m a c a r o n . c a f f e -- o h . y o o j i n

Oh Yoojin

username — ygsmjypfam

nickname — Mei

activity rate — 9/10


name — Oh Yoojin 오유진

nickname — 
— Jin ; This is the nickname her parents gave to her ever since she was little and up until now, they still call her this. Usually, relatives and close friends are the ones who refer to her with this nickname.
Jino ; Ever since she was a kid, her friends were creative enough to think of this nickname for her. Jino actually came from her real name Yoo[Jin] and her surname, Oh. Jin + Oh = Jino. And honestly, she likes this nickname.
Oh-Yoo ; This actually should be, "u-yu" which means milk... Because Yoojin had a pale complexion, her friends thought of this creative nickname again for her.

birthdate — 25 December 1994

birthplace — Busan, South Korea

hometown — Busan, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean

language — 
— Korean ; Her native language as she was born and raised in South Korea.
English ; Yoojin can speak conversational English as she had been learning this in school ever since she was young. Expect her to make some grammar and spelling mistakes though.

"Wow. So Sweet. Such Delicious. Much MacaronS."


face claim — Jung Chaeyeon (DIA)

gallery — link

backup face claim — Park Boram

gallery — link


appearance — Considered as petite by other people, Yoojin stands at 165cm and weighs 50kg which is rather thought as normal for most Koreans. As she possesses a fair complexion, she's very particular with her skin and she likes taking care of it. This goes perfectly with her short brown hair that falls down just above her chest. She usually likes to keep her hair short as she believes that it's hard to maintain a long one and she doesn't particularly like it whenever her hair goes to her face. Yoojin also likes getting her hair dye and she mostly sticks with brown hues. She also has hazelnut brown eyes which turns to crescents whenever she smiles that complements her hair color and fair complexion. People say that her eyes are her charms as they seemed to be bright and can be piercing whenever she gazes at someone. Yoojin also has a small beauty mark near the lower part of her lips on her right cheek and has a dimple on her left that appears whenever she makes any facial expressions. She rarely applies makeup as she always thought that simplicity is more beautiful but sometimes she does apply matte pink lipstick just to add color to her pale look.

fashion style — Despite having a slightly childlike demeanor, Yoojin is quite known to be at least fashionable. Her style varies but, she mostly goes for artsy / indie fashion. She is usually seen wearing long sleeve knitted sweaters, t-shirts, denim jackets, ripped jeans, skirts, denim shorts, and leggings. No one will ever see her go out wearing only sleepers nor sandals as Yoojin always preferred to wear sneakers, boots, and oxfords. Heels would also be a no no to her because she thinks it will be a death of her if ever she wears one. Yoojin's not much of an accessory fan either and she only likes wide brim hats, beanies, wrist watches, and anklets. She's also usually seen carrying a rucksack with different designs (she collects a lot) or messenger bags.
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"I don't always cook but when i do, i burn myself and the food."


plotline — 
(  ) barista
(  ) janitor
(  ) pastry chef
(  ) baker
(  ) cashier
(  ) waiter/waitress
(  ) manager
( x ) delivery

backup PLOTLINE — 
(  ) barista
(  ) janitor
(  ) pastry chef
(  ) baker
( x ) cashier
(  ) waiter/waitress
(  ) manager
(  ) delivery

traits — 
positive ; Cordial, venturesome, vivacious, astute, imaginative
neutral ; Determined, dreamy, emotional, unpredictable
negative ; Demanding, prying, childish, stubborn, melodramatic

personality — 

Extremely talkative and sociable. Meet the blithesome, Oh Yoojin. The kind of girl who people loves approaching because of her always sunny and friendly aura. She loves meeting new friends and she's usually ecstatic whenever customers arrive or if she needs to deliver orders. Yoojin is very easy to talk to as she doesn't show authoritativeness and is always simple. She likes it whenever people approach her as it makes her feel that she is a reliable person. Sometimes customers may think that she's in charge of Public Relations as she always love welcoming them in the shop whenever she doesn't have anything to deliver.  Yoojin is an adventurous person and she doesn't get scared to try out new things or to take risks. She really is a venturous young woman that's why other people would rely on her. The girl doesn't mind as she always love to try stuff that are quite new to her. At first glance, she really looks fragile and delicate. But once people get to know her, she's actually a courageous young lady. This is the reason why she got the delivery post because she's not afraid of anything and she likes to travel. Yoojin is extremely a vivacious person as it seems like she doesn't run out of energy. She's very lively that others question if she really didn't come out from a comic book. It's like, she can't stay on one place only. She's always enthusiastic and little things would often excite her. Yoojin is also an intelligent girl. She can quickly think of things and weigh the situations accurately so that she could help in solving problems. She's alert and attentive that she also often give marketing strategies to the shop. She loves to think and because her brain can produce a lot of crazy ideas, she's not afraid to tell them what she thinks. Hence, Yoojin's imagination is beyond comprehension and she can go crazy with these ideas of hers. She's a visionary and creative. She likes to think about her future and plan ahead so she would have a guide on what she will do if problems come her way. Being such, it helps her to have more original ideas about her life or for others.  A true child at heart, despite her age.

