Hello, Annyong, Assalamua'laikum, I'm back!

Firstly, I want to thanks to who commented my previous blog.

So, the point today, I want to talk about something religious. I know this topic may be sensitive for certain people especially to non-Muslims. I don't force you to read if you don't comfortable with this topic, and I want to apologize first-hand if I write something that make you feel really really absolute uncomfortable.

So here, as a Muslim, and born Muslim, I've seen many things that make I'm angry, sad, confused everywhere. When people say 'Muslims are terrorist', I said, 'The things you see/watch/hear/read about war that caused by 'Muslim', some of them not even real and some of them may be just some 'people' whose want to 'netizens' think that Muslim or Islam is terrorist so that people will think that Islam is not good.'

Are you think that all of Muslims are terrorist? Are you think that Islam is a religion who taught about war?

NO! That all WRONG! You WRONG!

I've read a few questions at Quora about Islam. Some of awnsers really made me furious. Like, 'What's up with these people? Are they really judging about what they people see on news or read in internet? Do they really judging by a story that they don't know how the inside and outside?'. I remember that one of them says, 'Islam will never growing.' And I'm like 'Hello... Do you a god? Who are you to predict what happen on the future.'

Like seriously these people need to be mature. Do they ever know about a story properly. Doing research and ask people for an opinion.I don't like people who saying these and those out of blue before knowing what the heck really happened.

I'm being a Muslim need to protect and clean my religion's name. I tell you, what if someday, some people tell other that you do this and that which seem so wrong in their words. What will you reacting to the news about you? You know you never did that, but people have some evidence that make they misunderstand about what really happened and what they understand. Didn't you think that they are just some people whose tell without think? Didn't you think they really need to ask you what really happened and need to know you before they make any speculation about you?

That's what I want to tell you. It's the same way we, Muslims think about those people who make speculation about Islam without knowing inside out.

Islam bring people to peace. I swear you that once you know about Islam, you'll find what you never had in this life. I swear you will.

Do you ever feel really feed up with your life or stressing over something that bring you to the point you want to kill your self? Don't. Because I guarantee you can find peace and solve your problem once you knowing Islam. In Syaa ALLAH.

And I want to tell you that hidaya is something you can't find but something that ALLAH give to you.

I want to talk many about this topic earlier but I my hands really tiring and need to rest or else I'll get hand-cramp. XD

Okay, for conclusion, [ Know something by study the thing].

One more. If you want to know about anything you curious about Islam such as 'why we Muslim women/girls wear hijab' or 'why we can't eat that' or 'why female and male who are not marry yet can't touch' or anything else that make sense, you can ask me personally or openly and I'll answer it the best I can. Everything that ALLAH forbid, there's reasons behind it. And the reasons are for our good.

Goodbye guys. Sleep tight, sweet dream. (It's 1.20AM here). I love you guys and thanks for read. Also, I apologizes again if there anything make you angry.

Ha! before I forget, shamelessly, I promote my own instagram ( ice_woo99) facebook (Izzah Hazirah Jafri) , Twitter (ice_woo99@IzzahHazirah99) Tumblr (justmenyou99)





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I do not practice Islam. By birth and what some would call "familial obligation" I am considered to be a Hindu. However, I don't really believe in religion. I'd like to believe that I practise love. So it angers me that society has taken to shaming a whole people group based on the actions of a few. I share the view that Islam is not the monster, but that it is the people who ert the religion into a political toy, that can be twisted to fit their own ideals. Something I think you need to reconsider is the way you speak about your religion. Not everyone will agree with you that Islam will bring everyone peace. People need to find their own peace, and it will not come by you pushing it in their face with verbiage like "Do you ever feel really feed up with your life or stressing over something that bring you to the point you want to kill your self? Don't. Because I guarantee you can find peace and solve your problem once you knowing Islam. In Syaa ALLAH." It becomes preachy and honestly after I read that statement I was a bit put off with what you had to say. Be happy and strong in your own faith, and allow others to do the same in their own.

Other than that, stay strong. What people say can be damaging, but remember that you've been placed on this earth for a reason. Spread love. Spread happiness. Spread hope.
emmetropia #2
I remember last year we were learning about Islam in our religious studies class, our teacher started off by asking us anything we knew about Islam or Muslims. Most were mainly about terrorists, it is all we hear about these days and it puts Muslims in a bad light, when, like you said, they are in actual fact peaceful people. I'm glad we had that lesson because I learned so much from it, it was definitely eye-opening. A lot of people are just ignorant. And yes indeed, Islam is currently the fastest growing religion and some say that it may overtake Christianity someday as the world's largest religion.
It's a shame Islam is so misunderstood.

u know its funny how people talk about islam and how violent muslims are when they are peaceful. and if they are trying to keep it from growing HAHAHA good luck with that! cuz islam is the fastest growing religion!
I agree with the fact that some people of other religions tend to jump to conclusions and that muslims suffer a lot from the few instances of terrorism that has been seen. A lot. It's horrible what you people have to go through to "clean you religion". I've known absolutely amazing muslim people. Christian people (I don't know much about other religions...) tend to forget that Christianity was once a religion with blood and war as well. At least in Europe where I live. It's a fact they usually tend to hide or "not discuss" but it's ridiculous. No religion is better than the other.
I must admit I felt slightly uncomfortable in the end at this; "Islam bring people to peace. I swear you that once you know about Islam, you'll find what you never had in this life. I swear you will.
Do you ever feel really feed up with your life or stressing over something that bring you to the point you want to kill your self? Don't. Because I guarantee you can find peace and solve your problem once you knowing Islam. In Syaa ALLAH.
And I want to tell you that hidaya is something you can't find but something that ALLAH give to you."

But apart from that part you're right. Muslims are often judged and under wrong perceptions and stereotypes and it's horrible that the world cannot distinguish "terrorism" and "religion".
I seriously feel your pain. The number of questions on there that I have read and I think ... "I want to just throttle the asker because they are so ignorant" ... and I'm getting that way about questions about atheism as well. Your own beliefs have no influence on me, they aren't affecting me, and I know personally about how a hugely significant portion of the Muslim community are not terrorists because I work with them. It's disgusting how people can just say that "All Muslims are terrorists" ... that's one of the stupidest things I have ever heard and, as someone who is not a Muslim, I can only begin to imagine how angry you get and how hurt you feel when you hear people say you are. I don't know what else to say because it makes me so angry when you have to say "Not all Muslims are like that" because I'm sitting here and wondering why, even now, even with so many people saying it, there are asshats out there that still think otherwise.