⟠ AEON | 김재화


Kim Jaehwa

Layni17 • Tsuki • 7-10


the basics.

name » Kim Jaehwa (김재화)

nickname(s) »
J.J. | A common nickname that her close friends and the band call her. It was nearly her stage name (It can be if you want.)
Jae | Another common nickname
| A fond nickname from her best friend, it's a small inside joke from middle school
Apple / Apple Unnie | The band cals her this because of her obsession with apples
Jinx | Minkyuk calls her this because of her "magical voice" and talent
BIRTHDAY » January 23rd, 1994 (21, international)

birthplace » Seoul, South Korea

hometown » Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity » Chinese-Korean

language(s) »
Korean; Fluent, native language
Chinese (Mandarin); Fluent, her mother is half Chinese and taught her
Japanese; Advanced, has learned through middle and high school
English; Semi-fluent, she understands it really well (Nearly fluently) but she's not really good at speaking it. At all.

face claim » Seo Yuna of AOA

backup face claim » Yoo Ji Ae of Lovelyz

appearance » Jaehwa loves her hair short and dyed- It's amazing, and comfortable. Short hair is so much easier to take care of, though she's not opposed to growing it back out and dying it blonde, or taking out the light color on her ends now and making her whole hair that color. Jaehwa just loves changing up her hair, it's so fun! She has a light splash of freckles on her nose, but they're barely noticeable. She has a scar on her cheek from where hot oil burned her one night while she was cooking, but it's seriously hard to see- You really have to be looking to find it.

style » Jaehwa's not into fashion. At all. I mean, she wears this bracelet almost every day (It was a present from her dad), but that's it in terms of accessories, except maybe some baseball caps. Skinny jeans are pretty great, though. She hates purses, so she normally brings a small backup with her places. Jaehwa does wear a lot of Disney clothes, though, and when it's time to be formal she loves long dresses. She prefers boos and sneakers to heels and flats, but doesn't really mind either way. She does enjoy Namjoo of Apink's fashion, though, but really she doesn't care.

" Let's get along, okay? "

" Don't forget you're loved. That hurts the people that love you too much. "


the girl next door.

plotline » The Puppeteer

STAGE PERSONA » The Black Cat | J.Hwa, while performing, tends to blend into the background. Her dancing isn't anything amazing, so it's only when she sings that you truly understand her talent. As soon as she opens , it's like pouncing on her prey. She's smooth and suave.
POSITION » Main vocalist, sub-dancer
BACK-UP POSITION » Lead vocalist, lead dancer (Naive)

SINGING TWIN » Boa of Spica (Kang Min Kyung of Davichi)
DANCING TWIN » (Sorn of CLC) Seunghee of CLC
SPEAKING TWIN » Chorong of Apink

» Main girl in Infinite's Bad MV
» Was in SHINee's Marrid to the Music

TRAINEE SPAN » Four years, two months
TRAINEE BACKGROUND » Jaehwa was scouted over four years ago by SM Entertainment. Her trainee life wasn't awful, but it wasn't easy, either. There was a lot on competition between her and her training group, specifically between her and the other vocalists. Many didn't like her because she was always one of the top in vocal exams. There was always one boy who took an interest in her, though- Kim Jaehyun. He always found her to be interesting, and fun to hang out with. They became close friends, and he made training that much easier. He gave her a lot of tips that her teachers didn't, which was something pretty funny but appreciated. When he suddenly quit, though, without a warning, reason, or a way to contact him (He changed his phone number, and she had never been to his house), hrt world crumbled a little. On was a uneasy smile, gone was her spirit.


Sunflowers- They're her favorite flowers

Being outside, she loves the feeling of the sun

Storms, she loves the scent of rain and the feeling of needing someone when it's dark and cool

Winter, it's her absolute favorite season

Snakes, aren't hey so cute?

The Penguins of Madagascar movie- It was really hilarious!

Penguins in general, they're her favorite animal, aliong with snow leapords
When people curse, it's not the worst thing ever but she's not a fan, you know?
Night, when it's night she gets scared easily

Acting, she's never liked it for some reason

Big Bang- Sorry, guys, she doesn't like your sound or your concept

When people criticize others for no reason- It's really rude, you know?

