zachary gleeson

sixteen17 — rachel — 8


name — Zachary Luke Gleeson

- Zach | called by friends and family, from his name Zachary
- Luke Skywalker | called by Hades, Zachary is a hardcore Star Wars fan and Luke is his middle name
- Mr Playboy | called by Rachel, during their first meeting, Zachary tried to hook on her but she don't give a . When they meet again, she calls him that.
Godly counterpart — Zeus

birthday & age — March 18, 1989 + 26

birthplace — Los Angeles, USA

ethnicity — American

- English | fluent | mother language
- French | fluent | he went to France for two years to study architecture
- Chinese | semi-fluent | he learnt it during high school as his mother forced him to
- Korean | advanced | he learnt some due to business needs

face claim & backupGrant Gustin & Nick Robinson

me, me, and me. 

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appearance — Zachary has a height of 188cm and 70kg. He looks slim like a model. He is quite heavy due to his tall figure and heavy bones, according to his mother. He has no piercings and tattoo because his mother does not allow him to have one. As for the hairstyle, it has no difference with the face claim. 

style — His main wardrobe style is collared shirts. For his casual look, Zachary loves to wear like a hipster. He wears V-neck jumpers, checked, flannel and cotton shirts. He loves to wear skinny jeans because it will show his long and slim legs. During summer, he loves to wear short trousers to make his leg tan. Zachary always wear sneakers or top sneakers or sandals when he's not working. one | two | three | four 

As for his working style, he loves layered sweater and collared shirt. It makes him look casual and formal, which is his style. He'll normally wear either khakis or corduroys to work, sometimes even jeans if his mood is really good. one | two | three | four


Traits — 
- positive: just, romantic, patient & reliable, strong-willed
- negative: temperamental, stubburn, assertive, difficult to relax
- neutral: carefree, excellent organizers


personality — 
(+) just: As the CEO of a large company, Zachary has to be fair to every employees so that they would willing to work with him. When the employees done a good job, he will thank them and treat them as a token for helping the company. If the employees done something wrong, he will scold them like there's no tomorrow. There are some employees who hated him because of that, but because he treats them well normally, they still respect him and work for him. 
(+) romantic: Although he is organized and stubburn, he turns to another person when it comes to his love ones. He thinks that woman should be loved, not hated. Therefore, Zachary treats ladies very well which caused him to be the womanizer although he does not intend to be one. 

(+) patient & reliable: Zachary works to exemplify truthfulness and reliability, considering stability and security very important. When he says he'll do something, he keeps his words, making him the responsible member of the family and the company. 
(+) strong-willed: A strong will make this reliability possible, and Zachary don't give up his beliefs because of simple opposition. He defends his ideas and principles relentlessly, and must be proven clearly and conclusively wrong for his stance to budge. 
(/) carefree: Although Zachary is a perfectionist and organized in work, he is relax and carefree in real life. He loves to joke around with friends a lot (but not the employees, because he wants to maintain his image as the boss in front of them). Sometimes his carefree might overdrive and made other people mad, his friends do not mad at him because they know him, but for strangers, they are really mad at Zachary. 
(/) excellent organizers: His dedicated and strong-willed character makes him a capable and confident leader. He has no problem distributing tasks and responsibilities to others fairly and objectively, making him an exellent CEO. However, due to the power of distributing tasks, this makes him difficult to listen to other people's order. 
(-) temperamental: According to Hades, Zachary has the most mood swings Hades ever met. One second ago he can be the happy guy who always laugh and joke, and the next second he can be serious and does not smile at all. This always happen when he received a call about work when he's having fun with his friends or family. 
(-) stubburn: The problem with being so fixated with what works is that Zachary often dismiss what might work better. Everything is opinion until proven, and he is reluctant to trust an opinion long enough for it to have that chance. As long as there is evidence, he will trust it. Because of this, many of his staffs dare not suggest any designs unless he told them to. 
(-) assertive: As the CEO of a kinda-large company, he is proud with his acheivement. When he's dealing with his employees or clients, they will feel his sense of confident and pride in his words. For the employees, they kinda like it because he looks convincing and it will give motivation to them. But for clients, they will feel that he is proud with his job and look down on them. Because of this, Zachary employed a PR manager to handle the clients. 
(-) difficult to relax: The need of respect and maintain his dignity, makes Zachary difficult to cut loose and relax for risk of looking the fool, even in good fun. 


- Star Wars
- Salmon fish
- Hot soups
- Marvel and DC
- his iPod
- Rachel Jonas
- designing
- Ave Maria

- Vegetables
- People who talks bad words about others
- clinging women
- drugs
- rock music
- hot summer

- playing video games at night
- watching movies
- drawing / designing
- listening to music

- If he has an appointment at 9am, he has to wake up 2 hours early, 1 hour to make himself awake and the other hour to prepare himself and eat. 

- clinging women

- He is known to be the y and handsome CEO by many magazines such as Seventeen and Elle
- When Rachel comes to his office for business intention, he will put down his boss-attitude and become her oh-so-lovely friend

home is where the heart is. 

background — 2 paragraphs minimum and 4 paragraphs maximum. Precision is key. Get your message across.


family — Only add significant friends.

Format here (Name | Relationship | Personality | Interaction)


relationships — Include any given relationships in the plotline, as well as other significant relationships with others– enemies, exes, friends, does your character have a romantic relationship with another at the moment? 

Format here (ex: Name | Relationship | Personality | Interaction)

the one and only.

love interesT + FC — Rachel Jonas + Daisy Ridley

backup(s)  — Barbara Palvin
birthday — September 22, 1992

personalitY TRAITS — 
- positive: people pleaser, kind, generous, helpful
- negative: timid, overthink things, highly emotional, talkative, love to involve in other people's business

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background  — How was their first meeting? First impression of each other? Have they met each other prior to the day in which the story takes place? 

interactions  — na

endgame  — I may or may not adhere to this, but how do you want them to end up? Do you want them to drift apart, become enemies, be friends, be best friends, be lovers? Are you cool with death? 

last messages.

comments/suggestions — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an.

scene request — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut. Autem denique argumentum duo ea, quod offendit nam an.

Anything else? — Lorem ipsum.

turn inback to story


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