a really caring person when it comes to things like that.

She has a tendency, were when she gets mad, she is very quick-tempered. She'll start yelling, and getting very worked up, because she doesn't like dealing with negative emotions, so when she does get angry, Areum doesn't know how to control herself properly. In many of these cases, she becomes very outspoken. She'll say things like they are when she is emotional, where as the rest of the time, she likes to keep her opinions to herself. However of course that does not mean she is easily controlled by others.

Whether she wants to admit it or not, Areum is always worried, about everything. She doesn't realize she puts as much pressure as she does on herself. The fact she can't do everything by herself tends to slip her mind. She tries raising her family, since only her mother works part time, and her father has no ambitions, and her brothers do. She wants her family to be safe, and so unknowingly acts as if it is her job, when there is only so much she can do.

She has a habit of getting cross with herself, convinced she isn't doing good enough, however this only applies to figure skating. She doesn't give too whopping potatoes how she does in school or otherwise, but when it comes to the ice, she beats herself down quiet a lot. Her friends try and tell her it's nothing, but in all honestly it isn't nothing. She wants to do well, but doesn't think she can, so this self criticism is a result. Over all Areum is a pretty emotional person, there is a lot of things she has opinions and passions for, and lots of things she cares about...but sometimes she is too emotional. She'll have break downs, her period is the worst. She gets all depressed. Her friends are good period buddies, but they always invite min, even if he is a guy (probably because his dad has the best treats) and they hangout out on the roof of her building just talking. Which is actually the best outlet for her, talking. She is able to get her feelings out, with out having too much of a break down.
background : lareum was born in bucheon, as her mother was currently living there. That is the place she met Areum's biological father. He was handsome then, and successful. Many women wanted him, and he was married already with a son. He wasnt happy though. He loved his boy, but his wife was protections and he disliked that. So when he bumped into a beautiful young women, who was everything he admired in a women, and his family back in Seoul...sparks couldn't help but fly. He had to leave, ans she knew this, but when she found out she was pregnant she was shocked. Instead of aborting the baby, she wanted to have it. After Areum's birth, the two moved to Seoul, as her mother was in search of her father, but couldn't find him...until she saw an article about him ans his wife and son. Since Areum already had the legal last name of Kim, unlike herself, sae rung went to find a man with the last name Kim to help raise her child, and hopefully forget about her real father. Oventually she met a man named Kim hyun Joon who would fit well. They lived happily, but as Areum got older, and her little siblings started being born, the became poorer and poorer. Her parents faught a lot, so Areum didn't like being home. One day she had run away, and and lost in the scary city, found her way to a ice skating areana. She went in, and saw many beautiful girls skating, almost dancinf, or flying, across the ice...ans she wanted to too. A girl approached her then, around her age, and introduced herself as Haneul. The two both had the same dream it seemed, and as they got older, the rink was like a second home to the both of them. Eventually in order to introduce min to Haneul, and visa versa, they all went to a nneighbourhood kids birthday party at the water park. The three got along well, until Areum wanted to try swimming. She was lightly swimming through the shallow end, but bigger kids kept walking around her, and not perposly, sending the poor child into the deep end. It was the most traumatic thing she ever experienced, not being able to grab anything, not being able to breathe, not knowing how to swim, just going deeper and deeper...after that when she was rescued by a life guard, she never wanted to see a pool again.
in middle school things were prett great for them, and even if going to to high school was scary, at least they had eachother. every week when they had time, Haneul and Areum would go for ice cream, and then go to the ice rink/skating rink. It was their world really, all the moves, and the feeling of her feel in those skates ment the world to Areum. Too bad it wouldn't last much longer. The first big problem in Areum's plotline is that the rink she practically lives at, is being closed down for lack of funding and sponsorship. This ways on her a lot of the story.
