someone pls write for me huhuhuhu

i'm so lonely.

if you took a peek on my authored stories tab, you'll find out that i mainly write about joy x zelo. which is pretty rare pairing despite the fact that they two are balls of sunshine and cute together and they were even classmates for three years and STILL AWKWARD AF. (i'm pretty sure they're anti to each other, tho. how funny.)

and yet when i searched the joy tag, it seems that i'm the only active writer of joylo (idk the name of the pairing? let's just call it joylo for the time being) here. i need some companion....... it's so lonely here . still i thanked god for sending me magicpanda (my fave joy-het writer tbh) and irrelevxnce around here. and other than them, i also found gems in wattpad if you want to check username is dearvenus. she (?) writes two joyxzelo stories and both are pretty entertaining. well, at least dearvenus is active atm so thank you @ god again.

so please write for me. feed me some joy x zelo fic like seriously, i'm so desperate (and feel so betrayed because they're in the same team for isac and no sign of tiniest interaction. sigh)

if not.... well, give me some good fic recommendations.



thank you very much.






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i made one ^^
That gif is cute! I am currently writing a Joy-centered fic. I am gonna include Zelo as one of the maid dudes so you can look forward to that. But that bit of the section wont happen till later so, you would have to wait for awhile.
Since I know Joy and her characteristics, I was hoping you could help me by telling me Zelo's personality so I can plan out his interactions with her.
Thank you anyways for the Joylo fics, I always enjoy them
joylo was one of my earliest crackships but they're resurfacing currently huehuehue i could go for bapvelvet again hA
i made this drabble about kyungstal but i can replace the names with joy and zelo! it's in my drafts and i don't plan on publishing it :^) would you like to read it as joylo?