Weather Research Post

As the title says I just did some research for a fiction where wind is  important, so to save my self some time (because I'm clumsy and forgetful), so I migth need to look it up once again, and maybe someone of you will find it helpfull too.

Here the most important datas about the wind I could find



Intresting side fact:
Some bugs do grow bigger with higher oxygen









sea current






Why the sea current are equally important:
Water and air are like contrary of each other. Both act the same way. In the sear their is air, in the air there is moisture.
The current and winds work with each other. One can not truely understand the wind without knowing the currents.
Earth rotation, magnetism.




a day:



note able things


earth & plates movement:








clima change


barometer measure the air pressure

Damit erfand Torricelli im Jahre 1643 das Barometer


This is annual average wind speed measured 50 meters above the ground or sea.


meters per second
0.0 1.3 2.7 3.5 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0



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always fun to learn new things
Are u studying meteorology?
I like science.. This is good to add knowledge :)