do you have some tips regarding studying or living abroad ? please help !

I have been dreaming to study abroad since 2013,but somehow I hesitate a bit. 


Is it hard living abroad?


Is it difficult to live miles away from your family?


How to survive?


If some of you have some tips,or even want to share experiences,please drop your comment below.  I desperately need some motivation right now !


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It depends a lot on the country you're going to live in, but in general, whether it's hard or not depends on your own personality. Some people love the adventure and don't mind being away for a long time from their country and family, but others can't stand it. Homesickness is a real problem, and in some cases, culture shock. If you can manage to get there, for sure you'll survive, so there's no worry about that, you just have to remember that you'll need to depend a lot on yourself in most cases and be prepared for that. Where are you living now and where do you plan to go?