The summer, it's too hot
Smoking when she
's really stressed (Never more than three times a year, though) She made her dad that promise, as well as she can't afford to ruin her voice).
Digging her nails into her wrists when someone's being seriously mean but she can't say anything
Biting her lip when she's angry
Skating, she used to do it in middle school, and she still does it now
Cooking, she's done it her whole life and loves trying to make new recipies. And let's not forget baking!

Interior design, it's really cool, right? She loves designing rooms.
She's not really into social media, but when she posts pictures of predebut and then, it becomes one of the most liked pictures on Instagram from KPOP artists, she takes a larger interest and begins to post something every other hour or so.
She's a huge fan of animals~

Jaehwa kinda at art.
She prefers to wake up around six a.m.~
She loves being at the beach! Isn't it the best?
Jaehwa, despite everything, is almost always smiling. She feels that it makes her a happier person~
She owns a baby hognose snake named Ben! They like to play dead, pretend to be mad, etc., so don't let Ben fool you! He's actually very love-y and loves to wrap around your finger(s) and wrist.
Hot chocolate is her favorite, and she must have it every morning (No matter the weather) or she'll be quite unhappy. And whines. A lot.
Jaehwa really likes to take selca's- She's was into it before they were a thing, if we're actually being honest.
She really likes to snowboard, but she hasn't had the opportunity.
Sometimes, she looks pissed off. I swear she's really not!
When she gets closer with people, Jaehwa gets playful and likes to tease~
She's not into surprise birthday parties, but each time she gets one she knows people put a lot of hard work into it and makes herself act really happy. So happy, in fact, that people thinks she loves them, and think she's lying when she says she doesn't. She's nearly given up saying otherwise by now, but there's still a little fight left in her!
She's really into the musical English Hamilton.
Jaehwa's Chinese name is Kim Nuan (
This girl really- And I mean really- Likes bubble baths.
She only drinksout of water bottles- Never tap or anything else.
She's a fan of rootbear and creme soda.
Jaehwa loves body art- Y'know, painting bodies.
This girl tends to sleep early~ She just prefers it.
Soda gives her life, but she's never had it often.
She's totally confortable in a bikini.

This is Jaehwa's favorite pair of pajamas~ Yeah, she likes the ier pajamas- They're comfy!
Jaehwa seriously doesn't look like much more than a pretty face, but I can assure you she's much more.
This girl loves wine- Any kind. Though she rarely drinks, she really likes wine. It's bene ber favorite for years.
She never got wisdom teeth~

Stuffed animals give her life.
So does Infinite.
Her favorite holiday is Christmas~
She wants a kitten one day.
Jaehwa loves to play airplane with her brother- You know, the thing where you put the kid's body on your legs/feet and push them up while holding their amrs? Think SHINee and Hello Baby.
When Jaehwa knows she needs to blow off some steam, she goes to the gym and beats the crap out of a punching bag. There is no mercy, and there was even a time when she accidentally ripped it when she kicked it too hard.
This girl tends to get carried away when she write ballads. Once she starts, she doesn't stop until she has at least one done, usually three. While she's pretty good and composing and writing songs, there are definitely others who are better.
If the day ever comes that Jaehwa curses, run for your life. There is legit maybe a two-percent change of that ever happening. If it does, either something huge just happened or the world is ending.
Surprisingly, she doesn't mind the fact that she used to sleep around. She thinks that it taught her a lot about life.
Jaehwa loves to play piano versions of songs- Whether she's the one playing it, or if it's one her phone, she likes it all.
Her favorite KDrama at the moment is "Because It's The First Time."

Instagram: HotCocoa_JBabe16



home is where your heart is.

POSITIVE » Clean, charming, self-reliant, practical, reliable, gentle
NEUTRAL » Soft-spoken, obedient
NEGATIVE » Weak-willed, submissive, envious, aimless, faithless, secretive

Jaehwa has always been an unexplainably charming girl. Some say it's her smile, some say it's her personality- No matter what it is, it works well for her. She enraptures nearly everyone she meets, and it's simply a natural gift. She often gets things on a discount or for free- It's just how it is. Jaehwa is a very practical person, though. She does things in an obvious way- The way that makes sense. She's not quite a "creative thinker-" She doesn't see the point in making the extra effort, to be honest. If things can be done in a set way, then that's how they should be done.


