S U G A R & S P I C E // Tai

Tai : Kim Nuan
Layni17: Tsuki : 7/10
full name : Kim Nuan (金暖, Chinese birth name)
other NAME(s) : Kim Eunjung (김은정, Korean name) + Echo Kim (American name)
nickname(s) : 
Nuannie- Those who are really close to her call her this, as few know her birthname  and it's a small play on it
Jungie- Her friends + the band call her affectionately from her Korean name
Ice Cream Monster- The band calls her this because she literally hordes ice cream in every freezer she has access to and will murder those who touch it without permission
birthdate : March 18th, 1993
birthplace : Beijing, China
hometown : Beijing, China
ethnicity : Chinese-Korean
languages :
Chinese (Mandarin)- Fluent, native langauge (95% understanding, 95% pronunciation)
English- Advanced, lived there in her high school years and took many classes (85% understanding, 60% pronunciation)
Korean- conversational, her mother never taught her much but when she moved to Korea she tried to learn, and still is. (55% understanding, 60% pronunciation)

like a mannequin
faceclaim : Park Chorong (Apink)
height & weight : 173 cm + 52 kg
bloodtype : A positive
appearance : Eunjung (I'll refer to her as her Korean and Chinese names, you can chose which one you want to use) recently dyed her hair a gradient from dark brown to pale blonde- Which she absolutely lvoes, though she's not opposed to ash brown or anything else, really. It was just something new that she wanted to try~ She has B-cup s, but they're really close to C-cups, she swears. Her skin is pale and soft, thanks to the careful planning of skincare products. Nuan loves the way she looks, even though her nose is a bit too big for her face, and even if she has a small scar under her eye from when she was eight and was bit by a dog.
style : Centsshop.
Nuan is a huge fan of high-waisted everything. Be it skirts, shorts (Her favorite), or jeans, she adores them. She especially loves to pair them with belly tops- It's, like, the best combo ever (If you can't tell, Eunjung's really, really into fashion). Nuan really likes to wear really cool baseball caps (It's hard to find her without one when she's out), and not to mention a totally fashionable watch as well. Collars on her shirts (Especially lace) are the best, and her closet is also filled with long coats for winter. Like, a lot of them. For shoes, she likes either big, clunky boots or tennis shoes- It depends on whether her shirt it more casual or higher-end, and it could easily be either. She adores lace dresses, and if not lace then normally a solid color. For formal wear, she really likes lace dresses that stand out. When she sleeps, it has to be comfy and normally pink and/or red. She's not afraid to go a little ier, though. Also, by the way- Her nails are almost always painted.
why am i like this?
traits : (+) Trustworthy, patient, calm, responsible, respectable (=) Selfless, independant, overly optimistic (-) Overconfident, controlling, workaholic, sensitive, worrywart
personality : Kim Nuan, since childhood, has always been a very patient person. She rarely gets mad and explodes at anyone, and the little things are no big deal. She always waits for people to finish before inturrupting, and takes her time to understand them. Patience has always been her strongest suit, and it always will be. Eunjung is highly respectable- She's someone who commands respect with her presence and attitude, and there are very few who see her otherwise. This girl has always been someone who's emotionally and mentally strong, as well as kind and loving, yet firm- As respectable as can be, in my opinion. She treats everyone as they should be treated, and doesn't become angry with them for their faults, which is one of the most respectable things about her.
Unfortunately, sometimes she only looks at the good too much. She's optimistic as well, which is really great, but she doesn't tell people where they need to improve. She blindly only tells people where they're good, inatead of encouraging the growth that they need. Of course, this optimism is also a beacon of hope, a ray of light in the worst of situations. Eunjung is the one who comfort people when things seem bleak, and tells everyone what they need to hear. "We'll be successful," "Don't worry, we'll get through this!" That's the kind of person she is. Unfortunately, this opstimism also makes way for overconfidence. She thinks she's absolutely perfect the way she is, she never needs to change, she's the queen of singing, etc. Eunjung is always flaunting her skills and beauty, simply believing that she's the prettiest and the most talented. She can't help it- Her mind has always worked that way.
Even still, she's a very responsible with everything -She never shoves tasks onto others, and is the one that everyone can go to when they need to spill their sercrets or have a shoulder to cry on. She's trustworthy as hell, and would never tell anyone what you wanted to be kept hidden unless she knew you were in danger because of these secrets. Nuan, like any good leader, takes everyone feelings and wants into account before making her desicions. She bears the weights of everyone's emotional and physical needs, and is completely selfless in doing so. For her bandmates, she would and does do anything and everything. This girl often forgets about herself in the process of keep all the members of S & S happy and healthy, as well as her work.
