「ㅤ게임제로。ㅤjoo hongbin

dean : joo hongbin
sixteen17 : rachel : 6
full name : joo hongbin | 주홍빈
other NAME(s) : 
- daniel joo | english
nickname(s) : 
- danny/deanny | called by members, from his english name daniel and his stage name dean
- binjoo | called by nayeon, she just loves to play with his name
- master dean | called by fans, dean is the gentleman of the group and he is like the master among the members therefore they called him that
- dj dean | called by everyone, he is one of the producer and sometimes does remix in concerts
- hongbin-ssi | called by nayeon, she called him this after the breakup, nayeon is the only one that called him by his korean name
birthdate : september 21, 1995
birthplace : new york, usa
hometown :  new york, usa
ethnicity : korean
languages : 
- korean | fluent | mother language
- english | fluent | native language
looks aren't that important
height & weight : 185cm & 68kg
bloodtype : ab-
appearance : His main wardrobe style is collared shirts. For his casual look, hongbin loves to wear like a hipster. He wears V-neck jumpers, checked, flannel and cotton shirts. He loves to wear skinny jeans because it will show his long and slim legs. During summer, he loves to wear short trousers to make his leg tan. hongbin always wear sneakers or top sneakers or sandals when he's not working. As for his on stage style, he loves layered sweater and collared shirt. It makes him look casual and formal, which is his style. He'll normally wear either khakis or corduroys to work, sometimes even jeans if his mood is really good.
don't try to disappear
personality : 
positive: tolerant, reliable, charismatic, altruistic, natural leaders
negative: overly idealistic, too selfless, too sensitive, fluctuating self-esteem, struggle to make tough desicion

hongbin is a true team player, and he recognizes that that means listening to other peoples' opinions, even when he contradicts his own. he admits he don't have all the answers, and are often receptive to dissent, so long as it remains constructive. The one thing that galls hongbin the most is the idea of letting down a person or cause he believes in. If it's possible, he can always be counted on to see it through. Charm and popularity are qualities hongbin has in spades. he instinctively know how to capture an audience, and pick up on mood and motivation in ways that allow him to communicate with reason, emotion, passion, restraint – whatever the situation calls for. Talented imitators, he is able to shift his tone and manner to reflect the needs of the audience, while still maintaining his own voice. Uniting these qualities is hongbin's unyielding desire to do good in and for his communities, be it in his own home or the global stage. Warm and selfless, he genuinely believe that if he can just bring people together, he can do a world of good. More than seeking authority themselves, he often end up in leadership roles at the request of others, cheered on by the many admirers of his strong personality and positive vision.

hongbin can be caught off guard as he finds that, through circumstance or nature, or simple misunderstanding, people fight against him and defy the principles he has adopted, however well-intentioned he may be. he is more likely to feel pity for this opposition than anger, and can earn a reputation of naïveté. he can bury himself in his hopeful promises, feeling others' problems as his own and striving hard to meet his word. If he isn't careful, he can spread himself too thin, and be left unable to help anyone. While receptive to criticism, seeing it as a tool for leading a better team, it's easy for him to take it a little too much to heart. his sensitivity to others means that hongbin sometimes feel problems that aren't his own and try to fix things he can't fix, worrying if he is doing enough. hongbin defines his self-esteem by whether he is able to live up to his ideals, and sometimes ask for criticism more out of insecurity than out of confidence, always wondering what he could do better. If he fails to meet a goal or to help someone he said he would help, his self-confidence will undoubtedly plummet. If caught between a rock and a hard place, hongbin can be stricken with paralysis, imagining all the consequences of their actions, especially if those consequences are humanitarian.

background :  daniel joo hongbin was born in the 21st of september, 1995 in new york, usa to christopher joo dongwook, chairman of a 5-star hotel and lee sooyeon, general manager of the same hotel. therefore, he is considered to be born with a silver spoon. however, tragic fell to the family as sooyeon passed away hours after her birth of hongbin due to her heart disease. everyone was very sad of her departure. after dongwook got away from the mourning, he stood up and continue managing the hotel and taking care of his only son. he cares for hongbin a lot and always there for his childhood as his wife told him to. 