She's very self-reliant, and doesn't like to be taken care of. She doesn't think anyone would do anything for her, anyway, and with being an only child with busy parents she simply learned how to care for herself and do well that way. Truthfully, Jaehwa is at her best when she's alone, doing things by herself. She's very clean, and takes care of hygene, and . She doesn't really curse, and tends to be very healthy. She's normally the one who cleans the whole dorm, and makes sure every has taken care of themselves.


This girl is reliable- Even if you're not that close, you can definitely expect to get advice from her, because you will recieve it. She'd never flake on you, and when she makes plans they're always made so she can get there. Jaehwa is always there for you, whatever you need. She's a gentle person, so she'd never yell at you unless that was proven to be the only way to get through to you. She's got a low-key, soft presence that can simply calm anyone down. It's amazing, how with a few soft, truthful words and a smile she can make you break down into the tears you'd been holding back.


And no one can bring themselves to be embarassed to cry in front of her, because it feels right to people to. When you meet (And sometimes just look at) Jaehwa, you feel comforted and the need to let all of your worries out to her. It's just a natural aura that affects many people. Jaehwa is very soft-spoken. She doesn't tend to raise her voice, not only because she doesn't like it, but because her voice is naturally quiet. She likes to think that it's that way because she was born to be a gentle person, but really, it doesn't matter.


Her soft-spokeness tend to put her in the background (Particularly during things like variety shows, which people don't fail to notice), and Jaehwa doesn't tend to speak her mind. She's quite obedient, so no matter how bad it is to her, she always listens to those who are older than her or command more respect. If the CEO said to starve herself, she would. If the leader told her to make dinner for a month, she would. Though they're not the same in terms of severe, Jaehwa would to it all. Even still, she's very weak-willed and submissive. She doesn't hold her opinion against anyone elses', and is quick to give up her idea even if it's smart because no one likes it.


She's the exact opposite of stubborn. Jaehwa is easily influenced, and her opinions and ideals can be changed if someone says they should be. She doesn't like to fight, so she always gives up when there's one arising- After all, fights only harm people, so she would stay quiet and act nice, right? Jaehwa is always keeping secrets, though. Her family and background are completely unspoken of within Aeon, and anything that she likes or wants is kept in her mind. This girl simply doesn't want anyone to know much about her, so she keeps it all locked away. Surprisingly, it takes most people a long time to notice this.


She's envious of others, which is another thing that's under lock and key. She used to be outgoing, cheerful, optimistic- Now? She's quiet and nearly unheard of.  Sure, when someone gets to know her, she's charming and cute, but otherwise it's like she barely exists- At least, that's how she feels. Jaehwa is jealous of people's abilities (She knows she can sing, but dancing and rapping are things she's not-so-great at) and things like their love lives. Of course, she knows it's her fault she has none-


After all, she's completely faithless in others. As soon as she starts to date someone, she begins to have doubts about their loyalty, their love for her, and her love for them. It's totally common for her to accuse someone of cheating- It's happened before, so why not this time? It's something that she hates about herself, because it holds her back from enjoying life. But, really, she's just expecting to be left by people- Jaehyun left, why wouldn't anyone else do the same?

background » Jaehwa grew up taking care of herself. It's not like her parents didn't want to be there for her- Her family was simply poor, and both her father and her mother had to work to keep up with the bills. From an early age, Jaehwa knew how to cook, clean, do her homework by herself, and get ready for school with no help. She never really liked it, growing up alone, but it definitely wasn't the worst thing, either. In school, things were sometimes tough since she had no one at home to help her understand what she didn't at home, but luckily she had great teachers who had no problem with helping her after school. She had a lot of friends- She was a total social butterfly. It was from this, knowing so many people, that she became interested in music. Her best friend growing up had an older sister who wanted to become a singer. She would give young Jaehwa tips on how to improve her voice, and made her promise that when she became an idol she would watch her.


And watch her she did. When Son SaeEun's older sister, Son Naeun, debuted in Apink, Jaehwa became determined to become an idol. By this time, only her father worked, and Jaehwa became much closer with her mother, Kim Iseul. Though they weren't the closest mother-daughter pair in the world, they definitely were close and that made both of them happy. Jaehwa's mother became interested in her daughter's hobbies and likes, and they grew closer on that account. She even revealed that she used to be a singer, but quit when she got sick. She became Jaehwa's vocal coach, calling in favors to get her auditions, but no one took her, much to their frustration. Around this time, Jaehwa's family moved to the other end of Seoul, and thus Jaehwa had to leave all of her friends and teachers. It was a tearful ordeal that sparked some less-than-savory habits.


