♡ : SPECTRA ≻ PEARL「moon sooja 」

warnING I accidentally messed up the layout bc i hit some random button and now im crying bc i cant fix it 

taew00 : SAM : 10/10
full name : 
                                     MOON SOOJA
other NAME(s) : 
nickname(s) : 
                                    moon »  the people she trains with have taken note of her personality where she thinks she's surperior. because of this people call her by her surname to give her the satisfaction of feeling cool.    
birthdate : 
                                     october 27, 1998
birthplace : 
                                     gwangju, south korea
hometown : 
                                     seoul, south korea
ethnicity : 
languages : 
                                     korean »  native » sooja was raised in south korea.
                                     english »  basic » knows basic english because of the class she's required to take a school.                                                          

like a mannequin
faceclaim : lorem ipsum
                                     arin/oh my girl » gallery 
backup : 
                                     yein/lovelyz » gallery 
height & weight : 
                                     height » 163cm. weight » 44kg
bloodtype : 
                                     o positive
appearance : 
                                     standing at 163 cm, sooja is very pure looking. her features and soft and sharp at the same time, which makes her a fairly attractive girl. most people compare her to an average schoolgirl, but better and she's not complaining about it. sooja knows she's cute, takes pride in her small features, and won't let anyone tell her otherwise. at this age it's rare to have smooth pale skin like sooja, not including that one pimple on her nose that comes and goes. however, there is one thing other than that pimple that she dislikes about herself, the giant birthmark that stretches across her elbow. people often ask what it is, or they just stare at it long enough for sooja to tell them anyways. out of all places- it has to be her elbow. 
style : 
                                      sooja loves wearing skirts and dresses, usually in bright pastel colors (mostly orange and yellow). she dresses like someone her age should. usually she accompanies her dress with a cardigan, trying to hide the ugly mark on her elbow, and this is why winter fashion is her favorite- it's a must to cover your arms. she doesn't like a lot of accesories and keeps her outfits simple. because she's so young and always talks about how she wouldn't want to mess up her skin she doesn't wear makeup, just lip color and maybe some eyeliner. and recently, sooja has learned to walk in heels, which she has added to her wardrobe. something else she can't forget is a bag, whether it be a drawstring backpack or a tote bag, she always has one when going out and carries who knows what inside of it.
why am i like this?
traits : lorem ipsum
                                     positive » energetic, outgoing, dedicated
                                     negative » conceited, verbose, controlling
personality : 

                                     since she was young soonja was never the shy type. she loves to talk and speak her mind, and sometimes that doesn't go so well. usually, people think of soonja as a nice person they can get comfortable around. if she see's that you're shy she will try everything she can to break you out of your shell, sometimes forefully. generally, sooja is a bright cheerful person who seems to never stay quiet and surley sticks out within her family of quiet people who are private about their lives. since people around her were very closed, she tends to open up to people very quickly no matter who you are. if she has something to say about you or to you she won't hesitate. her sharp tounge makes her known on variety, some ways good and some ways bad. something she doesn't get in trouble for is her strange but nice sense of humor. it's like she talks too long, too much, and too in detail, it's hilarious. things like this make think of herself as popular, which she sometimes let it get to her head.

when doing things or teaching about things she has a passion for, such as dancing, sooja feels as if she's on the top of the world. she hates to think people are better than her, she brags an awful lot for someone her age- knowing that there are people who have way more experience than her. dancing is very important to her and she will not loose to anyone when it comes to it. despite her thinking she's better than everyone, she doesn't consider anyone to be on her bad side although some people may think she hates them. she hates being proven wrong, and if she is she'll refuse to listen unless someone knocks some sense into her by scolding of course. sooja doesn't really belive that she's being mean to people, 'constructive critisism' is what she refers to it as. but seriously- is it constructive critisism when someone does something she doesn't like and she gets mad at them? speaking of, if you were to get on sooja's bad side something as small as insulting her dancing will do the trick. if you're on her bad side she won't pay any attention to you and act as if you're practically invisible. but there's nothing to worry about, it's not like anyone would dare to insult her dancing anyways. they know how she gets.

