THEAWKWARDONE / JADE / 7.5 out of 10
NAME. bae, iseul
     BASIL         close friends and family   -   basil is a nickname that originated from iseul reading her name in hangul wrong when she was younger ("bae-sul? basil?"). it ultimately serves dual purposes: her english name  and a term of endearment from those close to her.
     PK         them church people   -   basically an abbreviation for pastor's kid that is used by anybody who's younger than 30 and is a christian.
BIRTHDAY. 071798 (17)
BIRTHPLACE. san jose, ca, usa
san jose, ca, usa (age 0-14)
busan, gyeongsang, south korea (age 14-16)
seoul, south korea (age 16 - current)
ETHNICITY. half korean, half vietnamese
    KOREAN       advanced  -  iseul can speak and understand korean fairly well. her accent when speaking in korean is a mixture of an american and a busan accent which throws people off (it gets worse when she's trying to change her accent to fit the seoul dialect). as the result of having a father from busan and living in busan for two years, iseul picked up on the rough way of speaking korean that is famous in korea as the busan satoori.  her reading and writing is a bit slow compared to her speech (its more in the intermediate level than advanced), and it sometimes takes her a moment to process what she just read in korean.
     ENGLISH         fluent  -   born and raised in america, bae iseul is fluent in english. she continues to practice speaking english by speaking to her old friends back in america, and whenever her family goes back to america to visit (usually every summer). she watches a lot of american tv shows and reads a lot of books in english (more so than korean books).
     VIETNAMESE        intermediate  - her mom insists to speak vietnamese to her at all times, and cannot tolerate iseul speaking english or korean back at her. iseul was also forced to attend vietnamese school back in america by her mother. once upon a time, iseul was better in vietnamese than korean since she lived in san jose, the city with the biggest vietnamese population in america. when she moved to south korea, however, her vietnamese has deteriorated a little much to mother's dismay. she knows enough to hold a conversation with her relatives from vietnam and can read (and write) at a middle school level.
APPEARANCE. black wavy hair bounces around iseul's shoulders as she walks down a hallway with a huge grin displayed on her face. her tall and lean physique steadily takes her to the event she plans to attend as her long, calloused fingers pushes back the black strands of hair that falls in front of her face. humming a tune, iseul's dark brown eyes dart around the area, exuding warmth and curiosity at the surface, but dig down a bit deeper, and a guarded expresssion can be seen as if she has something to hide. she wrinkles her slightly upturned nose as she wonders where the heck the building was, drawing atention to the several freckles that runs across the high bridge of her nose. finally spotting the location of her event, her eyes curl up as her cherry red lips pull in to a beam, the red color of her lips contrasting against her fair skin. iseul runs to the location with childlike glee and excitement lighting up in her eyes that causes the elderly around her to coo in adoration. her previous location, now empty of her presence, smells faintly of coconut shampoo, a temporary memento of who was once there.
      ON STAGE     
with the crowd screaming in excitement (or completely silent, you never know), iseul can be seen wearing an outfit deemed performance-worthy by her stylist. the warm summer days often leads her stylist to dress iseul up with a v-neck short-sleeved shirt, a high waisted skater skirt, a pair of sheer tights, combat boots, and a huge bow placed somewhere in her head (because being the maknae means dressing cutely according to her stylist much to her amusement. shes just glad she doesn't have to wear whatever the vocalist is wearing). during the winter, she can be seen sporting a long sleeve turtleneck sweater with ripped skinny jeans, and yet another huge bow placed upon her head ("how old am i? 8?" "nah, you look more like 4.")
south korea has an obession with public image, and wearing a plain and boring white t-shirt just isn't going to cut it. the color palette of her outifts, and style varies with the seasons. her stylists often has her don a vareity of dresses and skirts, different sets of coats and jackets (peacoats, trench coats, denim jackets, army jackets, etc.), skinny jeans, wide rimmed hats, hipster sunglasses (the ones with the circle lenses) chelsea boots, wedges, and flats. and we must'nt forget the vareity of bows that her stylist practically wrestles her to wear ("NO NOT ANOTHER ONE. I REFUSE").
     HER OWN CHOICE     
when iseul is allowed to dress herself, her outfits are a bit more laid-back, but not completely lazy. her style is a weird mixture of southern california beach girl, northern california city girl, and varsity jock. her closet consists of university sweaters or hoodies, cardigans (kimono-style, baggy wool ones, etc.), varsity jackets, flannels, v-neck t-shirts, american eagle printed shirts, snapbacks, beanies, leggings, skinny jeans, adidas soccer pants, high-waisted shorts, adidas shoes, flats, sandals, and converse. the best thing that iseul likes about her wardrobe is that THERE ARE NO BOWS.
STRUCTURE. 171cm & 54kg
FACECLAIM. Bae Yoo Bin (Binnie of Oh My Girl)
BACKUP FACECLAIM. Hriai Momo (Momo of Twice)