Speaking of, this girl is a complete workaholic. As she sees herself as the true leader of S & S, as well as being the leader of Sugar, she often throws herself into the work. She doesn't take any breaks for herself, and is cnostantly taking care of this and that for any of the members of Sugar and Spice. IT's often that the other girls have to literally pull her away or she'll overwork herself. Unfortuantely, as Eunjung's a very independant person, she doesn't like to be told to or not to do things, nor does she like to have people do things for her. She hates to be sick, because then someone else takes care of her when she prefers to take care of them when they're sick. Of course, it's also good that she doesn't need people right by her side to do anything, but often she tries to take too much onto herself.
Nuan simply likes to take control of situations- But a little too much, that's for sure. It's not that she means to, but she's just overcontrolling. There are situations where others should lead, and she doesn't like that- Not being in a position of power makes her disgustingly anxious. There are times where she just about strangles the members with her tight hold over their lives, but she really just cares about them and wants them safe. She's a worrywart, so going out at eleven at night could end up with the main dancer dead. Or maybe if you go to that person's house, you won't come back. She worries about everythnig when it comes to the members' safety. She's sensitive to criticism though, so it's hard for people to call her out on it because she can easily cry or get angry about it. If Nuan's ever told she's a bad leader, she would literally be unable to function.
background : Kim Nuan was born into an interesting story that unfolded through the years. It's not the happiest story, yet not the worst by any means. She was born to a somewhat-wealthy family consisting of her mother and father. Her father had always been ill, so most of her childhood days were spent in his room, learning how to read and write, as well as mundane things like sewing and pressing flowers- Her father had always been that type of person, feminine and sickly. Of course, he was only seventeen, so maybe that had something to do with it. Her mother was nineteen, though she was never really in her life- She was always working on something for her father's company. When Nuan was seven, her father passed away from his chronic illness, leaving Nuan with only an absent mother. She learned how to cook and care for herself, and that was when she became a very independant person.
Nuan did fairly well in school, never particularly great, but definitely not bad. She was well-liked by her teachers as she always helped the other kids, and never got into arguments. She always saw the good in people and told people they were great how they were. Though she never made a "best friend" in China, she did have a lot of good ones, which was good enough for her. Since her mother was always busy making money to support her, she never went on trips to places like the zoo, and though she was always a little jealous, it was never too bad. In middle school, she became the friend that everyone would always confide in, and there were few people that didn't trust her. Her life was going pretty well, until her mother got into a bit of trouble with her parents. She was reprimanded for not acring for her daughter, and Nuan's grandparents demanded that she be sent to live with their close friends in America- In L.A., specifically. She was upset but agreed, but swore that she would take charge of situations from then on. her first "taking charge" was choosing her American name- Echo Kim.
In America, it was a struggle to adapt to the culture and language, but it was possible when a group of Korean exchange students showed up at her school. She became particularly close with one of them, and he was the one that got her interested in KDramas and KPOP. Even when he went back to Korea, they kept in contact. After high school, she went back to China, but found that it was no longer a place she could truly call home. In search for a new place to grow as a person, to experience new things, she thought, "Why not go to my mother's home country?" And thus, three years ago, she moved to Seoul, South Korea and chose the name Kim Eunjung. She immediately got herself into SM Entertainment (With the help of that high school friend), and whike originally she wanted to go into acting, she switched to training as an idol after the multiple compliments on her voice, and that it would be amazing if she had actual training. After that, nothing significant happened minus her swtich to sASEUM eNTERTAINMENT- oH, AND SHE GOT AN IDOL BOYFRIEND.
likes :
Apples- Aren't they delicious?
Snakes, they're the cutest~
Children, she wants to have at least one by twenty-seven.
Acting- She did go to college for it, just graduated.
Chocolate milk- In fact, she need it every morning as soon as she wakes up for she's in a mood the whole day~
dislikes :
Drinking- She finds it gross, not just the alcohol.
Getting sick, she worries she''ll end up like her father.
Letting other people lead, it stresses her out as she feels she should be int control.
Strawberry ice cream- Ew.
hobbies :
Pressing flowers, she's done it with her father since she was little and it stuck.
Sewing, see above.
Horseback riding, it's so amazing!
habits :
Biting her lip when she's nervous.
Smoking every once in a while when she's way too stressed. Only Kibum, Taemin, and Areum know.

