#1 How other people see me

So as I told you in my previous post, I stated that I was a 'loner'. I kind of am. At least from what I think. What do other people think about me? I'll tell you.

So my classmates think that they shouldn't talk to me because they think they might bother me. It made me very sad. That's not true. I want someone to talk to. All I do is sit down on the seats, watching others having fun. I don't speak a word. LITERALLY. They Think that I want to be alone. But I don't.

However, someone said that I just didn't have the confidence to make friends. I was so touched. Because she was right. Finally, someone understands. And did I tell you, she's that one person who actually talks to me? We're not exactly 'best friends'. But she still tries to talk to me. So I'm very thankful for her. Sometimes she can be a bit weird, but she's still a good person.

Im glad someone understands.


- Yoruclaw


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