     THE MASK         amiable, childish, dramatic, outgoing
superficial, compassionate, spontaneous        THE BLUR    
     THE REALITY        distant, irritable, capricious, loyal.
so the mask basically means the image she presents to to others, and generally the first impression people have of her. the reality means how she actually is on the inside and the blur is basically the set of traits that show up in both of her personalities (?). i hope that makes sense.
lee iseul wears a mask of perfection that she's been putting up since she could understand that her image can either make or break her father's career. she can be seen running around church helping out or welcoming new people into the church with a smle that would make the elderly squeal. sometimes, she overreacts in certain situations like if she drops her kimbap onto the ground ('NO. NOT MY BABY. COME BACK TO ME"). everybody treats her like a child (much to her dismay) so she acts like a child,  whining when something doesn't go her way and tattle-telling when somebody does her wrong. iseul is the type of person to make last-minute plans or make decisions on impulse.

to the very few people who really know her, iseul can be a bit scary. her mood fluctuates depending on her circumstance and when somebody she's comfortable with irritates her, she smacks them on the head with her bible. iseul gets irritated easily, and turns cranky, often snapping at a person to stop bothering her. not many people can get close to her, despite her amiable image. this is due to her tendency of listening to other people's problems, but she never really talking about her own problems (she was taught to keep quiet about family problems by her mother so her father can keep his job;  iseul puposefully holds herself at a distance with people). she can be shallow on her choice of crushes, often only seeing their outer beauty than really trying to get to know them.

TLDR : she's basically that one girl in the movies that everybody thinks is nice, but then the camera pans in multiple times and her smile starts to get a little scary. also that one friend you knew for years and thought you guys were super close, only to realize that you know almost nothing about her but she knows almost everything about you. the kid that makes you want to smack them sometimes, because, wow, how childish can you get. finally, iseul is the typical nobody-knows-the-real-me-because-i-put-up-an-image-in-order-to-honor-my-family's-name person (so shes fake).

