SHINee's enlistment....

Every time I think about it it starts bothering me and my mood falls.

What do you think? Will they enlist one by one or enlist all together. If they all decide to enlist at different times it means 6 years without SHINee (only solos and sub-units) If they enlist together it means 2 years with no SHINee at all...but 2 is more bearable than 6...

I once heard a rumor that they were thinking about enlisting together....But my source can not really be trusted...

That's why I'm asking you as well...What are your thought about it?
Wouldn't it be better for SM to only loose 2 years?


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I think Minho will be the first to enlist, then Onew and Taemin and then Jonghyun and Key will go in a year later. I think that would be more realistic. I don't think they'll all go in together or too far apart. Honestly, I wish they didn't have to go at all. I couldn't imagine all their hair being shaved off. :(
I hope the enlist together. SHINee is too small of a group to enlist separately in my opinion. They could do it with Super Junior because of how big it is, but it would be a loss for SM if they have to wait 6 years for a full SHINee instead of 2.
I think they would be better off with enlisting together and then coming back with a huge comeback - sort of like Shinhwa to be honest.
I don't think SM would be stupid to lose 6 years instead of 2, so I hope they go with the shorter time period.
Then again, I remember SHINee missing two years already.. After the Lucifer era. Are you sure they didn't already finish their enlistment?
daddy-jjong #4
Onew: 2017-19
Jonghyun: 2018-20
Key: 2019-21
Minho: 2019-21
Taemin: 2021-23
2 years would be better. And I can only hope that there won't be war during those years...I'd definitely die if there was.
I hate that they have to enlist at all. I don't know how I feel about any of it. I read that they're going at different times, so...
all or nothing,.i prefer they all enlist together..cant stand having shinee with one or two member lacking..
I wish they wouldn't have to enlist at all but since they have to I think I'd survive it better if they went all together
LittleFreakk #9
In my mind, I would rather they all enlist together so I don't have to see just four or three of them on TV shows or performing without the other. Also if they all go together it will just be like when they go on a hiatus and then when they comeback it will be EPIC!