likes : 
• her brothers
• figure skating
• ice cream
• hanging out with her friends and doing whatever
• warm milk
• the stars at night
• winter
• Jinhwan's hands
• rice and vegetables
• free days/no school
• the feeling of being in love, and being loved
• when Jinhwan sings to her
• min's mother's cooking
• the city skyline at night
• when Jinhwan holds her
• hearing Jinhwan say how much he cares for her
dislikes : 
• thunderstorms
• small spaces
• when she can't control or fix a situation/feeling small and powerless
• knowing she isn't supposed to have the one thing she wants most in this world
• not being able to skate
• hyoyeon smoking
• school, too loud
• competition for Jinhwan's heart
• losing those she loves
• when the power goes out in her apartment
• disappointing her loved ones
• when min causes trouble (a.k.a whenever she is around him)
• the smell of durnt food
• water/swimming
• dramatic things (lol)
• when Jinhwan isn't feeling well
hobbies : 
• skating
• scrap booking
• running
• working
• drawing
habits : 
• breathing quickly when nervous/excited (a.k.a half the time she is with Jinhwan)
• smiling when she feels awkward
• biting her tongue lightly In between her teeth when thinking hard/concentrating
• touching the area behind Jinhwan's ears/running her fingers through the hair on the back of his head when they kiss
• wiggling her nose up and down, and sniffing when embarrassed or when guilty of something
• scratching her stomach when hungry
• shifting her weight from side to side when talking to people she isn't too familiar with
• kissing Jinhwan's jaw, instead of cheek
trivia : 
• when she was 14 she had all her wisdom teeth removed
• the sound of rain makes her sleepy
• she has a great fear of water, because she can't swim, ans will fall right through it, unable to do anything, quiet the contrary to skating
• her Instagram is areum7979
• she has a diary she writes in about Jinhwan, that is all in Japanese so others can't read
• the only sport she plays is figure skating, other then that she believes all sports to be creations of torture from hell (lol, she can kinda dramatic)
• she thinks the sweetest feeling in the world is being held in Jinhwan's strong arms
• she is best in history and language arts/writing, but is allergic to science (she is ok in math though)
• she cried at the ending of school 2015 because she shipped taebi
• her favourite band is Royal Pirates, and she has all their albums, plus a poster of them in her room
• Royal Pirates too fast is her jam currently, along with Imfact lollipop (she has a thing for underrated/not well known groups)
• she scared of th school janitor (she thinks he is possessed by a demon because he is so cold and creepy)
• when a guys smiles at her, with admiration in his eyes, she'll fall for him, that's how easy Haneul thinks Areum is, but min has been looking into Areum's eyes like that for years...and she hasn't noticed once
• she ships Haneul and min (awkward)
• her favourite animal is a swan, for it is elegant, just like how she wants to skate
• at one of her father's company balls, she was wearing a white dress, with father details that made her appear elegant like a swan, and Jinhwan was captivated by her all night
• she talks to herself in her head about random stuff, she isn't insane or anything, just rather lonely on the inside
home is where heart is
family : 
mother / kim sae rung / 43 / part time dry cleaner / areum's mother tries to be close with her, but as she got older, areum noticed their was a sense of pity in her mother eyes, whenever she looked at her. This put her off, and so when Areum entered her teenaged years, she couldn't help but drift away from her. She did like being looked at, as if there was something she didn't know, or as if she was a sorry child. She still loves her mother, and kisses her on the cheek every morning before she leaves for school, but it doesn't Chang the fact there is a cold awkwardness between them.
father (step) / kim Hyun Joon / 43 / unemployed / when she was a baby, he adored her cuteness, but as she started growing up, he noticed Areum was very hot headed and outspoken, very different from his own personality. He knew why of course, but he still loved her, it was just harder to show it, so he has a very strict relationship with Areum. He'll say things he doesn't mean, and district her and punish her, because he doesn't know how to react with her. She wants to be closer with the man who raised her, but he is too burdened to show the same interest.
younger brother (half) / kim jae min / 10 / elementary school student / he loves his big sister to the moon and back. She cares for him just as much. He always listens well, and gets Tae min to listen up when he needs too. He is very responsible for a mear ten year old, and isn't afraid to be close with people, especially Areum. He asks her with help in his school work, and in tern he is the one she goes to for advise...yes...a ten year old. His innocent but wise words always help her. Sometimes seeing the world through the eyes of an untroubled child is the best thing to do when you don't know what to do.
younger brother (half) / kim Tae min / 6 / elementary schooL student / he is noona's little prince, always a sweetheart. He gets jealous of his big brother quiet often, and pouts a lot, but Areum is always there to hug him and tell him he is unique and special too. She wants him to have a bright future, and so fills his head with hope. Some would say you shouldn't give false hope to kids, but Areum believes there isn't such thing as false hope. Because it isn't hope at all if it's false. There isn't a limit on possibilities, she wants to teach him that...but sometimes she needs someone to teach her that as well.