Give her a task, then she'll do it with 100% determination. She likes to see the endings or outcomes of all things she does that's why she would always do her best. She had been like this ever since she was young and Giving up is not in her dictionary. Nothing can faze this lass as she believes that anything is possible. Yoojin loves to daydream especially when she's free and she has nothing to do. she likes to imagine things and sometimes she's stuck in her own world that other people are becoming curious on what's happening inside her otherworldly mind. She thinks that this is her way to relax herself despite all the things that she has yet to accomplish. Daydreaming is one of her favorite past time and sometimes when she's in this state, no one could actually talk to her or could make her snap out of it except, of course, her crush. Yoojin can be emotional at times too. She can easily cry with whatever reasons she has. She would cry if she felt touched or moved because someone had done something good to others or to her. Yoojin is just like that, she's really weird. But the good kind. Yoojin can also be amicable as she likes to listen to other people. When she feels that someone is sad, she'd gladly lend her ears to listen to others, lend her shoulders for others to lean on, and lend a helping hand for them to feel better and be guided. She doesn't like the feeling of being abandoned, so as much as possible, she doesn't do that to other people as well. Yoojin would love to offer anyone a hug when they need it. That benefits her too though since she really love warm hugs~! Oh, Yoojin is a very unpredictable person as well. But most of the time, she would be really sweet and understanding. She can be kind now but later she'd do something mischievous that others might actually hate her for life. For her, it's all about fun and happiness but she knows when to get serious and when she is, she is really formal and won't joke around that bothers other people as she is not normally like that.

On the negative side of all the rainbows and smiles, there's an inner evil that a lot of people doesn't find amusing. Yoojin can be such a difficult person. For her, she always expects other people to do their best as she does hers too. She expects them to meet high standards as being contented over little things, as she believes, will bring you nowhere. She can think fast and would argue without even stopping but she's always at point that they would just give up and do what she wants. Logic is her best friend when placed in this kind of situation and she likes doing the slippery slope on anyone. Yoojin can be too inquisitive at most times. She will not get what you mean when you ignore her so, you just got to tell her what you really feel. She will continue to pester others; ask them a lot of questions if she feels really intrigued and won't stop until she's satisfied with what she had gathered. New inofrmation always make her happy. She's sort of forceful and meddlesome as she is admittedly a prying girl. Despite the fact that she's sort of smart, Yoojin can be really immature at times too. she could be like this whenever she wants and would cause others to feel so annoyed at her. She's not afraid of judgments and so she would just freely express herself. She doesn't care if other people would call her childish or extremely annoying, she'd just act more of childish just for the sake of having fun and irritating others. But she doesn't mean harm, she just find contentment with it. Yoojin can be very obstinate as well. She wouldn't change her mind when most especially she thinks she's right. She'd be very headstrong with her opinions and as much as she tries her best to become more open-minded, she'd just agree but deep inside her mind didn't change at all. For other people, she can be very hard-headed and at the same time influential as she would try to talk others out with her ideals and principles. With this, Yoojin can be a stubborn person as well. She will not change her opinion as she truly believes that what she knows are far better than other ideals but she would do this to other people. She knows that she has this weird personality but as much as she wants to change it, she doesn't know how to. Being a film enthusiast, Yoojin somehow adopted some acting and with that, she could really be overly emotional. Sometimes, she'd do exaggerated dramatic acts over little things that causes others to just roll their eyes at her.



background — 

Oh Yoojin was born on Christmas Day at Busan, South Korea. Though both of her parents came from Seoul, they decided to raise Yoojin in the beautiful city of Busan instead as they found a very nice neighborhood there. Her father, Oh Jongwon, was an architect in an architectural firm whilst her mother, Choi Eunhye, was a kindergarten teacher in a school near their home. They were a loving small family and they were pretty much average. Also, the Oh household was known as the "happiest" family in their neighborhood.

