BTS I Need U, Prologue, and Run Theory

Guys I think I got it figured out!!!

So, in I Need U, we can surmise that only Jin and Taehyung were left alive, considering we only see Jin in a white room, possibly insane from experiencing the loss of his friends, and Taehyung just kills someone. Namjoon dies at the gas station when he lights a cigarette (bad habbit smoking, trust me), Jimin drowns himself, Hoseok overdoses, Jungkook gets hit by a car after being beaten up (my poor baby!!!!), and Yoongi sets himself on fire. Now, we can assume a lot from this MV: J-Hope has narcolepsy, Jimin is obviously depressed, Jungkook is trying to escape something, Yoongi is also depressed(?), Namjoon has a smoking habbit, Taehyung has a bad family life, and Jin is insane. But what caused all of this?

In the Prologue, we start off with Taehyung, covered in blood. He freaks out a bit, I mean he just killed his own father that's gotta be traumatic. He tries to clean himself off, almost in a rushed manner, as if just looking at the blood is a reminder of the aweful crime he's just committed, and when that proves to be too hard in his frazzled state, he picks up the phone (a very nice cell phone considering the neighborhood he supposedly lives in) and calls SOMEONE, who we eive to be Jin, since it's obviouse only he and Taehyung were alive in the end, and says "Hyung, I want to see/be with my friends". I'm sure you've seen the video, you know what goes on. Well other than when they all come together at that abandoned pool, no one but Jin really talks or makes noise. They mess around and at one point Namjoon hits a toy car into a puddle, which, if you were paying close enough attention to, gives the veiwer a sense of foreboding, which will be talked about at the end of this paragraph. Then there's the scene where they are all sitting around a campfire, drinking, having a few laughs. Near the end of this scene we see Jungkook blow out Yoongi's flame, as if saying there's no need for that aweful memory of his death and it suggests maybe they were something more than friends. Jin pulls out a picture, a spot they used (notice I say used) to go to together and says they should go there again. My though is, maybe Jin has been kept in a certain place for his mental illness and hasn't been able to go out often, so when Taehyung called him, it was the perfect opportunity. Everyone, being conjured from the minds of the lonely Jin and Taehyung, are all excited about it, hoping it'll give the two some closure, but if you notice, Jimin is a bit weary about going near water, because he killed himself by drowning. Taehyung also looks a bit hesitant, maybe coming to the conclusion that this wasn't such a good idea, because he knows his friends aren't really there and he realizes he misses them too much to keep going, but for Jin's sake he plays along. We can assume, maybe, Namjoon knows of Taehyung's pain and grief and that's why at the gas station, the one that holds the memory of his death, he writes on the fogged mirror 'You Have To Survive'. Then proceeds to take a picture of Jin, which Yoongi photobombs. We then see Hoseok cover a cold Jimin which is poetic, considering in I Need U the water was cold when he drowned. That leads us to believe they were closer to each other than with the others, true best friends, and maybe Hoseok overdosing instead of coming to his friend with his problems lead Jimin to suicide. Then at the place, everyone asleep, we see a touching moment with Jungkook and Yoongi. Just their silent interaction leads the viewer to believe their relationship in life went a beyond just friends. And the look Kookie gives Yoongi says that they can finally be at peace, together or not they're are finally content. Then we see them having fun running (Haha cause the next song is called Run! No? Okay then...) and whatnot. Now the sad part: Taehyung sees this tall structure overlooking the ocean and something in him compels him, makes him realize he doesn't want to go on without his friends, the very people he considered family. So he climbs. Throughout the whole video Jin is recording and we can assume it's his mental illness substituting memories for recodings to make them easier to see, so he just records on, finding it a bit strange his friend is climbing up so high but not really thinking of it. All but Namjoon tell him to go for it, if it'll make him happy to make that big scary leap into the waiting arms of his friends on the other side, then it's his decision. But Namjoon wants him to live and is the only one saying don't do it. Then he jumps. In the end we see Jin with the same picture of him and Yoongi only to see his friend isn't really there at all, his car is a bit wet, and this is where the foreboding comes to light. We assume he drove off into the water, just like that little toy car Namjoon hit. But, why did everyone feel death was the only way to go?