father (bilogical) / kim Jin hyuk / 48 / conglomerate ceo / when he first met his daughter, Jin hyuk wasn't expecting her to be his daughter. He didn't even know he had one, but as he learnt more and more about her, he realised it was undeniable. She had caused a ruckus at his mall, and he was surprised by her fire and passion. He then (after having her thrown out) had an informant of his follow her around, and learn more about her. He was interested in this familiar stranger. He didn't know what it was, but something was so familiar about her. It turned out she was the product of himself and a beautiful women he once knew. when he found this out, he wanted to tell Areum. After she found out, he took her out for a day between just the two of them, and he treated her like a princess, which in his eyes she was. However Areum didn't know she had a their half brother...let alone his identity. It was awkward at first, since her father was still married to Jinhwan's mother, who didn't like Areum at all. Areum also didn't like her father, at first anyways. She thought he had abandoned her, and it took a while for her to warm up to him even though he spent most of his time and attention trying to show her how much he really did love her. In the end, it was her yelling at him at night in the rain and her father hugging her, while in tears, crying, confessing how sorry he was. After that she was more open to his fatherly gestures, and soon enough she couldn't be happier but to see him. Her father's wife on the other hand hated seeing Areum, and despised the idea of her living with them. Jin Hyuk has to threaten the selfish women with a divorce for her to shut up. In any case, they sleeped in different rooms on different ends of the house so she could be bratty by herself.
friends : 
best friend / song min / 17 / high school student + paper boy / they seem to have known eachother their whole lives, Areum can't remember a time she didn't know min. As Areum lives in an apartment building, so does min, they are superset one, but right close beside eachother, and as fate would have it, their bedroom windows face one another. She talks to him every night, ans she feels like she can tell him anything, but it seems impossible to do so when it comes to Jinhwan, she knows she can't tell even her closest friend about her and Jinhwan, but even if it isn't about their relationship ship, min seems to hate talking about Areum's older half brother the most in the world.
best friend / park haneul / 17 / high school student / these two are the ice chingus. Not only do they both figur skate, but they have this thing, were they always go out for ice cream. This gif perfectly represents them! Haneul doesn't work, but she still has money. No one knows how she gets it, but she has it. s
best friend / ahn jaesoo / 18 / high school student/ice cream shop worker / she is very popular at their school. But since Areum hates getting involved in the popular crowed, or those who are of high class, she portends they aren't friends at school, but at work, they are very close. They work together, so got to know eachother quickly. Jaesoo wants to be open about their friendship, but Areum doesn't want to ruin her friends image, and wants to keep her own street cred clean. No popular kids. But friendship is friendship and you can't control these things.
others : 
old crush / song Yunhyeong / 18 / high school student / he was her first crush when she first entered high school, he was just so...different from other guys, she couldn't help it. But since he rarely noticed her she had to except it wouldn't be, and on top of it she has competition with jaesoo, so Areum have up and kept it a secret. Now she feels disappointed when she sees him...till her attention was acquired elsware of course.
mr. Annoying / jung chan woo / 17 / high school student / ithey are in the same class, and even though people like his best friend find him funny and entertaining, Areum always found him a pain in the , even more when he started getting her In trouble. I mean he was the one who was wanting to see her test anyways, but she got I trouble instead. Geez, this little rascal.
well this is awkward / yoon hye mi / tba / high school student / hye mi isn't the brightest, ans these two aren't that close either. Areum doesn't dislike her...hye mi just isn't her style. However, they tend to be partners for mor projects and activities and happen to confess things they wouldn't confess to their closest friends to eachother, knowing the other doesn't care and won't tell. On top of that, Areum always seems to pop up everytime Donghyuk ans hye mi have an awkward moment. Areum will open a door and there the two will stand, or turn down the hall going in the direction of the toilets and there hye mi is embarrassing herself, cutely of course. It makes everything all the more awkward, but definitely amusing.
the neighbour / Kim hyoyeon / 22 / collage student / she lives across the hall from Areum, ans lives a very American hippy life style with her mother. Hyoyeon always had something to say, which you'd think would be nonsense, but actually very helpful tips ans lessons doe Areum, and she appreciates her strange neighbour for it.