in all, sooja isn't a bad person. maybe she has a short temper but that doesn't mean that's all she has. everyone has good quialities. she cares for each and every person she's had a decent conversation with, always seems bright and cheery and is a social butterfly. sooja loves to make friends, tries to me as nice to people as possible- which obviously doesn't work out. but hey, she tries. 

background : 

                                     born in gwangju, sooja and her family moved to seoul in order for her dad to start a business successfully. her childhood was normal but of course every family has their issues. moving to seoul wasn't easy, her dad didn't get the job right away so they had to live just off their mothers job. which made their family not exactly wealthy, but not exactly poor. to other people, sooja seemed poor because she wore the same few outfits in public or wore the same pair of shoes for a while. at school, she would not tolerate bullying. her and the 'bullies' often got in trouble arguing, but honestly it didn't phase sooja too much. she thought of herself better than them anyways. besides, they were the ones attemtping to bully, not sooja. 

in elementary, sooja and the small group of friends she had were really into kpop. they spent hours hanging out with eachother, learning the songs word for word, and one of sooja's close friends, nuri, was really into learning the dances. that's she reason why sooja got into dancing. she was jealous of nuri for being to do something so nicely. nuri made dancing look so easy. sooja was offered personal 'dancing lessons' by her friend and next thing you know, a dance cover of t-ara's bo peep is uploaded onto youtube. sooja has been dancing ever since with nuermous covers being uploaded afterwards. 

by now, sooja's father has started a business. however, it's not doing so well. that being the case, sooja asked her mother multiple times to take her to a company so she could at least have a chance at being an idol. rejection after rejection her mother said 'you're too young'. this probably affected sooja more than the bullies did (which wasn't a lot). sooja's older brother saw how much this upset her and next they probably did they worse thing they could do. he researched a lot and ended up taking her to audition for cube because 'they don't seem scary like the other companies. oh- and hyuna.' shortly after her thirteenth birthday she was accepted into the company. her mother decided that she had no other choice than to support her daughter despite knowing all the danger that came with training. 

