And then came this guy and proposed to me.

There's this guy who confessed to me - which I automatically rejected him. 

No, it wasn't because he's ugly. No, he's not. He got some looks. And yeah, he came from a rich family too.

But no, I don't like him. I'm not hating him. Just simply don't like him. 

We keep being friends tho. Not that he gave up on me.

He thought I probably got some feelings for him - which nope, I'm not.

And yes, he proposed me like,

'Would you marry me? When we finish high school of course. I mean... umm. I like you and I want you to be my wife. I want to have you in my future. And blah, blah, blah.'

I was like. Hmm, if I reject him now and he becomes one of the rich man in the world, that would be such a waste for me. 

I know - materialistic but who cares, this is my future that we are talking about. I want to have a bright life in the future. Not wearing some old rags and feeling sad when I can't feed my kids properly. 

But please, I'm only 16 for god's sake. 

Like, OMG. 

I didn't say to him. and I don't think that my parents will approve him.

And nope, I don't have any feelings towards him or any men out there. except the perfect Lee Donghae.

Well, yeah. Sorry that I rant.


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Hey just offering some advice since I'm a little older (20 year old here :P), but I honestly think you shouldn't say yes I mean, money is important to have, but I would rather work hard for for myself and have my own steady income of money. Because if the money isn't your own, it's so easy for people to manipulate you and do wrong against you. Also there has to be some kind of feeling, where's the love? lol
Plus you're still so young! There's a rich Lee Donghae lookalike for you! Just keep your eyes and heart open!
I was like. Hmm, if I reject him now and he becomes one of the rich man in the world, that would be such a waste for me. ---> DIED.. hahaha..
leeaida #3
if you ask my opinion just keep him beside you , who knows maybe someday you fell for him too ... dont understimate the fate too hehehehe
leeaida #4
its really like wooow the same problem as me
could you believe it ? well im 22 right now and my professor proposed me but do you know what he told first? " ogh i hate korean " then you could possibly guess my reaction ( poker face ) than i rejected him too . you know how can i give up on superjunior for God sake... they have been in my life for more than 5 years and i couldnt leave them never ever,,,
but you made a good choice.. life is not fiction , and if he has a good background so say yes , love is not for us !
We are on the same age and I do feel you seriously. There's a guy who liked me since freshmen of highschool until now we parted ways and we are both now college students. It's quite funny that he has a girlfriend as of now but he isnt yet over me. I guess just treat that guy who confessed to you how you treated him before and kindly drop hints you dont feel the same way...
You're a 16?! I'm just a year older XD
Well, i have had the same case, and i thought about karma when i rejected him. Y'know, like, everyone becomes all pretty or handsome when they grow up, in their 20. And who knows that they will be a billionaire?
But then I just, sorry, i dont like you, for now. And if years later, whether we will be together or not, that's fate's work.

So, if you dont like him, for now, then you dont have to accept him. Believe in fate :D
/my opinion, hehehe/