Uni, uni and...uni....

Someone said that being a philologist deprives you from a personal life....then I laughed.

This is draining me. Tomorrow I have a mid-term on Linguistics....it's around 150 pages theory guys...I wanna just dig a hole and bury myself until it's over. Then you can come and help me out.

One thing - I can't work on my stories recently because of these ing assignments, quizzes and exams we have.
Philologists have NO LIFE!

Can't wait until Thursday....go to the mall and then to the other mall, go get dinner from the cute Asian guy who works at the Chinese restaurant at the mall. Yeah, yeah...he really is cute...His hair is ginger for God's sake!

And then Saturday.... McCreedy - our Academic English teacher was so nice as to say: "Uhm...this is stupid...Will you really come next Saturday? It's so close to Christmas, who would want to study."So no, we won't be going :D And then A K-POP party....Ugh...there's this girl here who organizes these parties...it's a 'go out clubbing but better...WITH K-POP!'

So I'm going back to studying...Tomorrow I'll kill one exam.... Linguistics with it's terminology.

Wish me luck and again...Sorry for not being able to update my stories...I'm really busy....



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kimbumkeyk #1
goodluck! and have fun after the exams!
Hey, Dracula-oppa ! I think I know who that girl who organizes Kpop parties is but I can't recall a cute Asian guy in a Chinese restaurant at a mall. Which mall is it? :)
Hey, I have finals all week (Starting today with math), and my highlight is my brother coming home from where he lives two states above. Then after Friday I have 23 days off for Christmas! But that seems so far away. T_T