you're my type
love interest : kim Jinhwan
personality : safisticated, serious, well rounded, a softy, romantic, denying his feelings, too slow, quick to anger
He grew up in an important household, there for learning all educate required of a ceo's only son. He is highly safisticated, and serious most of the time. Dont get him wrong though, he has a sweet side that loves making friends too. He is very well rounded, he tries not to be too picky, or too frivolous, becuase neither is polite. He cares deeply for his friends and family, and someone who holds even more over his heart, would be Areum, who never fails to excite and adore him. All he wants is to see her happy. Which would lean to how Romaric he can be. Fancy dinners are one things, but he was always admired the little things in relationships, ans just walking at night in the city gives him a sensation of romance. Even so, he as a terrible habit of denying how he really feels inside, how people make him feel. His best friend is hanbin, but he tries not to show how much he really loves the guy, for some weird guy reason. When it comes to Areum, he fights even harder to ignore and deny his feelings for her, because that love is heartpountingly too strong (not sure if that's a word, Areum just looked it up for me and it seems not to be a word...whatever!!). When he wants to express himself, he waits a while to figure out the best way how, but most of the time it's too late, and he misses his chance, which is a reoccurring thing between him and Areum, whenever he is about to tell her he loves her, something is always getting in the way, whether it be the weather, other people, or loud noises, you name it. He has many regrets because of this. You wouldn't expect it, but if you anger this short hottie, he'll totally strike out on you, which is why he doesn't like getting involved with people he isn't already close with. He can't make a scene when he is the company heir.
background: jinhwan was born in the Seoul national university hospital, with reporters waiting outside to see the wrinkly little baby who would one day take over the high rising corporation. Now, that's basically been his whole life. Sure reporters don't approach him all the time, but pictures of him going and leaving genie high are all over the Internet. He feels like he's just a normal person at school, but once he sees these pictures he knows he isn't.
Jinhwan's mother is always on his back, wanting him to look good, and he rarely sees his father, let alone talks to him. He has been bread to be perfect, but he hates being like that. When he dated Bethany it was all pretty fine, she was good looking, they knew everything about each other. He really thought he was in love, but he didn't understand the term till he met Areum. He lives a bland life, only when she came into it did he start seeing in colour...but it seems love is another normal thing he isn't aloud to have.
relationship : at first, when Jinhwan met Areum, they hadn't really met. They were at a school sports event and she had bumped into him ans dropped the boxes of soda cans she was holding, she bowed and apologized, grabbed her things, and ran off. She didn't pay attention to him, making bobby laugh his head off and her indifferents (because most girls would have swooned at Jinhwan's feet). Other then Jinhwan being slightly surprised at the reaction he didn't care much about this student, it was his last year anyways at the school. When they found out they were siblings, Areum was shocked, and didn't like how grumpy and rude he acted when their father wasn't around. There were at each other's throats until one night when their father had to leave on a business trip for the weekend. Therefore leaving the two by themselves. They argued the first day and night, but then there was a thunderstorm very easily the next morning. Areum started freaking out and crying despite her harder facade because during storms she always had her brothers to protect her and take care of their Noona...but she didn't think that this Oppa would care. The storm put out the power, so it was very dark, the on,t light from the windows when the lightning flashed. She crawled through the the halls to the kitchen looking for a flashlight, and when she got there, Jinhwan and a couple maids were getting candles, while he held a flashlight. Areum was then embarrassed by her crying and turned away when he shown the light on her, but another crack of thunder struck and she screamed and fell to the ground trembling. He ran to her and asked if she was scared, and Areum hesitated before nodding. Even though he hated her for getting his father's attention more then he ever did, Jinhwan saw how innocent Areum really was. He picked her up, and using the flashlight took them back to her room. The maids then got the back up power working and he her bedside lamp. He was about to leave when another crack hit ans Areum automatically grabbed onto his arm and asked him not to leave. Eventually he gave in and got under the covers with her as he got a maid to bring in some snacks and drinks. They spend morst of the storm in bed snacking and watching movies on Areum's tv which was in front of her bed. It got awkward however when one couple was kissing in scene, but later on she started to rest her head on his shoulder and fell asleep. Jinhwan was unsure what to do, but instead put his hand on her head her hair. After that night she started to be awkward and uneasy around him, because she started feeling weird. How could she like him? He is her brother! Well...half brother she was never raised with...either way, she was started to develop a crush, and it didn't help that he was very protective of her after that day. He treated her very sweetly, and it was torture. He didn't think he had feelings for her at all, she was just a cute dongsaeng...until they kissed by mistake [ you can come up with how and surprise me ;) ]. After that it's almost impossible to keep their hands off eachother, but they can't show it I front of others. They can only show affection when they are by themselves...but still Jinhwan makes every minute of it wonderful!