Hongbin has quite a normal childhood, with normal friends to play with and a good school to attend with. The only problem is that he has very high anticipation from the joo family, since his father is a success. he however, has not much interest in studying and business. instead, he has interest in music. he plays piano because his father told him that his mother wishes that hongbin could play piano. over the years, he grew interest in that because he loves the melodies he created through his hands. when he was 13, he found edm when he listened to songs by tiesto. he found it amusing and special so he brought the software and learnt it himself. he slowly get used to it and manage to produce a song from it. he told his father about it, hoping he could agree to let him do it. dongwook agree to it, with the choice that he needs to study. hongbin agree as djing is just his hobby, a favourite one. 
likes : 
- sushi ; he loves raw fish
- fried chicken ; that is the best food ever
- children ; they are cute and fun to play with
- winter ; he thinks that cold is better than hot and sweat
- edm ; that's what he does now
- western dramas, especially criminal minds ; those are filled with suspend which is his type. he has interest in psychology because of criminal minds
- psychology ; he's currently taking this subject for his degree in yale university
- coffee ; it keeps him awake
dislikes : 
- waiting ; he hates waiting and does not let other people wait for him so he always on time
- cats ; he's just scared of that
- holes ; he has a phobia of holes
- rock music ; he has no reason to hate it
- ants ; they are annoying
- clinging females ; clinging females are annoying, not like his nayeon, her presence makes him comfortable
- korean dramas ; the storylines are all the same and cliche
- necklace ; when he has necklace on his neck, his neck will feel itchy so he does not wear one
hobbies : 
- listening to music
- producing music
- watching dramas
habits : 
- he will include some english when he's talking
- unconsiously he will allow other people to go in first, for instance, he will hold onto the door and let other people to go in. that's how gentleman he is
- when he's angry, he clenches his fist tightly and excuse himself from the crowd. he finds a place when he can be alone and calm himself down
- he can be seen putting on his earphones and listening to songs in the airport
trivia : 
- he is known to be the second richest background among the korean idol, the first being super junior's siwon
- martin garrix said in an interview that dean is the best friend you could ever find, as he'll always be there for you
- he knows how to play piano
- many female korean idol such as girls generation taeyeon, tiffany, yoona, girls day minah, sistar hyorin and bora, said that they wish to collaborate with dean and become friend with him because he is handsome and talented
- he's currently taking psychology in yale university, his degree years are extended because he's in korea
- he is one of the producer in jyp entertainment
- has the same birthday with im nayeon
- he is a very good drinker, thanks to the gene from his father
- he is a great cook and gets many complements from yimin and the other trainees
- he seldom takes selfie, if he takes one, every female will be swoon over his gentleman look
- his father and stepmother are also famous because of their handsome and pretty look. the fans from korea saw it when he posted a family picture having a holiday at paris in instagram
- he wishes to be an actor for his solo activities
- social medias:
- instagram ; deanjoo
- twitter ; deanjoo921
- snapchat ; deanjoo
- youtube ; deanjoo
broken connections
relationships : 
- father, christopher joo dongwook | 45 | chairman of a 5-star hotel
hongbin is considered lucky because he has a caring, rich father. unlike others like kim tan or choi youngdo. the reason behind this is because hongbin's mother told her husband before she died that he must take care and love their son more because he will only have a parent to give him love. no matter how busy he is, he will have dinner with hongbin unless one of them is at overseas. christopher gives hongbin full support on what he wants to do, such as djing and becoming a trainee in jyp entertainment. when he knew that his son wants to become an idol in south korea. he flew back to korea and prepare everything for him. for instance, accomodation, food, education and many more.

- stepmother, natalie lee jinah | 33 | owner of a restaurant in the hotel
natalie left a not-so-good impression to hongbin because she's his stepmother after all. he cannot object since it's his father's choice and she's the one who is going to accompany his father for the rest of the life. in the beginning, he tried to avoid her as much as possible. natalie knows that he doesn't like her, but she still cares for him and does her job and responsibility as a mother. being an owner of a restaurant and a good cook, she'll cook delicious dinner for the family, hoping that the delicious food will at least make hongbin happy. when hongbin is in korea, she will fly there occasionally to see how is he and will cook for him for about a week or two. hongbin realized her effort and tried to open his heart and accept her as his mother. until now, he still call her "aunt nat".
- best friend, joo yimin | 19 | trainee in jyp
they are known to be the "joo brothers" in jyp entertainment. they always stick together during practice and during break. since hongbin is the older one, he tends to help his "younger brother" and takes care of him like an older brother. they are also roommates.

- best friend, martin garrix | 19 | dj
hongbin and martin met when the two of them were having a one-week camp of edm production in spinnin records. they were assigned in the same group and they have a good teamwork. their song has been voted as no.1 in the camp. since then, they always meet up to discuss about music and they even collaborate. after hongbin became a trainee in korea. they seldom met but will always contact through chat or skype. 

