bye 2015, hello 2016

so, i think the year of 2015 really come to an end now, huh?

to me, it's been not a very nice year and I'm glad it passes.

but it was not only hard and sad - we must not forget th memories we made, the things we learned, the mistakes we made and grew from them, people we met and said goodbye to - it's all the things that shape us, even if not only good things happen.

I'm currenty alone at home, on New Year's, and trying to get the RUN choreography in my head. well, it's in my head - but my legs won't listen. I'm sweating like a pig and I'm starting to appreciate each and every single idol singer out there, whether I listen to them or not, for putting so much effort in practice to show us, their fans, a really great show.

It's hard. It's freaking hard. And considering they actually sing while dancing? Out of my mouth comes only wheezing like I'm a dying walrus :D

Anyway, another thing that really helped me through this rollercoaster ride of 2015 was kpop. I've been lisening to it since late 2014, but it acompanied me fully through the year 2015 and gave me smiles, laughter - and especially comfort when I needed it the most.

(seriously though, when you're sad, just look at pictures of J-Hope. He truly is a sunshine)

Another thing that's been acompanying for more than 8 years now is writing.

I may get severe blocks every now and then, but it helps my mind release from thoughts and worries that are bugging me. I've gone through a lot of personal struggles, especially in the time between march and september, I think, but I'm slowly coming back on track and writing really helped me a lot. 

Personal struggles will never fully leave us, I believe, but it's our own choice to how much we choose make it present in our every-day-life. I'm slowly starting to learn to stay positive, though it's kind of hard for me. But without trying, there won't be any results, right?

So, stay positive, for light shines brightest in the dark.

Thank you so much for over 1.250 subscribers. That's a number I really would have never expected.

I will try to update more regularly on Born In The Dark (I'm actually spending New Year's Eve writing ;)) and maybe I'll even come up with other stories or oneshots. 

Thank you also to the people that have been with me, but aren't anymore, for you've been a part of my life and helped me figure out to be who I want to be - and choose who not to be.

Everyone, I wish you all the best for 2016. Be healthy, try new things, meet new people. Be successful in what you want to achieve and wisely choose the people to let take part of you life and get rest of the poisonous relationships.

It was a hell of a year, literally.

See you in 2016.


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