Please Report RATED_UNRATED on WattPad [Repost from GloomyDragon]


Ok if you've read my last blog post, then you'll know what this is about. One of my readers saw that RATED_UNRATED copied Forgotten Books (a fic written by me) and posted it on WattPad without giving credits and thus claiming the story are theirs. And as I scroll through 'their' other stories, I see more stolen fics that come from AFF and that aren't actually theirs. Now, this is highly disrespectful and I maybe hope that we can report this user, because this is plagiarism and thus not allowed. 

People even comment on the fics that they stole and the readers compliment them, because 'their' fics are so good. Now, that honestly hits me in my heart, because the stories they posted aren't theirs.

Please help us authors who put our heart in our fics, who put time in writing them for you and who work hard for the fics. Because it hurts to see them lazily being copied to some other site without credits.

So report her or message her and ask if she'll take the fics that she did not write down.


My Note

This is a really upsetting thing to see. I feel so bad to the authors who's works have been stolen. EVERYONE PLEASE HELP AND REPORT OR MESSAGE OR ASK THE PERSON TO TAKE DOWN THE WORKS THEY HAVE NOT WRITTEN. 

PLEASE REPOST THIS! It'll be a great help to the author's who's works were stolen!


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wattpad: "Only the owner of this content or their legal representative may submit a DMCA takedown request, so if you are in contact with them, please ask them to contact us."

So what we can do is find the authors and alert them ^^"
How do u find out if someone plagiarized ur story?
N I'll repost this blog to support n sorry I can't report her cuz I don't have WattPad
Yes omfg thank you for spreading the news!!!