Finally, Run. This MV is basically just them all having fun, being friends and going wild, teenager stuff you know. But in the beginning Taehyung is falling into a dark, black pool of water, connecting it to the Prologue. We could assume it was just past memories of all they've done together. But, there's one person who doesn't really participate, kind of just sits back and watches. You guessed it, Kim Seokjin. Throughout the entire video, he's in the background watching things playout, from the great arrest attempt of Taehyung and Namjoon to the eventual downfall of Hoseok's Narcolepsy and how Jimin tries desperately to help, and finally to the break-up of his two bestfriends Yoongi and Jungkook. So, here's a crazy idea. Why don't we assume the Prologe is ACTUALLY the prologue??? What do I mean? When Prologue came out, it was obviously after I Need U events, but it was a forshadowing of everything, and a bit of clarity connecting I Need U to Run. In Run, Jin is the one who has died. In I Need U. Jin is already dead, and the guys use the excuse that he's a bit crazy and locked up somewhere instead of planted in the ground as a way to help them get through the loss. In Run the guys are having trouble copping so they turn to rebelion as a way to release their inner turmoil and greif, plus having Jin there (in spirit) watching over them makes it tougher to come to terms with that he's actually gone. But Jungkook is the one to accept it first. He realizes that his friend died and can't stand denying it anymore or watching his friends suffer and act like this. He goes to Yoongi, since Jin means a lot to the both of them because he was the first to find out about their relationship and accept it, but when he tries to talk about it, Yoongi becomes violent, in denial, and starts a fight, and no matter how hard Jungkook tries he can't get through, and in the end is left alone. Then he figures, if he can't get through to his love, how could he with the others? So he let's them do as pleased. Jin's death sets a wave of terrible. This is when I Need U plays in. Everyone decides they can't go on without their friend, though some desperately want to help others. Hoseok sees his way out through his medicine, which doesn't work might I add. He swallows them and it's a slow painful death, but he hardly feels it with his frozen heart. News of Hoseok having died in the hospital (he passed out on an intersection someone was bound to see him and call an ambulance) reaches his best friend, Jimin, and he becomes even more depressed. He starts blaming himself, counting all the things he thinks he's done in life, even if they have nothing to do with his friends, and fills the tub (I'll come back to this in the end). Jungkook and Yoongi obviously fell apart after their fight and hoping to clear his head goes for a little walk where he runs into a bit of trouble with a group of thugs (I like to think they were enemies of Yoongi and since Jungkook was always with him, he was always protected) then hit by a car (Again... MY BABY!!!!!) Yoongi blames himself for not being there for him and getting in that stupid fight and inevitably lights his room on fire. Namjoon, severly affected by all this, takes up smoking, letting the nicotine fill his lung and replace the bad stuff in his life with other bad stuff, but one night he's a little too close to the gas pump and it explodes. Taehyung, having to deal with the death of his friends as well as an abusive father, cracks and kills his father, later deciding to follow his friends to the grave. In Run, it kind of gives hints and suggestions about their deaths, especially Jimin's since they are in the bathroom and they throw him in the filled tub, dunking him. They also put Taehyung in there, since he also drowned. And there's the scene between Hoseok and Jimin where Hoseok is hooked up to medical equipment and Jimin is right by his side, which suggests a very close friendship. The fight between Jungkook and Yoongi suggest of their relationship, as well as their constant interaction with each other throughout the video. In Run, Jin is more of an observer, watching his friends and all that. The house of cards represent the foundation of their friendship, and though it looks stable enough, Taehyung knocks it over, as if saying everything isn't okay. Since it was only Jin and Taehyung left in I Need U, It's safe to assume that's why he's the one to knock it over. And the second time it falls, Jin has this confused look, as if he's unsure why they can't be okay. We see Kookie has come to terms with it because he seems a little more standoffish as the others act crazy and we notice Jin doesn't participate in the little stunt in the traffic tunnel, just stays in the car and maybe they're running from the horrible truth that Jin isn't really there.

Now, back to Jimin and Hoseok. At the end we see Jimin in the tub, the same tub his friends surprised him in, and he's holding a photo. It's of them all, at the spot of Jin's death, trying one final attempt to feel close to him again and the spot Jin is supposed to be is empty. Jimin blames Jin's death for the reason he lost Hoseok as well, which is why he burns the photo. Now, if you notice in the Run dance video, as well as live videos, during Jin's part near the end, Taehyung is the only one looking down while everyone else looks up. I feel it's because in I Need U, Jin and Taehyung were the only ones left, but Tae just couldn't hold on. He feels it should've been him who died, and maybe the others could have survived. He feels he didn't really play an important part in their little group (which is not true) and losing him wouldn't have had as big of an impact as Jin's death was. So maybe he could've saved his friends had he been the one to drive into the ocean and never be found, which is why he is unable to die in the end of the video. He decides almost suffocating was just the pain he needed to realize he blamed himself for everyone else, and must live with the heart wrenching guilt for the rest of his unhappy life, wherever that leads him (He killed his dad so I'm guessing jail, even if he was an abusive bastard who deserved it).


So that's my theory. I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into these and BigHit was just using those videos as a " YOUR FEELS" type of thing, hoping to hurt our poor fragile hearts with assumed deaths of our beloved BTS. Let me know what you think.


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ficsystem #1
There are so many theories... And there is Jin answering a question in an interview. I forget the question but it was something like: what's your thought bout the album? And our weird Jin said: i lost my six members. And Rapmon: stop saying we're died. Lol. Crazy boys