trivia :
— Is more into dancing than singing
— Plays the piano very well
— Learned to play both the piano and the violin at the same time, but only stuck with playing the piano after a few years

— Adores the snow

— Her favorite place in the world is Japan

— She wants to have three kids
— Has an intense hate for birds

— Her favorite animals are crocodiles, chinchillas, snakes, and cats

— Is heavily into fashion, but can't draw so she decided against being a fashion designer. That's also why when  she entered collage she chose to go into drama and music

— Intends to get married early

— Will do almost anything to get to the top

— She's very into social media. These are all of her accounts:

Instagram: Lookatme_Echo80

Facebook: Echo Kimmie

Twitter: Eunjung_Lookatme80

Kakoatalk: Lookatme_Nu80

— Nuan is fascinated in Ancient Greece

— She actually likes needles- Kind of in the masochistic way, but not really? She doesn't mind them for sure, she kind of likes the adrenaline

— Her favorite day of the week is Thursday

— Eunjung's favorite season is winter because, of, well, the snow she loves

— She's just about addicted to black pepper (AKA she loves it and puts it on every savory food she eats. She actually carries a bag of black pepper with her everywhere.)

— Her ideal type doesn't have to really do much with looks. Her ideal type is someone who honestly cares about her and she can feel that. But great hair is always a plus!

— Within all of the Harry Potter houses, Eunjung took the quiz and she received the result of Slytherin, which surprised some but not others

— In Apink, her bias is actually Bomi

— She adores girly concepts- Her fashion says that for her!

— Nuan loves acting, she wishes to be in as many musicals, plays, and dramas, like Kibum

— Is a gaming fanatic- She especially loves horror games, even though they make her scream over and over

— Her favorite horror games are Outlast and Until Dawn

— Her favorite RPG horror games are Blank Dreams and The Crooked Man

— She's honestly a good leader

This is her apartment
This is basically what the shrine to her father looks like. There's a picture of him where the girl's head is covering~
— And this is her pet hognose snake, Binnie. He's very young is and kind of a brat.


you're too harsh
family :
mOTHER | kIM Iseul | 41 | Works at her father's car company | Iseul has never really been close with her daughter. She was always too busy, and when her husband was alive, he cared for her. After his passing, she understandably became a bit colder, though nothing changed the fact that she still had to work. Now, she calls Nuan once a month, and while they talk about pleasantries and the like, Iseul does occasionally have the motherly moment like making sure her boyfriend is taking care of her, and that she's not eating unhealthily.
Father (Deceased) | Kim Heng | Would be 39, died at twenty-four | None | Nuan loved her dad- God, did she love him. He taught her what was right and wrong in life, how to read and write, how to be patient and kind. He was her everything, and she had to learn to be strong on her own after he died. She knows that he's stilll rooting for her, though, she knows he would support her with what she's doing now. In her apartment she has a shrine for him that she talks to every morning and night, and any time that she needs the strength or will that she doesn't have. Heng, even in death, is her source of strength. She missed her father so, so much but knows that it was probably better- At least he wasn't suffering anymore.
friends :
Best friend | Lee Taemin | 22 | Idol (SHInee) | Even though Taemin and Nuan only met three years ago, they're unbelieveably close. They met through a mutual friend, and grew close quickly. Taemin and Nuan address each other and peak in informal speech, simply because they feel more comfortable that way. Taemin is one of the ltierally two in Korea that calls Nuan by her birth name, which she is eternally grateful for. They're always texting or calling each other, and Taemin is the shoulder Nuan cries of when she can't or isn't willing to cry to her boyfriend. Often times, they're at Nuan's apartment (Often making dinner or some other meal, or raving about anime), or sometimes Taemin even takes her to the SM building while he prepares for his solo comeback. They tend to teach each other a lot- Taemin teaches Nuan dancing and Korean, and in return she teaches him Chinese and singing. Whenever they're together, Taemin often acts as a translator for Nuan, but now that job will likely go to Aeli (Which kind of upsets Nuan, as she's used to being a leader, but she has to submit to another girl for S & S). Taemin is normally the one that calms her down in those type of situations.
good friend | park areum (FC) | 23 | model | areum and eunjung met about a year and a half ago, and have since gotten pretty close. areum’s rebellion against society somehow matches well with eunjung’s leader-like attitude, and they make a pretty good pair. though eunjung is always reprimanding areum for drinking and smoking and the occasional sleeping around, she could never truly get mad at her gorgeous dongsaeng, whom she high admires for her beauty. They’re often shopping or chilling around gangnam, enjoying life. they’re always enjoying streetfood together, and making the weirdest jokes only they understand.

