A toy story?

Hi guys :D I know I said I'll be free from this week but stuff happened and this Monday I was given a job offer. I ended up slaving away in a toy store for four days. Trust me it felt way more (ended up saying my legs can't bear it  + I live far which is true so yea, I quit before it broke me. The Christmas rush is real :/ Plus we only had 40 mins of break (which is illegal btw) for 10-13 hours a day, we had to go in early and sometimes stay late. My legs are swollen and I'm barely capable of setting my feet down (I can sit tho with my legs up Indian style(?), comfier than lying lol). Anyway, given the crazy work hours I just had no effing time to care for AFF T.T It hurt lol

I was only away for four days and it felt like forever

anyway, I got some inspiration this week tho and no matter what happens I'll write a story on it, so... part of it is set in a toystore. I may make a poster for it first (I have some ideas lol, I also wanna make contest entries and requests... I GOT an Ipad 4 btw. anyone know how I can put a proper version of Photoshop on it? It's possible right? Idc if it costs me money, I wanna draw / edit with the baby so yea XD 

I'm blaring Block B's Her album rn any eating yummy chocolate. Feel better than all week lol


it was hellT.T



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Feel. Not fell
Oh! Poor you, take a bath to relieve your sore muscles! Or ice your legs. I hope you fell better!