It's happening


Everything that I type turns into .

I can't even make sentences. Not even a sentence.

I thought that I gotta probs with fluff

But now, even angst and drama are turning their back to me.

Gawd, this is awful


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don't worry! it happens to all of us, even to the best of authors! take a break. i usually would read other fan fiction or probably marathon my favourite shows or something. sometimes, our muse would come back to us in the most unexpected times. (god knows how many times i get an idea in the shower. which is kind of bad coz it ends up vanishing before i have time to get out of the shower and write it down TT_TT)
Calm down!!! Don't suggestions is to go out there and read some fanfiction something or someone may get your imagination started again. Also listening to music always sends my writers block away ..and of course watching kpop gets me started!!!!!! I also like to watch TV or type random scenarios. Try this and if it doesn't help...let me know I have thousands of ways to beating writers block^^
First thing first, don't panic. Do not wreck your brain. My suggestions are you should go read some old fanfics you like and that seem to inspire you or take a break and relax your mind for a while with watching videos. Just take a break. It'll get better. If not, let's talk~ Hope it helps :)