Lost My Mind

Hello everyone ^^


Just wanted to share a funny/crazy thing (?) that I did today...


I was kinda sick and so tired when I woke up this morning. But then I heard that "Royal Pirates" are coming on ASC next week (26th Jan) which actually made my day. Well, at least made me cheer up :) Guess my mind must have been unconsciously thinking about it all day.


I went to university and on my way back, I noticed a shop called "Soul Pirates" but all my eyes caught was 'Prates' and the rest you can guess. LOL XD yeah I could just see it as "Royal Pirates". LOL XD just kidding. but still the word "Pirates" just made me think of "Royal Pirates" and smile like a fool :P


Is it normal? :P I feel I have officially lost my mind. hahaha :D

Anyway, the best part is, I have taken the same route to and fro, for the past one year and that shop has existed there for god-knows-how-long. lol...


PS for those who don't know about Royal Pirates, here are their songs for you ^^






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:) Ha haha ......
You had officially lost your mind... :)
Ahahah I guess you really lost your mind, but hey, you're not alone!
Yayyyyy royal pirates...I'm a fan of them