Growing up, Yoojin became that fluffy ball of sunshine as both of her parents were lively and animated people as well (They can't be compared to Yoojin though as the girl's weirder than them). She liked adventures and travels as she would mostly explore different places in Busan. She was also known as a social butterfly in school but she never got her own girl best friend as most of them thinks she's quite peculiar. And so, there she met her 3-year younger than her best friend and neighbor, Jeon Jungkook. He may be a kid for Yoojin, but he's much more matured than she ever was. They always hang out together in school or at home, despite having different schedules. Jungkook also refuses to call her "noona" because he thinks he's older than her and Yoojin doesn't mind at all. Since she was young, Yoojin had took interest for films and dramas that was why sometimes she acts like she's a protagonist in a movie. (If someone will confirm about her dramatic acts to Jungkook, he will just face palm himself and nod.) This was the reason why Yoojin decided to take up film studies in Konkuk University in Seoul, where she met Kim Seokjin, her favorite sunbae who she always hang out with in uni. Her parents were happy for her that she passed the entrance exams in Konkuk and immediately searched a dorm for Yoojin. Upon entering college, she took it upon herself to earn extra cash as she didn't want to burden her parents so much so, she worked in another café, The Busy Bean, just near their university. At first, she got the position of being a cashier. But there was a time that their delivery boy couldn't make it so Yoojin volunteered to help out since she has her own scooter as well. From then on, she worked as a cashier every weekdays while Saturdays, she did deliveries. Time hop to the present, she already worked for The Busy Bean for almost 4 years already (and she's a college senior) when Seokjin, who knew Yoojin loved to do deliveries because she enjoys going out, offered her a job at Macaron Caffe who's also in charge for delivery. Yoojin couldn't say no to that besides, Seokjin was one of the managers of the place so she accepted it. She also helped Jungkook to work in Macaron Caffe and luckily, he was also accepted. There she met Seol Hana and Yoojin thought that the girl was so cute and she would like to squish the younger's cheeks. Hana never found Yoojin weird and despite the , they totally clicked. That was when Yoojin knew she met her baby sister as she always loved to have one. Yoojin also loved to tease Wonwoo for some reason no one understands and they also became close to each other. Somehow she thinks that Wonwoo and Jungkook were kind of a like.

Yoojin was happier in Macaron Caffe, almost all of the employees were close to her age and so she didn't find it hard to befriend any of them. The ladies became her bffs and she was truly glad as this was like her first time to have a solid girl best friend. She may be one of the older girls in their shop, but, she sure acts like one of the maknaes. Yoojin's also the mood maker in Macaron Caffe and ever since the popularity of memes started, her language became like that as well that they all find funny. She'll just say something like, "Why you do this?" Or "You mad, bro?". And alongside talking in meme language, Yoojin will never stop quoting lines from movies... "I'm melting! I'm melting!" Yup, from Wizard of Oz. "I'm the Ki— oh wait~ Queen of the wooorld!" Uh huh, Titanic.


likes — 
Memes Yoojin likes memes. Whenever she goes online, she'd always visit 9gag to check it out. She thinks every meme is funny and she can't help but share it with her friends.
Food She LOVES to eat and sometimes no one can stop her. It's a puzzle how she doesn't gain weight much. Her favorite food mostly consists of chips, pastries, pizza, chocolate, and any pasta. She also love anything spicy and vegetables.
Nutella flavored Macarons It's yummy and it's nutella.
Bubble Tea, Strawberry milk and Coffee These drinks are her life. Yoojin usually goes out with Hana to buy bubble teas. And if she needs to pull an all-nighter, expect her to buy tons of coffee to keep her awake. She also loves strawberry milk and never can a week pass by without her being able to drink it.
Stationery and Pens Whenever she goes to the mall, expect her to pass by a bookstore or an arts and crafts store. She collects tons of colorful pens and stationeries.
Cameras, Photography, and Videography Because Yoojin was able to save some money from her earnings, she was able to buy a second hand Canon EOS 550D DSLR and she treats it like her baby. Whenever they're free, she usually asks anyone from Macaron Caffe on who's available to be her model. Her favorite models are Mingyu, Junhui, Joshua /ehem/, Seokjin, Jungkook, Hana, and whoever is the tallest girl employee.
Films Old or new. Independent or mainstream. Any genre.
Adventures Yoojin can't just stay in one place. She always find the need to go somewhere as she loves exploring places that has not been visited that much.
Fast internet connection Because who doesn't? :D

