
CHOI Joonseok
Ygsmjypfam / Mei / 9 out of 10

“Your appearance influences your life, because it effects how people treat you. Sometimes you don’t have to be king to be treated like royalty—you only have to look like the king.”   Jarod Kintz

Face claim: Choi Seunghyun
Back-up: Lee Minho
Height, weight: 183cm & 65kg
Appearance: Joonseok likes a very clean appearance so, he always shave to keep a very neat face. Joonseok has a pair of deep brown piercing eyes, shap nose, and nicely shaped lips. He likes to appear smart and confident so he always stands in a perfect posture. Some people say that his asset were his intimidating eye gaze and thick eyebrows. :))

Style: When going out,  Joonseok likes to wear semi-formal clothes. Suits and tie paired with leather shoes or a sweatshirt and leather pants. He wears leather jackets too or hoodies. His style varies actually, but, he makes sure that he looks decent. Besides the leather shoes, he also likes top siders, and sneakers too. He doesn't like going out using slippers or sandals. At home, he just often wears t-shirts, hoodies, shorts, and jogging pants.

layout © cerulean tm
homenum revelio
"human-presence-revealing spell"
"Each time you say hello to a stranger, your heart acknowledges over and over again that we are all family.” ―  Suzy Kassem


Name: Choi Joonseok ( 최준석 )
Other name(s): N/A
Joon : Just a shorter version of his name that his parents and friends usually call him.
Seokkie : His younger sister addresses him with this nickname and he finds it really annoying and at the same time endearing. No one is allowed to call him by this nickname except for his younger sibling.
Alien Prince : Joonseok's pretty handsome... But don't be fooled with that as he is a total dork and out of this world. Mostly, ladies who admire him are the ones to call him with this weird nickname. He is aware of it though and somehow, he's proud. OTL
DOB, Birthplace: December 25, 1987, Seoul
Hometown(s): Seoul,South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
- Korean : This is his native language.
English : Conversational, he learned this during his younger years and he became interested with it that he actually studied English very well.
Japanese : Basic, Joonseok took this subject as an elective during high school and college.
specialis revelio
"Any man's life, told truly, is a novel” – Ernest Hemingway


Occupation: Director / Actor under SM C&C


1987. Choi Joonseok was born on Christmas day and he was the first child of Choi Dongwook and Baek Minseo. As both of his parents earned good salaries, they belonged to the above average class of society, enabling them to provide for Joonseok with everything he needed and wanted. His father was an Architect and was often sought by big companies whilst his mother worked as an English Professor in Seoul National University.

1993. Joonseok's younger sister was born on a New Year's day, making the two of them being borned on holidays. He was so excited that finally, he has a sibling and gone were the days where other kids would for being an only child. Joonseok was so excited and was actually praying for a baby brother. But when the baby turned out to be a girl, he promised to his parents that he'll be protecting baby Choi Jooeun. But despite the happiness during that time, the same day, Joonseok's mother died because of complications while giving birth. He may have not understood much of it yet at that time but Joonseok was so heartbroken he almost wanted to hate on his baby sister but he remembered his promise and he was decided to keep that as he knew, his mother will be very proud of him.

2000. Due to the passing of their mother, Joonseok's grandma (the mother of his father), Lee Dasom, took care of him and Jooeun. Until, Dongwook decided to re-marry a film actress, Kim Jiyoung. At first, the siblings didn't like their new mother because of the thought she was trying to replace their mom, but after discovering how sweet and nice she actually was, the two came to love her as well and Jiyoung took care of them just like her own children.

2004. Joonseok started to discover his passion for the film industry during his middle school years because of Jiyoung's teachings to him and Jooeun. He supported his mother as she was a well-known actress in South Korea. They often watched her films too and that was why he knew he needed to take up film in college. He was so enthralled about films, its elements, design, the cinematography, and all the meaning behind each angles or characters being portrayed. So, Joonseok entered Korea National University of Arts and took up Filmmaking as his major. Originally, Dongwook was against this as he wanted Joonseok to pursue a career like his, a.k.a to be an architect, but later on supported him in his dreams to be a filmmaker. That was all Joonseok ever wanted.

