To all my Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, and Buddhist subbies ♥

I decided to take a religions class for fun in my university for an easy grade before I transfer over to my new university. On my syllabus, It said that I would have to attend 2/4 of the religions: Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, and Jewish; am required to attend to a site visit.

I am most familiar with Buddhism and some customs since majority of my friends are Vietnamese. (I am white). I am still unfamiliar with some customs and stuff.

Please be gracious to leave detailed comments about what is appropriate when going there. Like, I read that I should wear conservative clothing at the Islamic mosque. I would HIGHLY appreciate how to act, what to expect, dress code, how to address peers (Like bowing in Asian culture). 

I am not familiar with these cultures and I don't want to offend anyone ♥ 


Much appreciated,



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Well for start, if you have scarf and long formal clothing, wear those. Refrain from cursing and talking loudly (I don't think your stupid enough to do any of that). Just say Assalamu-aleykum. At Masjid (Mosque), people are very friendly so if you have questions, they would answer(well mist people will anyways). Masjids have The Female are and male area separately so don't go into the wrong part. Find someone from your class/college who is Muslim so they can help you. Just be mindful of what you say, ask the younder people (young adults, not kids) controversial question and older ppl to, buuuuut, be very careful of how you phrase your words. Show a lot of respect to the older people.

The biggest thing here is formality, mindfulness, respect, and friendliness.
Dress very formally...
I suggest you do this for every religions, not just Muslim

I am not Hindu, but, don't confuse the stuff on TV into what they actually do. They are very strict about respecting the folders. Greet them by saying "Namaste" with hands in prayers format like this
Hi! I'd like to comment a bit details about what to wear to mosque, for me as a Moslem. Well for me, if you're going to mosque, wear a loose shirt and trousers or long skirt. It's not that necessary to wear hijab. But the most important thing is to dress politely. And i don't wear bold color such as shocking pink or yellow orange etc, i'd like to wear pale color or primary color.

And about how to act, mmm i'd say just act normal(?) i usually just smile to whoever i met in mosque. And instead of saying hello, try to say Assalamualaykum. But if you don't feel comfortable saying that, it's okay to say hi or hello if you met someone in mosque.

I hope that helps hehe :D