trivia : 
• his is an amazing kisser
• whenever him and Areum are alone in the house for the weekend or something, they sleep together (nothing ty of course, unless that's the kinda story this is, which I don't believe it is....I'm gonna shut up now OTL ㅠㅠ)
• he is allergic to eggs (I don't know, random)
• he loves back hugging areum
• he takes her out on dates, but no one thinks they are dates because they don't kiss or anything, just act like close siblings
• he helps Areum with her school work
• when Areum fell in the pool he dove in to get her out himself
• his favourite part of Areum is her ears
• he never felt really alive till he met Areum
• he treats her like a princess at school, ans it makes his fan girls jealous (though we got to admit Donghyuk has so many it makes Jinhwan's batch kinda sad, lol, jk, but seriously though...that kid has so many fans!)
• when Areum moved in he was very anxious because he hadn't lived with any girl other then his mother, so he came of rude because of it
• one of the cutest dates they've had was when they went camping as a family (because Areum's father wanted to pamper her and he basically does whatever she wants, and she wanted to got camping) they snuck away from the others at night and found a clearing were they laid on a blanket and watched the stars together
• the most romance novel thing he's ever done is stare deep into her eyes with their foreheads touching. It was in their kitchen when she was upset because they shouldn't love eachother.
what did i do wrong?
love rival : bethany Baek (I'm using jimin as a face claim, I love her^^)
personality : gleeful, athletic, jealous, irrational, prideful, intelligent
She is see king,t happy all the time, bringing bright glee everywhere she goes, easily gaining love from others. She is a professional swimmer, and so has a very athletic attitude, she will always comment about how other need to get in shape, ans giving tips about eating right and exercises. She is a very jealous, so even if she ans Jinhwan arent together anymore, and it's his supposed sister, seeing how much Jinhwan cares about and looks out for Areum...well it really, really upsets her. She won't think straight when in a rage, and there for is very irrational in her decisions, usually causing trouble. She has lots of pride, and there for won't lack at keeping it up, even if she has to get her hands dirty, she wants to feel admired. Over all she is a very intelligent person, she has always done well in school, ans knows lots about the world, as she follows world news (of course that one is to score points with Jinhwan's family, specifically his father).
background : she was born and lived in korea for seven years, the whole time being close with Jinhwan since their parents wanted them to get married one day (though neither knew it at the time). She then moved to the states were she used her English name Bethany. She only lived there till she was twelve, but after that no one called her by her real name, ans she hated it if someone did. She wanted Jinhwan to like her so she was doing all she could to show up other girls, she was litterally perfect, and acted his ideal type. So, in high school the dated even if they went to different schools. However, after seeing her makingout with another guy, he broke up with her. His parents didn't like the break up, but couldn't object. Bethany's parent on the other hand were furious. They needed the merge between companies to stay together, so after Jinhwan and Bethany not seeing eachother for at least seven months, she returned, ready to get him back. However now it seems he is too busy playing with his knew (and actually quiet pretty) half sister.
relationship : bethany wants Jinhwan back, and her family needs the money, so naturally she wants Areum out of the picture, even if she is his sister. She is very rude to her, doing things she knows will hurt or scare Areum into leaving, but areum never does and Jinhwan is always there to tend to her when hurt. (*Talk about back fire right? Like seriously could da b*tch really be smart?* wait who said that?) Areum wanted to be friendly at first, not close, but she didn't want an enemy either! To bad Bethany wasn't thinking the same.
everything is so awkward
comments : i really wanted to hand this in sooner, but I tend to write a lot and I take a while ㅠㅠ anywho, I hope you like Areum, and oh my gosh I ship her and Jinhwan so hard I might cry, please tell me what you think of them as a couple! I was going to make her and hye mi friends, but since it didn't fit Areum I came up with a funny awkward relationship for them. Also me and meimei13 did a collab, so Jaesoo is her character and when she hands her's in Areum should be on it too :) please let me know everything you liked about it, and definitely anything I could work on! I love apply to fics and I learn a lot each time ;)
scene request(s) : 
• Bethany trips Areum and she falls into the pool at her father's house
• Areum's father giving money to the ice rink she loves
• Areum showing Jinhwan her figure skating
• hye mi ans Areum awkwardness
• Areum and Jinhwan cute moments
suggestion(s) : 
•  a snow storm traps all the girls and their love interests at school over night as they were staying back to study
• a school dance
• a school talent show


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