Studio 101 (사진관 101) ✖ On Style Contestant Choi Daeyoon


taew00 — sam — 10/10

basic profile.

name — Choi Daeyoon.


CD | Taken from his initials, he considered using CD as a stagename when he was a trainee. His friends he trained with call him this mostly as a joke.

Choi | He tells people that he likes to be referred to by his surname to keep things simple.

Baby Face | While meeting up with his friends he trained with and Julie, his trainee friends have noticed that he hasn't aged since he left the company, leading to the name Baby Face used by mostly Yoonji and Hwangyoung as a joke.

birthday & age — April 1, 1993, 22 years old.

birthplace & hometown — Gyeonggi, South Korea.

ethnicity — Korean.


Fluent Korean,

Basic English | He learned it through it being taught to him in school and from his friend Julianna who was born in the USA. 

Baic Japanese | While being a trainee he was taught the basics of Japanese

face claim & backup — Shon Minho 1 2 3

Byeon Wooseok 1 2

me, me, and me. 

style — Daeyoon's style is very casual. Bright colors are very rare for him to wear. He usually says he'd like his clothes to express how he is. Plain, simple and, clean. Designs, words, or patterns other than stripes aren't really his forte, as he wears and styles with mostly solid colors. Sunglasses or head gear is a must. Although his clothing choices aren't out there, he is anything but boring.

Sample of Styling Style 01. Style 02. Style 03

personality — It's hard for Daeyoon to get used to new people and his surroundings. He is mostly thought of the lonely quiet one although that is not entirely true. He will act cold, his aura might seem scary, he might seem difficult to talk to, he might not even respond to you. The truth is, Daeyoon is more afraid of you than you are of him, much like a spider. He often writes to himself about his feelings of being nervous. Of course he wouldn't want anyone to know he's pretty cowardly so random acts of anger, impoliteness and maybe a little violence are his way of covering it up. Basically, he's very takes everything seriously and only speaks when he is spoken to sometimes.

You'll know Daeyoon is starting to like you in a friendly matter if he asks a lot about you. How's your day? Did you eat? What are your plans? When you're friends with him he might become a little long winded. It might take a little pushing and pulling, and it might take a long time. But once you're close to Daeyoon, or even acquainted he acts very different. He seems a litte clingy, but it's only because he wants to keep his friends near him at all times. If you're away for even five minutes he'll start to feel lonely. He whines a lot, he nags a lot, and also has no sense of humor. If something is wrong with someone, close with them or not, he'll notice- this is something he considers a gift. However, he does get angry easily. Joking about something he doesn't find funny, lying and most of all, whispering while he's around just get on his nerves. It doesn't matter if you're close with him or not- if you make him angry or frustrated- beware. But overall Daeyoon can be a very caring, loving person, but doesn't like to show it too often. It's very rare that he'll say 'I love you' or even 'Thank you' to someone. Although you may get to know him, he still seems very private, almost like he's hiding something. 


likes — The season of fall, drawing, writing, rapping, reading, quiet places, eavesdropping, old movies, watching martial arts with his friends, roaming the city with a friend or by himself, alcohol, dark colors, j-pop, strawberries

dislikes — Kimchi, hot weather, computers, neon colors, night clubs, social situations, critisim, the smell of nail polish, leather pants


  • Became a trainee at the age of 13, left the company at 17. 
  • Stands at 180cm. 
  • Has alot of patience. 
  • Allergic to shellfish and once had an athsma attack from eating it. 
  • Hates flavored water.
  • Considers his lips and his scent his charm point.
  • When he was a kid he was chubby. 
  • Prefers to take baths rather than showers. 
  • Self concious about his hands, used to wear gloves a lot when he was young.
  • Can be very emotional, gets embarassed when crying. 
  • Likes to draw sketches of fashion, people he thinks about or, random objects
  • Attempted to learn piano at one point.

home is where the heart is. 

background — Born in the city of Guri in the Gyeonggi province, Choi Daeyoon was raised by his father and his grandmother and, was the oldest of four children in a not so rich household.. Despite not meeting his mother, Daeyoon's childhood was pretty good. That being the case until his bestfriend since kindergarten, Lee Seungwoo, moved away in 6th grade to Busan. They lost all contact with eachother, making Daeyoon very upset.  Daeyoon's family wasn't aware that Seungwoo had departed, but they were aware of Daeyoon's changing behavior. He didn't talk as much, wasn't as family oriented as he used to be, and was also locked up in the room he shared with his brother doing who knows what.

