
Just woke up, I had this dream this morning and it makes me miss my friend ex- crush (the one I confessed to). I mean, we're in this very same class right now but we feel so distant. He sits on the other side of the class which is less than 10 meters away but really, we rarely speak to each otherr anymore. We're not even in a bad or awkward relationship, we're just... distant...

anyway, in this dream I had we were finally close, like how we used to be, or maybe even closer than ever? Nah... it's only normal us in my dream, and I realized that I miss those times. Like the times when I can lean on his shoulder and fall asleep there, and he falls asleep with his head on mine too, and we'll just enjoy the ride because we're too sleepy to complaint, not like we have anything to complain anyway.

Or just the time I curl up in bed beside him (not doing anything funny, just sleep) and he asks for a blanket for me. Ah... I miss those times, when things are sweet and the butterflies in my tummy do some crazy acrobatic moves. It's been too long since the last time I really feel in love. Geez, eventhough I'm happy with the random late night talk I had with this current boy, I can't feel the heart skipping a beat (yet), well... I don't even blush, I think, but yeah, I like it, and I'm happy... it's just that... I still feel something is missing...


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