others :
Kind-of (One-sided) rival | Wang Aeli | 23 | Idol (Spice + S & S) | Even though it's unclear if Alei is aware of Eunjung's slight jealously, it's pretty obvious she's not really going to take orders from her often. There's a bit of a dispute- Nuan truly believes she should be the leader of S & S, and believes the position was given to ALEI OUT OF "RESPECT" BECAUSE SHE'S OLDER. She's aware it's not her fault- But that doesn't make her any less upset. SHE DOESN'T FIND HER FIERY TEMPER AND TACTLESS BEHAVIOR TO BE VERY LEADER-LIKE, WHILE Eunjung clearly fits the spot better. So, she's made a rivalry towards her, and pretty soon- But who knows- Alei may end up unhappy with her. (Wow did their relationship fall fast--)
Dongsaeng-ah! | Lee WOojin | Trainee+Maid cafe waitress | Oh, Woojin. First off, poor babe was named Woojin. A boy's name. Nuan immediately wanted to take her under her wing upon their meeting.
i wanna be like that unnie
stage name : Tai- Part of the Chinese word for sun (Oe Echo, her American name)
persona : The Flirty Singer
position : Main vocalist, sub-dancer, leader of Sugar (Backup: Triple threat of Sugar)
fanclub : Lillies
talent twin(s) : Jung Eunji of Apink
trainee years : Two years, seven months
TRAINEE life : Nuan- Now known as Eunjung- Had a harsh training life in SM. In South Korea, there weren't many people who were fluent in Chinese, and she's been struggling to learn the language. She, at that time, felt a sort of hate against her mother for never teaching her much Korean, and basically rejecting the culture, leaving her without any knowledge of Korea and that side of her heritage. She was often made fun of for her lack of understanding, but she worked hard to learn the language, as well as become a better vocalist. Her teachers were surprisingly patient with her, as they'd had non-fluent students before, and mostly used body language and touch to communicate, though there was a dance teacher who helped her learn some Korean. Eunjung did as well as she could in the situation she was in, though, and all but thrived in her conditions, against expectations. After two years, though, she became tired of the bullies, and thus quit SM Entertainment. Before long, she caught wind of a new entertainment company that was accepting trainees. One audition later, she was accepted into Saseum Entertainment.
predebut :
Has modeled with Key of SHINee in various photoshoots since she came to Korea
Duet with Apink's Namjoo in 2014, though the video was never released to the public, it was performed in front of a crowd
scandals :
dating scandal with Key of SHINee | June 2016 | They're seen going into her apartment together. Companies deny it, but later confirm after coming to an agreement of sorts

Pregnancy scandal | December 2016 | She's seen with a "baby
bump" at an airport, pictures false and thus story untrue
Smoking scandal | August 2017 | She's caught smoking outside of the dorm. Confirmed with handwritten apology letter to fans.
~And anything else you want~