        SAN JOSE, CA, USA     (AGE 0-14)      
on july 17, 1998, bae iseul was born as the youngest child of bae youngmin and bae thien nga. she grew up in the vietnamese community in san jose, ca, and her life was shaped by the expectations bestowed upon her. as the youngest, her upbringing was much more lenient compared to her older siblings, but she was still expected to behave in front of other people (especially when surronded by church members). when she started school, she kept up the same image she put up in church. iseul made many friends and played with them like any other child. iseul's mother wanted iseul to learn an instrument in order to serve the church in the future, and 9 year old iseul chose the drums. with her older brother playing the piano and her older sister with the guitar, the bae siblings helped create the youth band in church (because worshipping with the adults was boring). when her brother began college and her sister's impending high school graduation, iseul picked up the guitar at age 13 in order to lead the youth band when her sister moved out for college. life moved on, iseul was happy, but then a family meeting changed her life. they were moving to busan, south korea.
        BUSAN, GYEONGSANG, SOUTH KOREA     (AGE 14-16)       
after a lot of begging and teenage rebellion, iseul was forced to relocate to busan the summer she finished junior high. life in busan was hard. she couldn't speak korean fluently and she had no friends to hang out with during the summer. iseul was given the whole summer to adjust to life in korea, but south korea was so strange. although she was half korean, the culture was completely different than how it was in america. she moped and grew bitter towards her parents, but was mature  enough not to lash out to her parents in front of their new church. she skyped a lot with her older siblings and american friends, but noticed how she was growing apart from her school friends. then school started. right away, iseul knew that she wasn't going to like it. people made fun of her accent and bullied her for being half vietnamese. she made no friends, and became lonely. halfway into the school year, iseul took up guitar and drum lessons again and spent most of her time at home practicing whenever she wasn't doing anything church related.
         SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA  (AGE 16-current)       
the bae family moved again two years later, but now to the bustling city of seoul, the heart of south korea. iseul didn't really put up much of a fight about the move to seoul ('anything to get away from my school mates.'). now with more confidence in her korean speaking ability and her prior experience with bulies, iseul walked into her new school with the goal of not letting other people get to her. whenever she was bullied in school, iseul would laugh with them, much to the surprise of everybody, and she would even make fun of herself sometimes. eventually, the bullying decreased substantially (because her bullies thought she was boring) and she even got along with a few people, a much better improvement than her school life in busan. in her new church, iseul revived the youth group band idea. she grew closer to people to the members of the youth band and she became really  comfortable around them (even allowing her mask to slip sometimes). eventually, she was walking home from band practice when she saw a huge line in front of a building. and thus, another chapter in her life began.
PRE-PERFORMANCE RITUAL : iseul has a ritual before every performance. she jumps slightly up and down to get rid of nervous energy, and then starts randomly dancing to a song she plays on her phone (occasionally doing extreme air guitar while moving her head up and down rigorously much to the embarrasment of everybody in the band). right before getting on stage, she'll say a quick prayer (she has her eyes closed, and her hands are clasped together in front of her face).
PET PEEVES : iseul hates it when somebody calls her bae. her name is not "bae" nor is it your bae nor is it "my bae". its iseul, and if you know her english name, basil. she also doesn't like it when a person calls her a kid (or says she looks anything younger than 14). she's 17 thank you very much.
GUITAR CASE : her guitar case is a bit battered, and is covered with different kinds of stickers. her older sister was the one to give it to her. she refuses to change her guitar case even if it looks like it would fall apart at any moment.
TALKING TO THYSELF : when iseul talks to herself, she calls herself seul. she often talks to herself  if she's stressed out and feels likely nobody would want to listen to her. (it can be noted that seul in french can mean alone).
MORALS INTACT : if iseul ever dates anybody, she wouldn't go past kissing them. her upbringing bred her to be like this, and plus, she can barely hold a guy's hand without showing how disguisted she is (iseul is a strong believer of cooties and is a germaphobic).
FAITH : growing up as a pastor's kid, it comes to no suprise that iseul's faith is strong. she carries around bible with her everywhere, and prays before every meal. sometimes she spouts some bible verses to give advice to other people, and she's not afraid to speak up about her faith. some people, however, question her faith whenever she smacks a person on the head with her bible when they annoy her ('YOU NEED JESUS IN YOUR LIFE').
CONTACTS : she doesn't have 20/20 vision so she wears contacts. however, she just started wearing contacts so its takes her a long time (after multiple accidental eye pokings) to put them on. she has a slight paranoria from going blind if she gets an eye infection so she washes her hands for like 5 minutes before putting her contacts on.  if she doesn't have enough time to put on her contacts, she wears black-rimmed glasses that are  similar to  the ones jae of day6 wears.

      TIGER MOM        :   BAE THIEN NGA
Tran Thien Nga : 53 : piano teacher
initially against iseul joining seoul hero (and she still is), thien nga caved in when iseul made a deal with her. if iseul can somehow manage to raise up five ranks in school, she'll allow iseul to continue in seoul hero. the relationship between iseul and her mother is pretty tense as their view of the world clashses on more than one occasion. iseul lashes out towards her mother a lot because she feels like her mother is too strict (and expects her to be perfect). however, she still loves her mother despite their fall outs.

