✩ Miracle ✩ Hong Hui Ying

Huii // Hyui

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Hong Hui Ying
Background information
Age 20
Birthdate 7 February, 1998
Birthplace + Hometown Singapore
  • singaporean-korean
Language(s) -english | fluent | she's billingual (singaporean's learn english and a mother tongue language)
-chinese | fluent | she's billingual (singaporean's learn english and a mother tongue language)
-korean | fluent | she lives in korea for 7 years
-german | advanced convertional | picked it up in high school

  • Hong Hui (she likes this name)
    Grey (in chinese, hui means grey colour)
  • B+


  • NICKNAME: nic.



Beneath it you're beautiful.

  • FACECLAIM: solar of mamamoo
  • BACKUP FACECLAIM: fiestar jei
  • APPEARANCE: she has natural red hair and hazel coloured eyes. Her skin is not that pale compared to the rest of the members but she isn't the darkest. Huiying also has a naturally bigger bust than many of the trainees which made her seem like an easy target to bully.
    STYLE: huiying doesn't usually try to dress up for people. she doesn't try to impress either. huiying doesn't have much interest for fashion and usually has clothes bought by members and her coordi. if she sees clothes she finds herself comfortable in, then she will buy. which may be why she comes off as picky.

I've got a wild heart.


Huiying is pretty IGNORANT yet SKILFUL. if you tell her to practice a dance and learn it, she will learn it on the last day when reminded by friends. Yet, strangely it idn't a big loss as she is a quick learner and doesn't have much problems with choreography. Huiying is NEGATIVE yet CONFIDENT. Huiying always says the bad points of her in front of everybody regardless of who they are. But, when she knows what she's good at, she will tell you what she can do and how much better she is than you. Here might be why she's the one in the group with the most haters (hey, more haters more popularity ain't it?) Huiying is VIVACIOUS but BLUNT. Male idols are sort of attracted to her because of her naturally attractive personality. They like it that she doesn't try to impress them and naturally gains their attention. But some are turned away by her bluntness, she tends to be straight to the point and reject advances, though she makes up for them by exchanging phone numbers and becoming friends.


I want to live like it's only me.

BACKGROUND: huiying was born in Singapore, as her mother was Korean, she was more into Kpop as she slowly grew up. It was at the age of 8 where her close friend decided to introduce her to Kpop. Then, through out middle school, she and her friend became kpoppers and would participate in concerts and await their bias' comeback. Then, when she was 14, her parents and her friend's family decided to move over to Korea due to their child's interest and also because of the vague Korean background. Then, she attended international schools and became fluent in Korean by the age of 17. Also, before even flying to Korea, she took part in the Woollim Global Auditions and entered through her abilities when she was 13. Her parents saw the passion in her and made the decision. She started her training when she was 14 in woollim and transferred over to SM around october of 2014. Then after training in SM for 2 years, she was chosen to join Label SJ.

TRAINEE LIFE: she wasn't bullied nor was she living the good life. She was kinda despised by the popular kids for her popularity. Strangely, every time she was about to be bullied by the popular kiddos, someone would come to her rescue. Till now, she still doesn't know about this prrson's existence and just thinks it's her luck. During her training period, she was hard working during the first 3 years and debuted in a group called AEON which flopped. Trainees made fun of her for it and she started to get lazy and ignorant. Though she didn't put much effort into practicing, she was woken up by her friend. Now, we wouldn't say she is hard working. She is just kinda forgetful but she tries her best. Huiying doesn't care about what people think. If she's gonna play, she's gonna play hard. If she's gonna train, she's gonna train hard. If she's coming for you, duck and cover. But the reason why Kangin picked her was due to her stable rapping and smart lyrics. yet also, though she isn't a strong vocalist, she can still sing despite not having strong training in Label SJ and SM, she trained on her vocals the most in Woollim. In total, she has trained for a total of 7 years (3 years in Woollim, 2 years in SM and 2 years in Label SJ)

Hong Chang Sheng | Father | 44 | singer | warm, caring, strict, airy | alive | 8
Mother | 44 | Hong Jinyoung | trot singer | funny, lovely, loud, strict | alive | 8
Brother | 18 | Hong Hajin | magician, entertainer | cute, active, airy, lazy | 9

Zhang Yixing | 23 | idol | quirky, dubious, kind, fun-loving | alive | 10
Yeon Baeyoung | 20 | trainee and gf of Yixing | lovely, easy-going, boyish, airy | 10

EXO | 21-25 | idol | loud, chatty, humourous, hard-working | ofc alive | 7

Forget about the little things.

