Hi guys..

It's been first week of the year. I know this is late but, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I know I know. You read the right word on the title. Korea. But what with university?

Well, you see, this year is my biggest, important year as a human. I thought I said human, oh yeah.. I did.

FYI, I'm SEVENTEEN this year. (Look at what I did there XD) So, for all Malaysian, you know SPM right?

Okay. SPM(Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) or in English, Malaysian Certificate of Education is the biggest nightmare for students in Malaysia. It's like college entrance exam. It hold our lives in a piece sheeeeet of paper. I mean the result. So, as what I know,  you all hate exam. So am I. For motivational purpose, I already plans what am I will do after SPM.

Get staright As in SPM. (It's a pray BTW.)

Enroll into a good university.

Get highest pointer in every exams.

Get work(as psychologist).

Marry. (Ahem...)

Anyways, I dream of studying in Korea. (I know most of you want too). So, if you can help, please recommend me a good universities in Korea. I'm searching in Mr. Google but I still need your help. Please please please. If you know any good university (if can, with a good psychology educational) please comment or PM me.

Also, for Malaysian, ada tak korang kat sini sekolah agama? Saya nak tanya, nak masuk kuliah atau form 6? Saya tak ambil sains tulen atau akaun. So tak boleh masuk matrik. Saya ambil perdagangan(sekolah saya ada 3 subjek ni je T_T). Saya tak tahulah saya mampu ambil kuliah atau tak. Tapi, saya nak usaha betul betul tahun ni.

Thanks for read this all. I'm sorry if I've wasting your time.




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Sogang University, Hongkik University, Sungkyunkwan University
Ewha University or Sungshin University (those are for women only)
Well, there's always the SKY Universities (Seoul National University, Korea University, Yonsei University), but I bet they're tough to get into. ; _ ; I'm looking into getting my masters at Yonsei University. ^^