        THE BULLY        :   NAKAHARA JUNKO
中原順子 : 23 : songwriter
to say that iseul is scared of junko is an understatement, she is absolutely terrified of junko. ever since junko shoved her into a closet with a hanger in the back of her shirt, iseul avoids junko whenever she can. she keeps quiet when junko talks and when she has to talk with junko, she is cautious in what she says. iseul is wary wherever she goes with the band, and keeps an eye out for junko in order to keep a wide berth from her. when they're in the same room, expect iseul to be on the opposite side of the room. iseul also makes sure that the room that holds junko would have no closets. we wouldn't want to see the same thing happen again would we (junko probably would though)? 

       PD-NIM         :   JO INSUNG
조인성 : 34 : producer
pd-nim and iseul aren't the closest in age and friendship(?)-wise. the first thought that crossed iseul's mind when she first saw pd-nim was 'wow, he has the face of a creep.' . . . she may or may not have said that aloud during the audition . . . she's not exactly comfortable on how touchy he can be towards all the members, and doesn't know what to say around him (because what can a 17 year old talk about with somebody whose two decades older than her?). she is willing, however, to make him coffee because that would mean she can avoid an awkward conversation with him.
POSITION. guitarist

      GUITAR         4 years  -  iseul took up the guitar in order to prepare herself in leading the youth worship band. her older sister was the one who taught her the basics before her mother made her take professional lessons. she struggled with playing the guitar at first, because memorizing all the chords was hard for her (at least with drums, all she needs is to hit the right one). iseul also didn't like how her finger hurt whenever she played it. eventually, she got used to the guitar and grew to like it. she could make actual melodies on the guitar rather than just playing in rhthym like the drums (the reason why she grew to like the guitar). back when she lived in busan, she used to immerse herself in practicing the guitar and drums in order to keep her mind off how miserable her life was. now, she practices with some of the teens in her church every week for worship and leads with the guitar. iseul knows how to play chords better than stringing out the melody, so she is currently practicing on how to play individual notes on her guitar.
      DRUMS         8 years  -  the drums were the first instrument that iseul learned as a child, and is still her one true love. she chose the drums because at her age, the thought of hitting something without getting in trouble was appealing to her (and still is honestly). she is better with the drums then she is with the guitar, but she plays it less compared to the guitar during worship at her church. as a result of her years of drum lessons, iseul has  an extremely good sense of rhythm.
VOCAL TWIN. Moon Byul-yi (Moonbyul of MAMAMOO)
BACKUP TWIN. Liu Amber Josephine (Amber of f(x))
IDEAL PERSON. lee minhyuk (minhyuk of monsta x) because he has the ideal look iseul looks for in a guy.
IN HER EYES : somebody with kind eyes, an adorable smile, and twinkling laughter. she really likes if a guy has dyed hair. somebody who is funny and a gentleman. honestly, she's still a delusional teenager that dreams of dating the perfect man.
IN EVERYBODY ELSE'S EYES : he's not the most honest person around,  and he's just a pretty face. he seems too proud. probably a person you wouldn't want to be associated with as he has too much baggage in his life.
INTERACTIONS. he doesn't treat her like anything special to be honest. since iseul is the youngest, he treats her like a kid and its obvious she doesn't like that. she always tries to impress him, but then stumbles around her words when she tries to talk to him (and her face turns extremely red). he teases her a lot, and jokingly covers her eyes when a band member goes shirtless. when he's interacting with other band members, iseul can be seen at a distance watching him with a dreamy smile on her face.
STATUS. "wow, he's cute" → crush →  stalking admiring from afar → attempts at friendship → confession & rejection → awkward with each other → tries to get him to like her →  gives up → big brother, little sister relationship
ENDING. iseul accepts the fact that he doesn't like her, and now sees him as an older brother. she now screen tests all his possible girlfriends, deeming most of them unworthy for her "perfect" oppa.
음오아예 by mamamoo
200% - akdong musician
good day by iu
NOTE : i actually was planning for iseul to not have a love interest, but then you mentioned something about hormonal teenagers in the cheatsheet and i was like "oh." so yeah. iseul is still a kid teen, so i tried to make it how somebody her age would react if the person they liked knew their existance.
