hwang felix & simpleton
peachysoo; conner; seven
"What can I do? I know I'm just a simpleton... I'm not smart or strong like the others, I'm just Felix... But what can I do to help? I want to help."
FULL NAME Hwang 'FELIX' Joohyuk
 SIMPLETON Felix is a relatively simple person that doesn't have a lot of smarts, but he's good with his hands and he has quite a bit of heart in him. But due to his lack of intelligence and rather simple nature, many call him this due to how ordinary he seems.
 FOOL Many people usually see Felix as this. Especially since it seems like he's not going anywhere fast, even if he has dreams to go off and do what he wants. Felix is also quite gullible as well, so people usually will call him a fool whenever he falls quite easily to someone's charms or charisma - It's not his fault that he usually tries to believe in the best of people.
BIRTHDATE October 12
BIRTHPLCE Berlin, Germany
ETHNICTY  German-Korean
 GERMAN : Due to living in Germany for eight years of his life, Felix's first language is German and while he can easily hold a conversation and understand most things, he isn't completely fluent. Especially since he hasn't gotten to speak it too often since he's been adopted.  
 ENGLISH : He has intermediate skills in this due to learning it in school and since language is one of the few skills that he has and is good at, despite not having a lot of people to speak to, he speaks it better than most Koreans. 
replace with fc; dimensions are 215x150
replace with fc; dimensions are 100x100
replace with fc; dimensions are 100x100
Due to being quite athletic and the type of person that likes being outside all the time, even if it's hot as hell, Felix usually has a nice tan hue to his skin. He looks almost as if he's been touched by the sun with how golden he gets. While his hair is a dark shade of brown that usually falls into his eyes if he doesn't style it, so usually he styles it up and out of his face. Prone to the occasional outbreak of acne here and there and the sunburn that he can get if he doesn't put enough sunscreen on, Felix looks like your normal teen/young adult. Slim and somewhat short, Felix doesn't look too imposing, but he has strong, capable hands that tell a different story. Because at the core, Felix may not look much, but he has perseverence and he really isn't the type to give up. 
Felix probably doesn't have a stylish bone in his body, but he knows what he likes and what he likes consists of plaid shirts, sweaters, and jeans. Usually he'll wear his sweaters over his plaid shirts so that the collar sticks out or he'll go without the sweater and wear the plaid shirt with his sleeves rolled up for comfort. He usually wears skinny jeans like every other person in Korea, but that's only because he can get those for cheap as he's usually not one to go out of his way to get the newest and most expensive clothes out there. So if he's the one buying, his stuff is usually from thrift stores or they are cheap knock off brands with weird logos and misspelled words. He usually tops off his outfits with some chuck taylors/van look alikes that you can get out of the bargain bin for five bucks.  
HGHT/WGHT 167 cm + 59 kg

PRSNALITY Simpleminded, Sweet, Reliable, Gullible, Vacuous, Optimistic, Peaceful
Felix has one motto in his life and that's to stay positive and smile and for the most part, he's been able to do just that. Because at the end of the day, Felix is a relatively positive person - some would say too positive, but he'd rather look for the good in life than focus on the bad. Because if he can focus on the good, then that means there is hope and having hope is a must. Because even in the darkest situations, having hope is better than not having hope, especially since hope keeps you focused on life, trying to get that pay off that you need. So as much as Felix is optimistic and the type to smile, that's not to say he doesn't get down about himself or feel lost in various situations. But if he smiles, if he views the experiences as something that aren't as hurtful as they are, then he can keep on going.

Even if people like to call him stupid and gullible for believing in the things that most people wouldn't - well, don't believe in, like the existence of luck and fate or the good in people, Felix knows that he's not stupid. Sure, he's not very intelligent and things like book/street smarts are pretty much lost on him - He wouldn't be able to do an algebreic problem for the life of him, but he knows the general gist of how things work, in layman terms rather than scientific ones. He's hands on and is the type to learn by doing, rather than by reading a book. So he's not cautious or the type to wait around for things to happen, he's the type that wants to be involved, even if it means bad things may happen. Because if he hasn't tried at least once, then how will he know if he can truly do someting or not. And unlike most people, Felix is readily in touch with his emotions, at least a lot more than most, even if he hides the negative ones underneath a smile. Because as much as he's aware of what he feels, he also doesn't want to burden others with his problems, especially since he usually puts more emphasis on those around him than his. He may be bad off, but there are others with problems far greater than his and people that need kindness and a friend in their lives. So why not be that friend, why not be that helping hand - Felix puts himself out there because he can.

And while a lot of people have been burned by life and have let it affect them, Felix still trusts humanity and has faith in human nature - He wants to believe that people can be good. Because if he can be good, if he can be kind and positive and help those by actually wanting to help and actively doing those things, then everyone is capable of compassion and love. Even if they don't think so. Doing good things gives him a gratification that nothing else brings, even if the situations can be self-sacrificing. 