dislikes — 
Cooking oil because it can kill you. (When trying to cook...)
Really hot water She's afraid of getting hurt and she had watched a lot of news before on how people get third degree burns because of hot water.
Citrus Fruits She's not a big fan of sour food.
Capsule medicines Yoojin once drank a capsule when she was sick and she wasn't able to swallow it so the medicine melted on her tongue and she disliked the taste so much.
Spiders She once found a large spider that was as big as her hand and she totally freaked out with that. The said spider accidentally landed on her head and she screamed and ran out of her room and she tripped and fell on the floor, face first.
Rude people There are some customers who were pretty rude at her when she delivers their orders. She didn't like the feeling of being yelled at or saying something bad about her.
Hard-boiled eggs During her middle school years, her mother always cook these for her for breakfast so eventually she got kind of sick with it.
Other macaron shops and she's really sorry about that. Yoojin just supports Macaron Caffe too much that she feels bitter with other cafés that sells macarons too.
Apples Yoojin's allergic. Huhu :(

hobbies — 
Going out for a ride Whenever she feels stressed out, Yoojin will drive just about anywhere. She loves the feeling of the wind on her skin when she's outside.
Watching movies They still amaze her even though she had watched the same movies already. The idea of cinematography just appeals to her and she'd also analyze every element found in the film.
Pestering everyone in the shop when they don't have customers because that's her being sweet to them. :))

habits — 
Runs her fingers through her hair This is just something constant she does when she's not doing anything.
Pokes the ends of her hair on her face or just basically on her skin. It was a weird habit she developed ever since she was a kid. She does this with Hana and to other girls with longer hair too. She does this to Seokjin, Jungkook, Joshua, and Wonwoo as well. But since their hair aren't that long, she just likes to poke her fingers with it instead. Weird. She just feels calm when she does that.
Stares at nothing in particular whenever she's not doing anything. Sometimes, she really is in deep thoughts or sometimes, she's just trying to relax her brain for a bit.
Taps her friends' nose when she finds them really cute.

trivias — 
Vrooooom! Wanna take a ride? Has a scooter that was bought by her father when she first arrived in Seoul. She named it Jagiya so you'd often hear her say, "I went out with my Jagiya last night!". And some of the employees in Macaron thought, at first, that she had a boyfriend. This scooter was her birthday wish since she was 11 years old. This is her means of transportation for both going to uni or for delivery purposes. Yoojin always makes sure the orders are well secured in her scooter trunk before she'd go.
Busan Satoori Whenever Yoojin is with Jungkook and Jimin, they usually speak in their satoori. Sometimes with Hana and Seungcheol too.
♪ I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss This girl has a tendency to sing what she wants to say, instead of just saying it. Well, that is if she's not in the meme mode. Not only that but, she also likes to sing to herself. She's not much of a great singer though.
Cleaning duties are fine with her and whenever Macaron Caffe closes at night, Yoojin helps with the cleaning. She takes out the trash, washes the dishes, wipes the table...
Non-existent cooking skills It's not that she doesn't want to learn but she just can't find it in herself to try. Usually, Seokjin cooks for her and brings it to their uni so she can have something to eat that's not from any fast food chain nor 7-11.
No boyfriend since birth But she got tons and tons and tons of crushes. Older, same age, and a bit younger than her. She can't help it. Be sure though that she really has that one serious crush and she really can't talk to him with ease. And even if she doesn't realizes it, she has a certain ideal type. A gentleman, smart, somehow more matured, and most probably, handsome too.
Unbelievably shy around her crush She usually runs out of words when she's in front of him /ehem/ Joshua /ehem/. Yoojin will try to act casual but she seems out of it whenever he's around. This is the reason why it's not hard to tell on who's she's currently admiring.
To travel the world is one of her dreams.
Has something weird to say "What if clouds can actually talk?" "Rainbows can be found in milk cartons."
Pesters Junhui when she can He's currently teaching Yoojin how to make macarons because she wanted to make something special for someone dear to her heart.
Dramatic gestures Yoojin likes actions and gestures very much and she loves to do dramatic ones to add effect to whatever she's saying.

"True story, bro."

family — 

Oh Jongwon | Father | 55 | Architect

Choi Eunhye | Mother | 53 | Kindergarten Teacher

"I see what you did there."

friends — 

Jeon Jungkook | Childhood Best Bud | 18 | Waiter at Macaron Caffe

Kim Seokjin | Favorite Sunbae (Both studied in Konkuk University) & Close Friend | 23 | Manager at Macaron Caffe

— Seol Hana | Baby Sister | 15 | Waitress at Macaron Caffe

— Jeon Wonwoo | Favorite Target | 18 | Cashier at Macaron Caffe

Manager | Soul Sister

"I know it's cheesy but, i feel grate!"

