Shipping Game (stolen from TypicalAuthornim ;) )

Age: 18 (98 LINE  YO)

Height: 167cm so 5' 4

Hair: dark brown


Eyes: Dark brown

Anna, Unnie, Saengie, Fruitloop (Australian slang for idiot XDDD thanx asianhiphopdancer for that XD) , grannie. Marie, Princess, Star, Dinghae

Describe yourself (Max. 5 sentences):
-I am hyper af when i have caffeine
-I love to dance.
-I hate being alone, or feeeling like i'm rejected 
-I sleep with a Koala stuffed animal ^^"
-I am very caring to others

Hobbies: Dancing, Reading, Writing, Hanging out, coloring, gaming

Special Skills: ... uhhhh i can pop my shoulder XD idrk if i have any




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i ship you with L! (don't ask why i just ship him you remind me of him)
idk i think idjit or weirdo or UNNNIIIIIIEEEEEEE
those are all nicknames i give you lol