likes : 
                                     » cats and dogs, definitley cannot choose.
                                     » popping and locking, she's been practicing a lot.
                                     » contemporary dance, something she wants to try out.
                                     » cooking, although she's not very good she loves to attemp it.
                                     » making choreography, would like to do so for spectra
                                     » being right, if she's not right she simply doesn't care.
                                     » sunny weather, sooja belives its the best to dance in.
                                     » bright, pastel colors, mostly yellows and oranges.
dislikes : 
                                     » snow, it gets in the way of- just everything.
                                     » being corrected or wrong, this makes her mad.
                                     » if people try to act more superior than her, she thinks shes the best
                                     » glitter, sequence, or anything flashy like that, 'it's too much!'
                                     » singing in high ranges, it makes hurt
                                     » mean people, even though she is mean she doesn't realize it                                                               herself)
                                     » scary movies, some weird childhood memory she has
                                     » pranks, it makes her look stupid in the end.
hobbies : 
                                     » soccer, besdies dancing, she loves to play in her free time and                                                                even played for her school before.
                                     » stalking her favorite idols on sns, what she does in her free time
habits : 
                                     » not thinking before she says or does something rude.
                                     » smelling anything before she consumes it.
                                     » rocking back and forth on her feet when she's nervous.
                                     » rolling her eyes as a response is like an instict for her.
trivia : 
                                     » has never missed a day of training.
                                     » she's allergic to shellfish, and only recently found out.
                                     » she loves to study and does very well in school.
                                     » her and her family are not religious.
                                     » she's never tasted any western food before.
                                     » her skin is senstive and she can only use certain lotions.
                                     » in the past, she's tried to teach herself to play piano.
                                     » she's known as a night owl and has trouble falling alseep.
                                     » sooja is a bit of a computer geek.
                                     » she wants to travel outside of korea, even if it's not far.
                                     » used to have a fear of dogs because when she was young
                                     » doesn't like sining in high ranges because her voice is already high.
you're too harsh
family : 
                                     » father. moon chejung. 43, sooja and her father share a normal                                              relationship. him being her father, of course he spoils her a lot. he                                     knows when she's upset, he knows what cheers her up, he knows what                                  she likes. he understands sooja a lot. he has such a soft spot for sooja                                    and supports her in everything she does. despite him spoling her, there                                are times where he just has to say no to her and he treats this like it's the                                most difficult task to do. 
                                     » mother. moon yoonyong. 41, sooja and her mother are the complete                                        oppisite as her father. they know they love eachother, but he mother                                          hates to spoil sooja whatsoever. but of course it's not like she's constantly                                      mean to sooja, she just thinks sooja needs to be disciplined. yoonyong                                        would've liked it better if sooja wanted to pursue something that was                                          more likely and a much easier job to get. even though she doesn't show                                       it, she supports sooja and if proud of how far she has come.  
                                     » brother. moon kwangsoong, 19, sooja and her brother aren't really like                                      siblings. they're more like bestfriends. they always count on each other                                       and together they've tried to get rid of the quietness and                                                      independentness within their home. kwansoong and sooja have a                                            strong bond. inside jokes, going to hang out together and way more                                           things are what they enjoy. they seem to be inseperable. 
friends : 
                                     » best friend. choi nuri. 16, nuri isn't called sooja's bestfriend for                                                             nothing. they've been through everything with eachother and their                                                       personalities are even somewhat similar. they've been dancing with                                                     eachother, and now that sooja is a under cube as a trainee nuri                                                                 couldn't be prouder of her best friend. nuri is really someone sooja looks                                            up to since she got her into dance. they act totally differen't around                                                        eachother which sometimes is considered a good and bad thing- mostly                                              bad since they've self titled themselves as the leaders of their dance                                                      cover group. when they need to be serious with eachother, they're                                                          serious, but mostly it's all fun and games. 
                                     » friend, gwak minseo, 15, minseo is also a member of the dance cover                                               group. they get along well, but then again sooja loves to give 'constructive                                           critisms' and thinks she's better than everyone at dancing (except nuri of                                           course). minseo doesn't take it to heart though, she's known sooja long                                                 enough to not get hurt. but it does upset minseo that she's kind of like a                                                 backup nuri. sooja only talks to minseo about personal things when nuri                                             isn't avaliable which is not the best thing to do.
                                     » friend, kang anna, 16, anya is the newest member of their dance                                                       group and probably sooja's replacement if she ever debuts. anya is half                                               russian and isn't very used to korea or the laguage. because of this, as bad                                           is it sounds, sooja takes advantage of her quite a lot. anya doesn't realize it                                          so they still remain somewhat good friends.
others : 
                                     » han rea/16, rhea isn't much to sooja but she sure does make her mad.                                              constantly making shady posts on sns, giving her dirty looks at school,                                                  doing anything she can to make herself look better than sooja. she sure                                                must be jealous. sure there's people who are jealous or wish they were                                                  under pledis like sooja is, but rhea always has to go the extra mile. 

i wanna be like that unni
stage name : 
persona : 
                                     the firecracker maknae
position : 
                                     pearl. vocals, lead dance, maknae
                                     opal. vocals, lead dance, lead rap
fanclub NAME & COLOR : 
erin/gfriend fuse, #ffff66

talent twin(s) : 