"I ... uhh ... I didn't see the post first actually," Iseul sheepishly says while shrugging. "There was this huge line coming out of the building, and i wanted to check it out, because maybe it was free food or something. I came up to a person and asked what was happening, but they looked at me weirdly so i just searched up what was happening on my phone. Luckily, I just came from my practice so I had my guitar case," Iseul lips stretches into a beam and her eyes curve up into crescents. 
Her head tilts a little to the right and her face scruches up in thought. "If everybody in the band is good-looking and relatively talented, then maybe? I mean, you can't survive in the entertainment industry here if you're not good looking . . . Unless you're Psy."
Her eyes widen when she remembers that she's being interviewed in order to join the band. She should probably say something positive so it seems like shes dedicated. "Oh! I meant, of course we'll make it!" A forced smile is on her face.
Iseul's expression turns troubled and darkens slightly. "Any special talents? . . . Well I have the ability to fart with my back. Do you want to see?" Her face lights  up all of a sudden, and she seems excited to show off this weird talent of hers. But then she stops herself halfway into the act of turning around to demostrate and her shoulder slumps, "But then all my church friends say its weird and not somthing I should show off to strangers..."
At the thought of her  church friends, her eyes widen. Anybody can tell that Insung and Junko are weirded out by Iseul's sudden changes in mood and are thinking 'what is up with this girl?' "WAIT! I can play the drums. I'm actually better at the drums than the guitar."
Insung asks her why didn't she try out for the drums than. "Because I didn't bring my drumsticks, and I refuse to use anybody else's. Who knows where those drumsticks have been?" Her face shows sign of slight disguist. "Plus, I need to practice playing my guitar in performances so it all works out in the end I guess."
"I guess I'm pretty decent? I usually just harmonize with the main singer in my church band. I haven't really tried anything vocal wise other than that."
"i really like ballads and R&B. Something that can be really pull at you heartstrings, ya know?  Rap is fine too, as long as its not too hardcore. A personal favorite of mine is Christian pop and alternative rock since For King and Country are great." Then, she he gets excited and starts to throw her hands around to emphasize her next words, "Korean pop rock like TRAX is amazing too! Like, Jungmo is super talented and he's good-looking! JUNGMO IS GOALS. Do you think Jungmo is amazing too?" She questions Junko and Insung with child-like wonder in her eyes.
"To play music of course! And maybe become famous... but more for the music! i swear its more for the music." She nods to herself thinking 'Good cover-up, Seul. Now they won't suspect that you're trying to meet Jungmo  in order to get guitar lessons from him.' The looks on Junko and Insung's faces are not impressed.
"If I say music is life, would you let me in?" She smiles at them and says a quick prayer in her head asking God to please let her have the opportunity to become famous join the band.
COMMENTS. well, i tried and ultimately failed on making iseul an okay character (im so sorry if reading about her made you want to pull your hair out).its just that i really wanted to finish the app, before the amount of schoolwork piles on (which it already has sadly). yeah i got a bit lazy on the style section. her nickname basil actually originated from my sis reading the hangul wrong when she saw it haha.
QUESTIONS.  was the appearance section okay? was making her a pastor's kid too much?
SUGGESTIONS. eating healthy can promote health benefits such as losing weight and healthier-looking skin.
+ if the band lives in a dorm, iseul holds the line up for the bathroom because she can't put on her contacts. when she comes out, she has slightly red eyes from poking her eyes too many times and tears are gathering near her eyes.
+ someone in the band suggests that somebody should rap in a performance when thinking of ideas to put the band out there and junko proceeds to beat up the person for even thinking of such a thing.
+ iseul does something that she knows junko wouldn't like without her knowing, but then junko walks into the room. iseul proceeds to walk to the closet herself and puts a hanger behind her shirt. she stays there for an hour.
+ iseul accidentally spilling coffee onto insung's new shirt (or composition sheets that he's been working on for a really long time).
+ iseul falling on her face when she sees her crush for the first time.
PASSWORD. "OH MY GOD. sorry Lord, I used your name in vain. forgive me please. IM SO SORRY." *walks briskly away and cries* "my eyes. my innocent eyes. why, Lord, why?"


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remember me,,, cries
lol just noticed
is her name lee iseul
or bae iseul
bc the title of your app.... does not m a tCH what u wrote
im late to the party but thats ok
i love this pure church child
she is so cute what the actual fu c k