Known to be reliable and the type to do his best in everything, even if he's not the best at a lot of things. He knows he's not smart and he knows that he's not strong, but he's determined to not let his failures keep him from letting others down. So as much as he's probably not the best choice to have in some situations, he will always have your back and do what needs to be done for the team. He's a team player.

Quite sweet as well, especially since Felix is known to be kind and accepting of almost everyone that he meets, always trying to find the good in people, Felix is genuinely a nice guy. Sure, he may be a bit gullible and stupid when it comes to life and some may have a blast tricking him since Felix isn't the smartest tool in the shed and he's not really the type to retaliate back when someone has wronged him (Two wrongs don't make a right and people will eventually realize that doing bad things is stupid and a terrible thing - They'll eventually realize their mistakes.) , making him an easy target for a lot of stuff, Felix is a relatively pure person. Peaceful as well since he's not big on confrontation or physically fighting... He's the type that wants people to get along and come together to accomplish a common goal. People are meant to help each other, are meant to be good to each other, and Felix truly thinks everyone is capable of doing that.
 ^ there's no way to align that with the rest without it looking dumb
don't forget to put the parallels between your character's background and your conscience's!!
 HWANG JUNGHO (54) | Army Officer | Intelligent, Kind, Charitable | 5 | Felix barely sees his adoptive father due to the other always working and being sent out to various countries for deployment, the other is barely ever in the same country as the rest of his family. But the guy isn't a bad guy, he's just busy and doing his best to provide for his family the only way he knows how. And while Felix knows about the man being his father's best friend and that his father had entrusted him to the other's family after his death, but Felix and Jungho aren't very close. But Felix respects him, even if  the other's job has caused some discord between him and the rest of the family - a discord that does cause Felix a bit of a stress. But it's not like the guy can't stop working, so Felix puts up with it, especially since it's not like the other knows how terrible his wife actually is. However, when the two do see each other, they usually have casual conversations that show the other's respect towards him and his dreams.
 NAM MYUNGOK (52) | Housewife | Two-faced, Manipulative, Caustic, Selfish | 3 | Felix has tried to get along with his adoptive mother, but there's always been something holding him back. Especially since the woman has never really been too enthused about him in the first place. Especially since his grades and dreams are much different than what his brothers have dreamed - He'd rather be doing stuff outside like traveling the world or using his hands to work on cars or something similar - Studying is just something he doesn't like and he's just not the best at it either and with the woman expecting him to follow his brothers' footsteps of becoming a doctor/lawyer, it's caused quite a bit of discord between the two. The two usually walk as if they're on eggshells whenever they're in the same room - well, Felix does, while Myungok is just annoyed by Felix's choices in life. He's not her son, but she's humoring her husband.
 Hwang Soohyun (31) | Lawyer | Collected, Intelligent, Aloof, Disciplined | 4 | Due to Soohyuk being about ten years older than Felix, Felix and him don't really have a relationship outside of the other constantly asking him waht he wants to do with his life. Something of which Felix doesn't know, but what he does know is that he definitely doesn't want to go to college or do the usual thing that kids do. So it's pretty safe to say that Soohyk kind of views the guy as a bum that won't amount to anything in the world. 
 Hwang Jonghyun (28) | Doctor | Astute, Brilliant, Outspoken, Charming  | 5 | Recently finished with medschool, Jonghyun has set the bar quite high with getting a job at one of the best hospitals in the region, following the footsteps of his older brother. The two of them making decent money while being in highly respectable jobs, something of which has made Felix quite tense due to his adoptive mother wanting him to follow their footsteps as well. Not very close with either of the two brothers, Felix is at least thankful enough that Jonghyun doesn't scoff when he mentions his dreams about possibly working on cars or maybe traveling the world and just doing odd jobs here and there to let himself travel.
 Most don't have much to say about him except that he was genuinely a nice guy and while he wasn't the smartest guy, he was reliable and he'd probably take a bullet for you - not a lethal bullet, but he'd go the distance for you, even if you weren't his friend. Generous and kindhearted, if a bit stupid, most are acquaintances or friends with him. Even the more aloof members of the squad have found themselves unable to compltely dislike him and that's saying something, since some could care a less about quite a few people within said squad. He's trustworthy and kind, a do-gooder through and through, but he's their do-gooder. 
 habits are important, i mean unless u want ur character to just stand there awkwardly while they talk 
replace with conscience or fc because if ur cs doesn't have many pics i can work with that; height is 80px 
WEAPON    GENEROSITYIn the tale, the reaons that Simpleton receives the Golden Goose is due to his generosity towards an old man, So I'm thinking Felix can manipulat and make people see reason due to his kind nature and moral uprightness.
