MAGNE7IC Letter to Writer

Dear Writer, hello there! My name is Mia. I'm so happy that we've both decided to join this exchange. It should be great fun for everyone. GOT7 is an amazing group and I'm ecstatic at all the love flying for them. Maybe you already know this but Youngjae and Jaebum are feeling ill as of late and, being a 2jae stan, this breaks my heart into a million pieces. Let's keep them in our wishes. That being said, lemme keep it 100; I'm 2jae trash. I have side parings like jackjae and markjae (anything sunshine jae tbvh). But, 2jae has been my OTP since, basically, the beginning and I don't see that changing. So I'd really love a 2jae fic. ^^

There are lots of things I read, among them are: all AU's, , friendship fics that progress into romance or don't, and any good fic underneath the sun.

For this fic in particular I would adore an AU. If you're someone who does best at long fics, please don't bar yourself because you fear I won't like long fics. I love long fics! On the flip side, please don't pressure yourself if you don't really do long fics or don't feel like it this time around. I'd love any length of a fic written by my fellow igot7 fam.

Some stuff I don't read would be underage and PWP. I'm not someone to enjoy fics that are centralized by , either. So, nothing like an academy for , or anything like that. I also generally don't read F/F or F/M(as main pairings, not saying they can't be sides or mentionend). Not that I never would or have a problem with either. I'm not a picky person when it comes to a bomb fic, but if it contains anything that heavily conflicts morality or disrespects any religion or religious practice, I won't read it. I'm happy to say igot7's are pretty chill and respectful/loving to everyone so I'm not too worried about this one. 



1)  high school!au; Jaebum is captain of the soccer team and Youngjae is the water boy/equipment manager. 

2) sports!au; Youngjae is a talented car racer (who is also a uni student with loans stacked to his ears) in need of a sponsor. Said sponsor comes in the form of private investor and marketing specialist Im Jaebum. 

*2jae as the main paring. go crazy with side pairings if you like, though*


Just a closing note: I'm okay with triggers since I'm angst af and write them myself. Anxiety, Nightmares, most other triggers, you name it. 


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