love interest — Hong Jisoo 홍지수

backup love interest — Kim Seokjin 김석진


personality — 
positive ; Caring, kind, gentleman
negative ; Shy, quiet, passive

Hong Jisoo, or also known as Joshua, is the best definition of a perfect guy (At least for Yoojin, he is). He's naturally a caring person who often looks out for other people before himself. He's genuinely concerned towards everyone and he's often seen asking people if they're okay. Thus, Joshua likes to help out people wholeheartedly. Don't expect him to do this just because he's expected to but, he does this sincerely. He is a generous person who's not afraid to help out. A lot of ladies really admire Joshua because he's not only a kind person but real a gentleman as well. Some would say that chivalry is dead but with him, that's not the case. He always makes sure that everyone around him feels comfortable and at ease. He also treats the ladies how they deserve to be treated and even though he's usually in the kitchen, he didn't escape the eyes of customers slash fan girls. He'd go out to smile at them and greet them. And yes, he's also one of the reasons why the sales of Macaron Caffe increased. Despite these acts of goodness he does, Joshua is actually a shy young man who could also be an awkward penguin at times. There's an urge inside him that he wants to socialize with people but somehow doesn't know much how to. He just doesn't know that he's a natural charmer and he doesn't need to push himself hard. Joshua may not be that talkative but, he has his own fair share of silliness within him. He mostly shows this side of him with people he cares about or are really dear to him (Macaron Caffe employees).

relationship — 

Joshua and Yoojin met during her first day in Macaron Caffe. He was actually the last person she got to meet that time because he was too busy baking in the kitchen while there were already orders that needed to be delivered. The moment they got introduced, Yoojin developed a crush on him at once (a crush that she thought would go away after some time). What captured her attention was his eyes and she thought that they were so charming and he just looked like a very kind person as a whole. She treated him like any other guys in their shop, she says something crazy to him, she plays with his hair, she often asks him if he could be her model... He can never say no to her because in all honesty, he thinks she's quite cute and adorable. Even though she was a year older than her, they still got pretty close and Joshua liked hanging out with her too. He cares for her and often worries about her whenever she does deliveries. To ease these feelings, he would send a text message to Yoojin asking if she arrived her destinations safely. If she doesn't respond at once, he feels a bit paranoid and just thinks positively that she's probably driving. He acts maturely around her and they really complement each other.

Before, Yoojin was pretty much normal (and crazy) whenever she was with Joshua. But, as months passed by, little by little her feelings for him developed to something she never expected she'd feel. The moment she realized that she may be falling in love, she started acting a bit awkward around him that worried Joshua a lot. He thought that maybe he did something wrong and Yoojin was just not telling it. Even the rest of the employees of Macaron Caffe noticed something different with her whenever Joshua was around. Jungkook knew better though, he knew she may have developed feelings for his hyung already that was why she was acting strange. He convinced Joshua to talk to her about it and the older guy was quite hesitant with that as he always had been bad with confrontations. But he also knew that he needed to talk with Yoojin about it as he didn't want to jeopardize the relationship they have. Joshua cornered Yoojin one night after closing time and the latter was trying to escape from him. He didn't let her because he wanted to know what happened once and for all. Yoojin, being not prepared with the sudden talk, got worried too much that she just started crying. Now, this, this was what scared Joshua the most. He didn't intend to make her cry and so he comforted her and asked if she wanted to go to a bubble tea shop that closes late at night. They did buy some and the two went to the park. Yoojin didn't know what to say exactly as she thought that it wasn't time for her to confess to him but the whole situation required her to. After taking three deep breaths, she finally told him her real feelings and Joshua was so surprised with the sudden confession and he was really caught off guard. Yoojin didn't look at him when he didn't respond and just stood up to leave but Joshua stopped her and gave her the most beautiful smile (omygosh Yoojin y u so cheesy right nao?!) that made her heart skip a beat. No words were needed that night... Joshua wiped her tears and embraced her tight. From then on, he took care of Yoojin with all his heart as he got afraid that she'd avoid him again. They're still working on with their relationship and though they may like each other, Joshua thought that Yoojin deserved a proper confession from him and he intend to do so.

"Watch out we got a badass over here."


 — Hello authornim! I'm finally finished with my app. Haha! I got so excited and inspired the other day and I thought that I need to finish it already. I hope Hana will like Yoojin for Joshua. Haha. Oh~ Authornim, please don't get too pressured or anything with the relationship part of Yoojin~ I just got carried away while writing it. Hahaha! Again, I apologize for the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. :( Thank you so much authornim! Fighting!

scene requests — 
- Company outing at Seungkwan's hometown, Jeju Island! Yipee!
- So many fan girls went to Macaron Caffe because of the Princes of the shop and the girls felt a bit annoyed slash jealous with that. (Calm yo selves)
-Everyone goes out to bond at anyone's apartment where they had movie marathons and just bonded together.


turn in — back to the story


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