Infinite 30 Day Challenge - Day 3 -


Day 3: An Infinite song that reminds you of someone
Paradise reminds me of a person. It was a few years back and I new this guy, we met through a mutual friend and we got along really well. The only problem being, he was really indesisive. 
We both were interested in each other but as time went on it felt like he was playing me. One day he would want to be more than friends and then the next day he would change his mind. When he found out one of his friends also liked me and had asked me out, he wouldn't talk to me. Then when he found out we had broke up, he acted as if he wasn't interested from the start.
The song Paradise reminds me of the times when I wanted him to just go through with what he had said to me instead of changing his mind. Looking at it now though, I think things turned out for the best. I couldn't be with someone like that now and it's made me a stronger person XD


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i find this story really motivational ^^ and the song is my fave~ ♥