i've dreamed of a romantic movie
love interest : Kim Kibum (Key, triple-threat of SHINee)
backup love interest : Kim Jonghyun (Main vocalist of SHInee)
personality : Kibum, in reality, is a very sensitive person. Though he doesn't show it often, all of the criticism he gets from some "unhappy" (More like y as , as Nuan says) "fans" really gets to him. Even if it's something small like "Wow, he was so lazy in the last few seconds- You're an idol, stop being so lazy!" requires at least a cuddle and ice cream from Nuan to calm and reassure him. Kibum is seriously insecure unlike Eunjung's overabundance. He simply doesn't have much faith in himself, and is really afraid he'll mess up and get kicked out of SM. He is confident when it comes to his abilities and his looks, but there'a always that burning, underlying doubt. Unforunately, Kibum is too trusting- He often attracts the wrong kind of people and doesn't realize it. Of course he notices it when it's not him- Because, seriously, he knows when someone he cares about is around the wrong people.
He's also quite social. Though in the past interaction wasn't his thing, he loves to talk, go out, and simply be with people. He has a lot of friends because of this, which really is a great thing. He himself is actually very supportive. Kibum likes to comfort people, and he' good at it. Where some people may tell little Mino that he can't be an alien when he grows up, Kibum gives his close friend's child advice like to say "Where is your leader?" when he invades new planets. When Eunjung said that she wanted to be and actress, then changed her mind to be an idol, Kibum was with her the whole way. Kibum is maternal- There's no two ways about it. He naturally draws in kids with his caring personality, and though he nags sometimes, he has the best thoughts in his heart.
background : Kibum and Eunjung met years ago when they were in high school in America. Kibum was on a short exchange program, but they grew close very quickly. After he left, they stayed in contact, always texting and calling. When Kibum debuted in SHINee under the stagename Key, she was so excited, and tried to get to Korea, but she knew she couldn't, and thus just decided to watch every recorded performance she could find, and then compliment him each time. As soon as Nuan moved to Korea, Kibum was there- Literally, he met her at the airport in a disguise so he wouldn't be recognized. They grew much closer when she setlled down in Seoul, always meeting up with each other, Kibum sending her cute little presents~ It was pretty obvious that he was into her, and she couldn't deny that she was into him either- After all, he grew up quite pretty and kind. Unfortunately, they had a bit of stress in the relationship for a few things before they even got together- One was when Nuan and Taemin considered dating. Undeniably, they were physically attracted, as well as their personalities fit well together, but in the end, really out of respect for his hyung, Taemin said that he was aslo interested in someone else, and that he knew about her crush on Kibum. Even though Tae let him get the girl, there's some strains between the three when they're together- Not to mention the CEO's strictness with them about dating. He's pissed that she's from another company, especially. They have strict limits, which sometimes entice them to brak up for the good of the other. It's just hard, dating as an idol. And now that Nuan's debuting...
relationship : Dating- And it's super cute, too. They're totally into skinship, so they're always cuddling and holding hands and all that jazz when they're out of the eye of the public. It's not uncommon to find them out shopping together, but as Kibum is always shopping with every friend he has, even the netizens aren't suspicious. They love to buy each other little gifts, normally jewelry or couple items, because it's seriously cliche and that makes it better in Nuan's mind. Kibum if the other one out of Taemin that calls Nuan by her Chinese name, but maybe some members of S & S will in the futur- Which he's sure to get jealous of. Calling her "Nuan" is like a special little connecction, so the fact that Taemin calls her it is definitely enough for him. It's not like he's possesive or anything, it's just something special to him. Oftentimes, when they're together, these two are playfully bantering. "Shut your naggy mouth, it's annoying." "Then sit your diva down," is common to hear- Often they make fun of each other's qualities, but only when they know that the other won't take offence. Kibum bought them couple rings a month ago, which both wear constantly, so let's be honest, how long until someone figures it out? They're absolute skinship, kiss (But not makeout- They're nto really a ual couple, though they do sleep together) when they're alone/with SHInee, and all-around act like the couple they are. It's Nuan's favorite thing, when she lays her head in Kibum's lap and he plays with her or vice versa- It's the most comforting, loving thing ever.
everything is so awkward
comments : Thank you so much for this opportunity! By the way, the picture of her father is as Nuan/Eunjung/Echo remembers him. Also, the reason she chose Echo was because she thought it sounded cool. Also I'm sorry I feel like Nuan would be a better overall leader than Alei. Buuuut that's 'cause her character was built to be so you know~ poor her, though, she hates being ordered around by others.
scene request(s) : ~I'll add some soon, I just want this in on time~
suggestion(s) : N/A
password : Candies? I have no clue.


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Hah, I'm missing my own app~ <3