SINGING TWIN : jiae/lovelyz
DANCING TWIN : bora/sistar
RAPPING TWIN : hana/secret (backup position)
TALKING TWIN : mijoo/lovelyz
AEGYO TWIN :   yerin/gfriend
VARIETY TWIN : mijoo/lovelyz
trainee years : 
                                     two years and three months
TRAINEE life : 
                                     sooja became a trainee by audtion. because of her young age, her                                             mother did not want her to and did not approve when she found that                                    sooja's brother took her to an audition behind her back. she learned to                                  accept it but still acts unsure about it. of course training was not easy,                                   but it wasn't hell either. obviously she got in to cube with her dancing,                                  with her rapping just sounding like a voice with an expression and her                                  singing sounding a bit high and cutsey. but to sooja is was like a difficult                                 p.e. class at school. she did things she hated and did things she loved.                                  sooja and other younger trainees were praised for being able to manage                                 their regular childhoods and their talents that have been showcased at                                  practice, and once again, she let it get to her head. since she acted so                                    high and mighty about her dancing skills there were a lot of other                                       trainees who did not like her, but others who were really impressed with                                 her confidence. she didn't let  anyone become a distraction though, she                                 continued to do what she had to do even if she wanted to give up at                                      times, she was still determined. 
predebut : 
                                     sooja was apart of a kpop dance cover group with her friends, hoping to                                        be scouted. although they didn't get any big recognition they still had                                         fans and a good amount of subscribers on youtube. after entering cube                                     she was a background dancer for 4minute during their 'crazy'                                               promotions and hyuna's roll deep (which is a bit weird for her to be                                     dancing to) promotions a few times.
scandals : 
                                     sooja has never been in a scandal, but she has been warned about                                        her attitude towards fellow trainees and seniors, which could lead                                        to scandals.

i've dreamed of a romantic movie
love interest : lee chan/seventeen
backup love interest : yoon sanha/astro (this has a different background
personality : 
                                     chan, also known as dino, sometimes makes you belive he isn't the                                           maknae of seventeen at all. his performance skills and his charsima is                                        out of this world- and also some of the reasons why sooja fell for him. he                                       loves to dance and looks like he's had experience since forever. but                                          since is he the youngest after all, he tries really hard to seem tougher                                         and cooler than he really is. despite this, he has a lot of goals for the                                          future and won't give up. chan is also the type to show concern for his                                         friends and his hyungs, if they aren't alright why should he be alright?                                      aside from that, when the mood it light he can always bring something                                       good to the table as well. 
background : 
                                     chan and sooja met backstage during seventeen's mansae promotions                                        and hyuna's roll deep promotions. he and another member of                                                seventeen appraoched her and the other background dancers (mostly                                       because of the revealing clothing) first asking if she was with a group or                                       not, and afterwards engaged in small talk when she told him she was a                                        trainee.
relationship : 
                                     they clicked instantly because they both have a love for dance, and it                                            only made them closer since they were so close in age and could really                                       relate. at first, sooja only thought of him as a friend, but since then she                                        feels like it's progressed more. chan and sooja have exchanged phone                                        numbers after seeing each other backstage often during promotions                                          and also started to message through line. sooja is pretty sure about her                                        feelings for chan and chan is pretty sure about his feelings for her. but                                        the things is, they themselves don't know if the feeling is mutual. and                                         they might be the only ones who think that- because it's pretty obvious                                       to everyone else. even though their interactions backstage are short all                                       the weird glances they exchange, the playful punches and slaps they                                         give each other, it's all too obvious. sooja acts like a compeltely different                                      person around him. not so controlling, she actually cares about what                                         she says and even seems a little shy and insecure? it's kind of weird.                                          also, everytime someone asks sooja who is she texting the awnser is also                                       the same. 'oh! just channie!' and vice versa for him. when they talk to                                       each other, they forget about the wears and tears of life. for now, they've                                      only been established as best friends, but no one's sure when they                                           should make the first move.
everything is so awkward
comments : 
                               well hey omg. i hope you like this, there's probably lots of typos tho. please tell me if somethings wrong bc i really wanna be accepted omg.
scene request(s) : 
                               i can't think of anything im lame omg
suggestion(s) : 
                               none right now but definitley soon!
password : 
                               umumumum harmonies! i cant think of anymore but swhile i was writing                                 this i had like ten in mind omg 
LAYOUT BY -switzerland


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hello there and thank you for being an original applicant to my story!
spectra has recently gone through a revamp and i'd like you to still be a part of it ♡
the debut is coming up soon, and i've decided to ask the original applicants to revamp their apps a bit
the details are all at the story [ cheatsheet page ] and i hope you decide to continue with sooja b/c she's super cute
anyways, this is totally optional for you — it's just a refresher for me to see who's still interested in joining my story
spectra fighting! ♡ ♡ ♡