TOKEN    THE GOLDEN GOSLING : Representing the Golden Goose of the tale, a small baby goose usually follows Felix around, almost as if the baby animal sees Felix as it's mother. Usually she'll perch herself on his shoulder or try to hide herself in his hoodies. She usually doesn't like to be alone for too long and she's super affectionate with Felix as well. She's a friend and Felix adores her and he's glad to have her. She's his family and since the rest of his family isn't the best, he can't help but be a bit protective over the baby goose.  
BACKUP TK A GOLDEN PENDANT  : Similar to the golden chick, this version isn't alive and can be worn around his nexk. The gold represents the Golden Goose of the tale.
 Felix can only scratch his head as he thinks back to the times where his conscience told him things - almost as if it had spoken to him, kind of similar to having another person living in his head, he softly admits: It was weird - I never really realized that I was different until I could hear things clearly... Like I thought everyone was like me... That they had someone to tell them things. If that's how you think, then no wonder people don't think kindly of your intelligence. Hey, that's not nice. I know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything terrible when I said that... You just look at things differently, there's not harm in that. Felix could only grin at that, Of course... I know I'm not the smartest, but I'm not a complete idiot, even if people think it at times.
 Surprised, scared... What didn't I feel during that time... I was afraid, so much so, and I'm sure that there had to be some much better choices than me... Like what could I do that someone else couldn't? Felix admits as he quietly looks at his hands, the thought of being useless is something that he doesn't want to think about, but it still flickers through his mind anyway. He doesn't mean to let that sliver of negativity shine through, but he can't help it, even if it's just for a second. You have good traits too, you know? You aren't useless, just different and that different is what makes you strong. Taking a deep breath to center himself, he looks up with a smile, able to continue on, this time a little more cheerily: But despite that feeling of inadequacy, I wanted to help. I wanted to protect people - to protect those that were close to me. I was scared... Just like anyone would be, but I couldn't just not do anything, you know? I had to do something - no, anything to help. Felix mentions before his smile gets a little wider. I'm just doing what anyone else would do... I'm no savior, I'm just a normal guy doing what's right. Anyone else would do the same.
 Make sure you thank this person for taking the time out of their day to interview you.  Felix can only shake his head at that, especially since he wasn't going to let the other go without him showing his appreciation. Interviewing people had to be tough. He tell me all sorts of things... He's kind of like my moral compass at times. If people thought I was nice, this guy's even nicer... He's quite cool and I'm glad to have him.
 Why wouldn't I? He's been with me since the beginning, he's never steered me wrong before. So why wouldn't I trust him? Felix gives with a furrow of his brows, completely confused by the topic of the question. Especially since it would be odd to not have the other guy inside his head anymore. He made things less lonely and he was always so kind... So very kind. And Felix just couldn't see him not trusting the other. He's like my best friend, he wouldn't betray me, so there's no reason to not trust him. Thank you Felix, I'm glad you trust me and feel that highly about me. I know it's had to have been a little rough to know that I've been with you. Don't mention it, you'll always be welcomed..Felix finishes with a smile.  
 As long as you believe in yourself, believe in the kindness of others, you'll always be ready. Felix hears, and while he knows that's what Simpleton likes to tell him, it's hard to know if he's truly ready when he hasn't really done much. He knows his power could move mountains if it worked, but at the moment, Felix just needs to test it out, to see if it's actually true. So sighing, Felix can only bring himself to say, I haven't seen any results just yet, but not because I've tried, but because I haven't gotten to use it... It's not very practical in terms of actual fighting, but it's mine and I want to use it to it's full potential... People are counting on me
 I'm positive that I won't be a hinderance and that I can do what is needed of me, I won't let the others down. I'm ready because I have to be and I'm sure we'll make things right, we'll be able to do what needs to be done. I'm sure of it. 
replace with ideal person; dimensions are 200x150
IDL PERSON can be someone of the same gender bc sometimes it's hard to find an idol that would fit the kind of relationship you want your character to have
IDEAL TYPE something describing your character's ideal type i guess- like attributes and character traits
CLOSENESS  how close are they in the group? are they closer to each other than anyone else? the farthest from each other? tell me jsy
LOVE STORY doesn't have to be very detailed, a general outline would be okay
CONCLUSION happy ending? sad ending? or i can decide based on who i pair your character up with
♥♥ REPORT ok this is just a cute way of saying love statement, which is a quote, song, etc. that describes their story or relationship or sth
COMMENTS  anything related to state of the economy (jk)
QUESTIONS ask me anything (about my pet ostrich)
CONCERNS  are you concerned for my mental health? i am
BUTTERFLY haha bye


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omg your token is so adorable i think i might cry
wow a lot of people are going for this one
it definitely intrigues me, but i've already put so many apps on backlog to finish my forgotten legends app, and i don't really want to risk missing any of the deadlines for those older apps
but i'll keep an eye this.