Despite Seungwoo's depature, Daeyoon soon found himself getting into music. He enjoyed dancing and singing, but was particulary fond of rapping. He found himself repeating songs from his favorite rappers over and over in his head. This was something he grew passionate about. By age 13, Daeyoon decided it was time to at least tell his grandmother- who he was closest to. She suggested he'd join audition for a company in a few years, but Daeyoon insisted he'd try it now. It was in early 2006 a few days after his birthday when Daeyoon had joined a company. Daeyoon made the choice to move to Seoul with his uncle around this time. As time passed he'd gotten so good and been scheduled to debut in a co-ed group with his now closests friends, Yoonji Hwangyoung and Jioo. 

He had trained a long and difficult four years, but he decided that it was time for him to quit. He was dissappointed in himself. He wanted to make his family rich, he left the three people who counted on him, and he just abonded his passion like that. But one thing he didn't blame himself for was how he was mistreated. He already mistreated himself enough, why would he need a company to controll his life? He let it all get to his head. Daeyoon returned to living normally for the most part, despite his personality changing even more than it already had when he was younger. His room is where he was most of the time. Thinking, sleeping, reading, writing. That's what he enjoyed. Now being a bit of an over thinker, senstitive and bored with life he excluded himself from everything trying to find something else to be passionate in. Sports? No, he was far too lazy. Science? No, chemicals are scary. Chef? No, he almost burned the kitchen down afterall. Fashion designer? Ding! It hit him. He had always received compliments on how her dressed, his siblings always asked him what they should wear and, he always could make an outfit out of anything. This was it. 

Now that he found something he was interested in, he spent hours and hours researching design schools, companies, modeling agencies and all that jazz. It was the day he visited a modeling agency, showed them his drawings, auditioned and hope for the best when his life would change. Months after he auditioned he received a letter welcoming him to the agency, mostly because he had experience being a trainee. He had started modeling for small brands and clothing websites and has been doing so ever since. Just recently had someone- most likely a scouting agent- had come up to him at one of his amateur fashion shows asking if he was interested in designing and if he'd like to be on TV. Knowing how Daeyoon loved to get money for his family, he said yes in a heartbeat. 


family — 

▪ Choi Donggun | Father | Daeyoon had been kind of close with his father in the past. They did typic son and dad things, but now they only talk to check up on each other. They know they care for eachother and that's all that matters to them. 


▪ Choi Jookyung | Grandmother | Daeyoon and his grandmother had been so close at one point in time. Much like his father, they drifted apart due to whatever was going on in his life. He never liked to choose favorites, but obviously he loved his grandmother the most out of his family. Especially with her recently being diagnosed with a sickness. 


▪ Moon Yoosung | Step Mother | Daeyoon's father married Yoosung four years before Daeyoon moved with his uncle. They never really communicated, but when they did, it was short and sweet moments. As of right now, Daeyoon hears from her over phone conversations with his dad.


▪ Choi Youngjun | Younger Brother | Although they shared a room throughout their lives they mostly had a love hate relationship. Mostly, they fought about who used the computer first or who would get to pick the movie to watch before they went to bed. Now, they'll occasionally call eachother, but nothing special. 


▪ Choi Minseo | Younger Sister | Daeyoon had moved away three years after Minseo was born so they don't have much of a relationship. When calling with Youngjun, he'll put Minseo on the phone so she can catch of up Daeyoon. They haven't seen eachother face to face since he moved away


▪ Choi Taegoon | Uncle | They don't really talk, they don't really communicate, but this is who Daeyoon has been living with for the past years. It's not like Taegoon dislikes Daeyoon, but he'd rather not have him in his home. Constantly he'd trying to encourage Daeyoon to look for apartments around the area because 'he care's about his future'. Daeyoon really has no opinion on his uncle. 


friends — 

▪ Lee Seungwoo | Bestfriend | Daeyoon's first bestfriend. Even though they haven't spoken with eachother for years and Daeyoon's not even sure if he's alive, he still considers Seungwoo his bestfriend. Seungwoo is the weird type- always searching up Daeyoon's name- and luckily enough he has found that his bestfriend is some amateur model and it's easy to come in contact with him- but he's not sure when to do so.


▪ Ahn Yoonji | Close Friend | Yoonji and Daeyoon met when he became a trainee. Yoonji was appointed to be the leader of their group that was supposed to debut and always cared for Daeyoon, having a soft spot for him since he was so cold. They've kept contact since he left the company and has grew closer ever since. 


▪ Kim Hwangyoung | Close Friend | Like Yoonji, Hwangyoung and Daeyoon met being trainees. At first they hated eachother, but not they share some type of bromance. Recently, Hwangyoung has given up being a trainee making him available to meet up with Daeyoon more often and might consider modeling because of him.


