Ermm, I... *sigh*

Juz some writerblock. No, it wasn't really writerblock. It just that everything that I typed turn into an angst story instead of fluff. 

I can't even think any of fluff or romantic scene. 

Everything appeals to be dramatic and angst in my head. 

Juz what is wrong with me?



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You should just shove all that angst into a story and get it out of your thoughts, maybe that will help?
Same~ it's easier to write drama than fluff nowadays ㅠㅠㅠ
I had the same problem.
When I want to write angst it always turned out to be fluff.
Don't push yourself to hard.,just take your time!^_^
And I believe no matter what you write, fluffy or angst it still will be wonderful story.,^_^
Hey, author is still human.,sometime they will feel bored and have some problem with their story.,So don't worry.,keep calm relax n clear your mind...everything will gonna be alright...FIGHTING!!!<3<3<3
Maybe... it's the winter syndrom.. lol
I got sappy in this time of the year~ it's okay.. just let your mind works.. don't push yourself to write fluffy one of you feel angsty~
Watch a an adult movie with bad acting and be inspired. I've tested it and it works.
Every word you said is something I have felt a thousand times before!!!!!