Which one as dp and advice?

I finally cut my hair again~ but I didn't dye it yet, I need to grow the current color out to dye my hair to a silver blonde with violet tips~



maybe I need to crop the last one though xD


I need your advice, guys~ I met a very special girl and we are going to become a couple soon (we actually are already inofficially I think xD). She is so cute and pretty and got a very nice personality, she is just perfect <3 but she lives in a different city so we depend on visiting each otther when we have time. And for me to visit her on my own (my bff came with me the first time I met her through a friend) my parents need to know and maybe then they will also let me go on my own (if they accept it that is><). But I have no idea how to tell them ... my mom always makes stupid comments regarding my appearance and the idols I like -.- and I really don't want her to make fun of me. I think my dad might understand it and might also be relieved (because you know, I can't come home pregnant xD). So do you have any ideas how I can approach them?


Next issue are comments. Why is it so hard to comment one's thoughts on an update? It's like people do not appreciate the hard work of an author. I am really thinking about not publishing anymore but keep my writing to myself. I updated a few fics and got barely 5 comments. one of them has 700 subs and the other has 650 and only arund five people comment -.- it really pulls me down and publishing is not fun anymore. Back then I was so happy when I could publish another chapter and got so many comments but now ... And then I see cliché stories and stories with horrible grammar receiving so many comments and it just makes me angry -.- 


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JiYuKuo #1
I think being honest with your parents will be the best choice.