-matcha latte bubble tea
-pastel colors
-her phone to death
-swimming (despite her laziness)
-singing and rapping
-playing the piano to music she heard
-wind and COLDNESS
-playing dota


-hard choreographies
-dark chocolate
-'girl' gamers
-bad hair days
-pretentious people
-people who play with her hair
-pulling an all-nighter

-eating everything with only a chopstick (except for soup)
-binge-eating A LOT
-opening when sleeping.


-gaming (playing dota,)
-studying to relax (like wg yeeun)
-using her phone
-listening to music

-she has a pet corgi called 'Hwani'
-she has an iPhone 6s
-huiying bought a PlayStation 4 for the members of miracle
-as a present, she bought a rubix cube for ______ (member of miracle) and was chided because she couldn't solve it XD
-huiying's favorite animal and would do anything to see it is the dolphin
-her music preference: pop music and ballad. She likes ballads because she can show off her voice because she doesn't get to. She likes pop music as it's pretty general in Kpop
-her playlist: u go girl by Lee Hyori (oldies), EXO unfair, EXO LightSaber, BTS run
-she's addicted to buying converses. She has bought every Colour of it for herself.
-fans make fun of her liking for wind and coldness and calling her Elsa.
-she loves buying 'instant' popcorn and making tons for her members.
-she's like the Suho of miracle, she tends to swipe her card for members and also treats her members to food
-she has an iq of 150
-despite not being a main vocal, she can sing well despite being only a vocalist (like Lay and Chanyeol)
-she has a cover of EXO LightSaber which went viral due to her accurate rap and good singing.
-people mostly don't know about her being a Singaporean due to her more 'korean' looks
-she is friends with exid's le are are gaming buddies playing dota. -she hates traveling long distances. -she had a habit of yawning a lot
-right after debut, she did an advertisement for the face shop.

If you like me, then say you like me.

LOVE INTEREST: exo's chanyeol

BACKUP LOVER: exo's sehun

PERSONALITY: warm, shy, attractive, stubborn, loud, active
chanyeol takes care of  huiying well and also makes sure she can look to him when she needs help. yet, sometimes he can't make his feelings known to huiying. he tends to get really shy around huiying and might also be why huiying takes the initiative most of the time. chanyeol comes off as really charismatic towards huiying when he is performing or making a statement. when chanyeol is singing to her, her eyes don't shift at all and focuses on him only. yet, chanyeol always insists on things that he thinks is correct and won't stop until the other person gives in. chanyeol  can also be very loud when he is talking which makes huiying embarrassed a lot of times but she doesn't mind (pretends she does) but she secretly likes it. chanyeol also encourages huiying to go exercising with him and spend time together because of this. might also be why huiying has a well toned body.

RELATIONSHIP: dating, 2 and 3/4 years

-they met each other in the 2nd year of huiying's training, huiying was just practicing to a song called every night (by exid), chanyeol was just sitting around when he noticed her rapping to le's part and paid attention to her. he also noticed her stable singing (though she isn't a vocalist) and then approached her which startled huiying. during the starting of her training period, she found chanyeol to be very charismatic and always paid attention to him and was shocked when she was approached by him. it was then, chanyeol gave her his number and asked her for hers which huiying gave when she was in a trance. chanyeol also introduced the members of exo to her and her friends and they got closer over time. in the 4th year of her training which was 2014, the two were suspected of dating when they met up in public and were seen by dispatch but the company denied it. also, in year 2018 after miracle's debut, chanyeol released a track with huiying (the one where he did on unpretty rapstar) and fans questioned their relationship which was revealed in the end after promotions for miracle's debut promotions ended. (this is to just make the group go viral.)

And all these little things.

STAGE NAME: huii / hyui

POSITION: main rapper, vocalist
POSITION: main dancer, vocalist, lead rapper

FANCLUB NAME: wohuii (我会) (means I will)
: #999999

SINGING TWIN: girls day yura
RAPPING TWIN: fiestar's yezi
DANCING TWIN: mamamoo's solar


COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS: I typed this out on the way back from my holiday till it had no battery lolz. I gained inspiration from how solar and jei looked alike and that she seems not full korean to me (probably not to you) ^^
I'll recommend:
-girls generation you think
-nine muses gun, glue
-aoa heart attack, miniskirt
-after school flashback, first love

-chanyeol and huiying recording the rap track.
-miracle gathered together to talk about trainee life.
-chanyeol and huiying being teased by miracle members for their relationship.

PASSWORD: sorry sorry (throwback to the old songs :D)


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