Even though Jaehwa was scouted for SM at seventeen, she had this bad habit of sleeping with people she found attractive. This lead to a pregnancy scare when she was eighteen, which was absolutely awful for her. Thankfully, it was a false alarm. When she was nineteen, her father, Kim Jeong, died of colon cancer. Her mother fell into a state of depression, leaving Jaehwa to take care of the funeral arrangements, as well as her her two-year-old brother. She became much like a mother to the young boy as she was left with all of the responsibilities of caring for a family as well as being a trainee. Thankfully, her father's sister (Paternal aunt) was able to snap her sister-in-law out of it in time for Jaehwa ro be told she's debuting in a new girl group. Upon hearing the news, sher was ecstatic, but she didn't show it. The first thing she did was go to her father's grave and swear she would do amazing.

family »
Kim Iseul | Mother | 43| Hostess at popular, high-end restaurant | Supportive, easy-going, anxious, critical. Iseul, now that she's pulled out of her depression, is a great mother to her two children. She loves to cook and clean for them, and adored her son to death. She's so proud of Jaehwa and all that she's done, and she feel indebted to her daughter who has done so much for her. There's also underlying guilt for leaving her to her own devices with little love in her childhood, but tries her best to make up for it now. Iseul knows that she's made a mistake with not caring for Jaehwa, so she definitely won't make the same mistake with Woobin.

Kim Woobin | Baby brother | 3 | None | Cute, cheerful, whiny. Woobin is super adorable. Seriously, adorable. He speak really cutely and acts really cutely and is cute. Woobinnie loves his Pingguo-noona (Pingguo is the Chinese word for apple), especially when she teaches him Chinese and Korean- Ooh, and bedtime stories. They're always playing and cuddling together, and whenever Jaehwa is home she sings Woobin to sleep. They simply have a love unlike any other. Jaehwa is just as much of a mom for Woobin as Iseul is, which is something that's both painful and amazing.

Kim Areum | Aunt | 26 | Painter (And pianist) | Accepting, fun-loving, reckless, sometimes snobby. Areum can be seriously be a snobby , but Jaehwa doesn't mind. They're surprisingly similar in age (Not that they care- In fact, that makes them closer), and Areum adores her baby niece Jaehwa. They often go out to eat, or to nail salons or to get massages. It's not like they tell each other everything, but they could. When she had the pregnancy scare, Areum was the one who supported her the most. They're pretty close~


friends/rivals »
Park Alice Minju (FC) | Best friend | 21 | SM trainee + college student | Reliable, cheerful, stubborn, easily-annoyed. Minju is Jaehwa's best friend. They actually met on a middle school fieldtrip when their schools decided to go somewhere together, and they were thrown together on a bus. They instantly clicked together, and exchanged numbers. It wasn't until Jaehwa moved and she and SaeEun lost contact that they became the best of friends- After all, they ended up at the same school, and happened to train at the same company, though Minju is a rapper. They're always texting, meeting up, covering songs together, and simply enjoying each other's presence's. Minju tells Jaehwa everything, but understands that Jaehwa probably will never do the same. They're the kind of friends that would look at each other's when it feel like they're something wrong- And they have.

Lee Haewon (FC) | Close friend | 20 | Model | Adventerous, optimistic, unreasonable, harsh. Haewon is a great friend for Jaehwa. Though they aren't the best of friends, they're pretty close.haewon is able to see behind her quiet, gentle personality to the girl that she keeps hidden- A lonely, scared child who wants love. Of course, Minju sees it too, but not as clearly as Haewon. Normally, the two end up watching movies in Haewon's apartment, playing with her puppies, or making a meal together. They like to have simply fun.


the one and only.

love interest » Hwang Minhyuk (황민혁)
birthday » October 3rd, 1989 (26) (Whoops forgot to ask you the actual month and date, so it's blank.)
group » N/A (Face is Kim Woobin because I have no idea who else to use.)
nickname(s) »
Hyukie/Minnie-Oppa | Jaehwa calls him this because she thinks it's cute

backup love interest » Lee Jinki (One of SHINee)


personality »
POSITIVE » Sweet, hardworking, passionate
NEUTRAL » Determined, intelligent
NEGATIVE » Demanding, easily unnerved, somewhat paranoid
Minhyuk is pretty adorable.