- ideal type, zhou tzuyu | 16 | singer in twice
in the press, hongbin states that tzuyu is like a goddess and he wishes to collaborate with her. but of course, that is just for the media. nayeon is obviously his ideal type and the only one only.
star in the spotlight
stage name : dean
persona : the gentleman dj
position : lead vocalist
backup position : lead dancer, sub vocalist
talent twin : seventeen - joshua (bts - v)
trainee years :  1 year (2014-2015)
TRAINEE life :  Although the training is not as tense, he has struggle learning how to dance because he's not that sporting and his body is stiff. hongbin has no problem practicing his vocal and rapping because he kinda love those. However he has quite a busy life because he trains and studies at the same time. he has no problem interacting with the trainees, he just asks them when he has any problems or teaches trainees when they ask something.
predebut :  
- 2014 | released a song with martin garrix with the title "virus (how about now)"
- 2015 | released his first solo single "roses" featuring rozes
scandals :  
- 2014 | kendall jenner and korean dj, dean are dating? | false
paparazzis found kendall and hongbin hanging out in new york, and they think that they are dating. well, kendall indeed wanted to hook on him because he's handsome and rich like her. but he will not accept her because he has a girlfriend. the two of them met through martin garrix. 
- 2014 | korean dj, dean is going to be a trainee in jyp entertainment because the ceo paid him to go there | false
the whole world do not believe that a renowned dj like dean would suddenly become a trainee in korea. therefore, they suspect that jyp entertainment;s ceo park jinyoung has paid a high price to recruit him to become a trainee
romance isn't for everyone
love interest : im nayeon & singer in twice
backup love interest : myoui mina & singer in twice
personality : 
- positive ; people pleaser, kind, generous, helpful
- negative ; overthink things, always by the book, highly emotional, timid

background : hongbin and nayeon first met when they were 14. that was hongbin's first journey to korea to meet his father' friends. nayeon's father was one of them. nayeon who is friendly bring hongbin around seoul and bring him eat the most delicious food in korea. hongbin was having fun in that one week in korea and with nayeon. before he went back to new york, he asked for her contact number so that they could remain their friendship although they are from the other side of the world. since then, hongbin will always text nayeon or they chat through skype. when nayeon got into jyp entertainment, she quickly call him when he's sleeping (because at new york it's night time). he still feel happy for her and talk to her for 1 hour. although they do not see each other often, they enjoy each other accompany. therefore, in valantine's day 2013, hongbin flew back to korea to give her a surprise and he confessed to her, nayeon happily accept and they become a couple. 

nayeon and hongbin are not the typical loving couple you can ever find. this is because they do not meet each other often. when hongbin flew to korea for a few days with his father, he will spend that few days with nayeon. he will wait for her in front of the company and they will go on a date in a cafe, walk around dongdaemun, or watch a movie together. nayeon will talk about her life as a trainee while hongbin will tell her about his producing life in new york and how fortunate he is to meet those famous djs like hardwell and tiesto. they do not share their first kiss yet because they think that they are too small. hongbin will instead kiss her forehead, cheek and even shoulder that makes nayeon feels warm. 

hongbin gave nayeon another great surprise when she saw him inside jyp entertainment. she was confused because he never went into the building. jyp's ceo park jinyoung then introduced the renowned korean dj dean as one of the trainee in jyp entertainment. nayeon opened her eyes wide as she didn't expect hongbin to have this decision. actually, hongbin decided to become a trainee because he could be with nayeon and pursue his music interest. when nayeon knows that, she can't help but hug him tight and kiss him. that's how their first kiss goes! 

since then, the two of them practiced hard. they frequently meet in the company. since hongbin has his own apartment, their date will be in there as they cannot go out often, with the company revealed profiles of nayeon. hongbin will cook for nayeon and they laugh their heart out. in june 2015, park jinyoung went to meet nayeon and hongbin. he knows that the two of them are couple. he requested them to break up because nayeon is going to be debuted under twice and dean will be revealed soon. he don't want any scandal between them. hongbin refused to straightaway, saying that they could cover their relationship and not showing it to public. nayeon holds his hand, calling him to stop. when they go to his apartment, they had a great arguement. nayeon asked for a break up because she really need to debut and cannot risk that with his relationship. hongbin was very heartbroken because she can say that in front of him. he never fell in love so deeply before and do not even want to be apart with her. nayeon put the key to his apartment on the table and leave without even turning back.

hongbin was very sad and heartbroken, he didn't go to practice for two weeks. nayeon was worried about him but dared not text him because if she texted, it means that she still care for him. she asked her teammate, tzuyu to ask him. nayeon wants a break up because she does not want his fame and career (dj and kpop idol) goes to a waste. after his best friend, yimin's advise, he stands up and continue practicing. when the two of them met in the corridor, hongbin will smile at her while she just nod. hongbin still miss her a lot. sometimes, he will stand outside twice's practice room and watch her practicing, laughing. just by watching her laughing will give him energy. 

relationship status : ex-couple and talk with formalties (they are still in love with each other)
everything is so awkward
comments : hello! hope you'll like dean and sorry for my bad grammar
scene request(s) : none atm
suggestion(s) : none atm
password : bts - butterfly



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