▪ Hong Jioo | Bestfriend | It's very rare that Daeyoon will be close to someone like he is close to Jioo. He becomes a different person around her. They met being trainees, scheduled to debut under the same group. It seemed like he grew so close to her so fast. They make time to talk to eachother everyday and it's been that way ever since he left the company.


▪ Jung Julianna | Friend | Julianna and Daeyoon met through Hwangyoung. After Daeyoon left, Julianna was scheduled to be his replacement within the group. They've talked a lot and text occasionally, mostly of their texts consiting of Julianna laughing at Daeyoon's broken English.

the one and only.

love interest — Hong Jioo. (Choi Ara) 

backup(s)  — Faceclaim, Lee Hojung

personality — Jioo is very clumsy and kind of ditsy. She acts cute naturally and sometimes it can be annoying. She is an overall happy, cheerful person and doesn't have many people on her bad side. Jioo is very shy at first, but warms up to people quickly. She is often the one to start breaking people out of their shells.


Even if you have betrayed her she will be there for you despite her growing frustrated. She cares a lot even if she isn't cared for and has always been this way. If she's mad at you or something, often times she won't say anything about it- or maybe she'll tweet about it. She's addicted to saying things not directed to certain people- especially on social media. 

relationship  — Jioo was the second member of the group they were supposed to debut in that he met. At first he thought she was rather stupid and could be talked into doing things easily. Taking advantage of that, Daeyoon often made her buy things, make things, or say things for him. She really liked how much attention he gave her. That being the case, she tried to talk to him as much as possible, realizing that he was quiet most of the time. Even though at first, Daeyoon told himself he was only using Jioo, he considered her a good friend. They trained together, sang together, danced together. They didn't everything together. By now he had developed feelings and was sure she felt the same way. Unfortunatley, having confessed to her, he figured out she only thought of them as just friends. Yes it did upset him, but Daeyoon couldn't let that ruin their friendship. Even after he left the company they continued to be they way they were, and he also continued to have feelings despite them being one sided.

last messages.

GoodBye speach — "Althought I didn't win I would like to thank you all. This competition means a lot to me and even though I can't go any further, it still holds something special within me. I came here because I was scouted and I'd probably get money to support my family from this. And of course because I love fashion. Despite me taking my leave, fashion is not something I will ever abondon. Thank you again."
comments/suggestions — Challenges | Creating outfits that fit the overall style of a group
Workshops | Being assigned a partner and creating outfits based off their personality
Comments | Im sorry if this app is too long or like doesn't have enough details lmao it's so sloppy but this fiC IS LIKE GREAT AND I CRY BC YES!!!!

scene request — If Daeyoon is a finalist or wins, have Seungwoo show up (from him contacting the show), along with his family (minus his uncle) | If someone has no love interest plEASE HAVE THEM FLIRT WITH DAEYOON BECAUSE I WANNA SEE SOMEONE GET REJECTED (this sounds so bad omg) | Have him cry in some sort of situation and then he becomes angry because he's crying infront of people!!!

password — Blanc & Eclare

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(I couldn't PM you so I posted this here)

Hello to all the contestants of #Studio101! It’s time to get started on the first episode! To kick things off we want the premier to be fun. Now before I tell you what your workshop and challenge is, I just want to let you know that this applyfic is an experiment and there is work to be put into it. So if things don’t make sense please let me know as I have never seen or done an applyfic like this before. Hopefully this turns out well because I wouldn’t mind making a season 2! Now, For your first workshop you're going to create an outfit for the one and only Jessica Jung. Jessica is going to be apart of the grand opening to a museum near the Studio101 building. This is a great way to see what the host likes and doesn’t like in an outfit (a.k.a me lol). Since G-dragon is going to be the guest judge for your challenge, the challenge is going to be something G-Dragon related. For your challenge you are going to create an outfit for G-Dragon’s song Crayon! Have fun with this as I know that the MV is crazy colorful.

Below is coursework you need to complete:

Course work:
a) what first came into your mind when you've heard the challenge or workshop?
b) what color(s) do you think fits the theme?
c) make your mood board and link it here! (A mood board is a collection of things that relate to the concept of the theme + will help you when you create an outfit. Websites you can use but are not limited to: -make an account and create a collection-, -a website designed for mood boards- (This is ONLY for the challenge (I don’t want you to do so much and your mood board needs to at least have 5 pictures :) )

a) paste the polyvore link here
b) what do you think about the result + talk about your outfit?

DUE DATE: February 12, 2016 (If you think there isn’t much time for you to complete/give the outfit by the due date please let me know :) )

Sorry for the long wait, but your full review from both authors are now up! :)