He's a mix of old fashioned sweetness, hardwork, determination, and passion. He loves his job to bits, and idolises Lee Sooman for his ability to create legendary groups from nothing. And while he wishes to be likes him, he knows there's still a bit of work to fix up his occassional nervousness and proness to being startled before he'll get there, but he thinks he can really reach it.


But don't be fooled by his adorable personality and niceness. When he wants something done, it will get done. He isn't quite the sweetie you think he is, with his appreciation for socialisation and art. He's even got a few works of art himself, though you'll only it on a rare occasion when he's out of the button up and smart clothing he wears for work.

first meeting » Minhyuk and Jaehwa met when he was reassaigned to the trainee department. He had been taking part in the monthly evaluations, and to him, Jaehwa's unique vocals stood out above the rest. After they were all through, Minhyuk approached Jaehwa and attempted to start a conversation. Jaehwa, feeling uncomfortable that a stranger suddenly showed up in her personal space, stuttered that she had somewhere to be and all but ran away from him. After a few weeks of approach and run, Jaehwa finally surrended to the fact that he wasn't going to stop trying to talk to her, and allowed him a conversation- One that was filled with many blush-causing compliments towards her, and finding out they had the same interest in flower phone cases. After a few more conversations, the two found out they actually had a lot in common.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS » Manager Oppa & Baby Idol Girl Dongsaeng Princess
INTERACTIONS »  Minhyuk and Jaehwa are a seriously cute Manager oppa-Princess Idol relationship. Jaehwa tends to use a lot of aegyo when it comes to Minhyuk, which surprises Aeon to no end as she's normally quite and just...There, I guess? When she wants something, she'll cutely beg Minhyuk for it,and of course he can rarely so no- "Anything for my Princess Jinx~" They grew close very quickly after they finally started interacting, and can be considered great friends- Though for Minhyuk, it's been a bit more than that for a few years, which he feels totally guilty about because he's now her manager- That's totally unacceptable. But, even still, he can't help it, and ashamedly one of the reasons he so highly recommened Jaehwa for Aeon is so he could see Jaehwa up on stage, doing what she could do best. Of course, it was for her skill as well- Only the best for Eunjin-ssi- But it did have to do with his selfishness as well. They have no problem with talking about anything and everything, and share a love for teddy bears.


These two love to cook together since they make a great pair in the kitchen. Jaehwa really likes to lay her head in Minhyuk's lap while he plays with her hair as they watch a show or movie or something. It's cute enough to make you puke. On Jaehwa's part, she has a crush on him, but not full-out "I would die without your love I need you to complete my very soul and essence!" Still, she would definitely like to try dating him- That is, when she learns that she doesn't have to do everything on ther own. They have a scandal in early 2017 when they're caught kissing (Someone took a picure as the two were by a window in Aeon's dorm). Rumors of dating are denied. But even after, the two continue to be touchy-feely in public and on broadcast, which raises copious amounts of suspicion. There's another scandal not much later where the two leave a room together, coming back only to look quite, ah, wrecked.

» Once they start dating, for her birthday Minhyuk gets them these teddy bears. Cute, right?!
They both agree that their favorite memory is when they sang a ballad that Jaehwa wrote together for Sooman. It was about a long-gone love that would rekindle in the afterlife.

» The band likes to call them Jaehyuk. Personally, Jaehwa likse Minhwa better since it's what she wants to name her kitten when she eventually gets one.
» Minhyuk and Jaehwa get really awkward around each other after they start dating at the most random times.


CONCLUSION » Their relationship is revealed a while before they end up engaged- Which is in the near-ish future. After all, Minhyuk is getting older by the day. It's a bit rough, a manager marrying the idolhe's managing, but there's no other way for them. They love each other too much.


last words.

comments/suggestions » Hm~ Jaehwa is different from any other character I've made, really. I hope she was interesting enough?

scene requests » I'll add them when I wake up, I wanna get this IN.

password » Pretty sure I don't have fill this out anymore~?


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Holy crap... I love it so much like wow. Sweet, ugh. And let's make Minhyuk born in 3rd of October~
Nah the password is all good, I don't care if it gets filled out anymore.
But I'm definitely in love with her~