2008. It was again a rollercoaster ride of emotions for Joonseok's family in this year as two months before he graduated college, Dasom had passed away because of leukemia. He was so sad because he wasn't able to spend much time with her since when his father remarried and Dasom went back to their province in Busan and lived there. He thought that he should have visited her a lot during the times when she was in the hospital but he didn't because he was too busy with academic stuff. He remembered his grandmother's last words to him, "Don't worry, Joon. I'll be fine because I'd still attend your graduation day." And the next day, she was gone. Because of this, he did his best in uni and took his grandmother's words as an inspiration to be able to graduate. After a few months, all Joonseok's hardwork paid off and he graduated with latin honors and got his degree in BFA Filmmaking. To further his studies, he decided to study in Korean Academy of Film Arts where he met an outstanding Director, Bong Joonho, who had been his favorite director since college. Joonseok grabbed this opportunity to ask Joonho if he could apprentice for him and he was granted this. So, he balanced his film studies while being a trainee.

2010. Joonseok finally completed the two-year film program in KAFA and continued to be the apprentice of Bong Joonho. At the same time, he was already getting his own Directing gigs with his first ever independent film, Lies (just fictional haha). His film was nominated in Seoul Independent Film Festival but he didn't win. Although, he still got an award of Best New Director in the same awards show and this was the start of his recognition in public. Not only he was handsome /ehem/, young /ehem ehem/, smart /more ehems/ man, but he was the son of Kim Jiyoung and he got more recognized because of these factors.

2013. Joonseok had also his biggest break as an Assistant Director for Bong Joonho in the Snowpiercer and he was so happy because of it. During one of their shoots, one of the extras couldn't make it during the filming. So, Joonho asked a big favor to him. He asked Joonseok to take part in the shoot and fill in for the extra and being Joonho's protégé, he agreed. He didn't know that this will lead him to a new career... After the movie has been released, one of the agents from SM C&C saw his talents for acting. This agent also happened to know that Joonseok was an aspiring director, he contacted Joonseok and asked him if he could audition for Prime Minister & I. Joonseok declined but the agent was persistent and he can't deny it but he also enjoyed acting so, he tried it out. After getting a small role for Prime Minister & I, SM C&C offered him to be a talent for their company and Joonseok finally agreed. He was able to balance his acting projects with his directing gigs but, he stopped being an apprentice under Bong Joonho though they remained in contact and sometimes Joonho offered Joonseok some film projects. SM C&C was also considerate for his dreams and also gave him some shows to direct. For the show Miss Korea, Joonseok was assigned as the Asst. Director and from then on, he had gained popularity. He become more well-known when he, again, was the Asst. Director for Mimi and EXO Next Door. Joonseok could also be noted that he had a small role again in Mimi and also in It's Okay, That's Love together with EXO member, Do Kyungsoo. He was the director of EXO's Music Video Dramas and everyone thought it was a real success. Joonseok was also given a couple of music videos to direct: Blue World (Super Junior), Everybody (SHINee), and Overdose (EXO). Whenever a project ends in SM C&C, Joonseok directed for other independent films too. He was also casted in D-Day (2015) and if he didn't have shoots for the series, Joonseok was the Asst. Director for the show. SM C&C took good care of him and he's really grateful for that. He was still young but he was able to achieve already more than what he was expecting.


POS : Adaptabe, confident, debonair, observant, witty
NEU : Determined, stubborn, sarcastic, whimsical
NEG : Blunt, conceited, domineering, demanding, melodramatic

People say, "Don't judge a book by its cover" and that's totally applicable for Joonseok. His whole physical appearance screams of sophistication and mystery that usually young ladies fall into his charms. But for some /ehem.. guys/, they think he's quite the bratty young man. In reality, he's actually flexible to any circumstances he face. If there are problems, he would stop and think about it for a minute and then he'll form of a solution to it. Throw him in any situation, he'll basically be able to fit in. Joonseok believes in his self that's why it's never hard for him to make new friends around. He's very much assured of his capabilities that's why most people admire him. He also has this charisma (or just because people are curious) that people often wants to get to know him more. He may appear myterious because of his piercing eyes but really, he's one heck of a fluff ball. Though most of of the time Joonseok can be seen talking, what most people don't know is that he actually likes paying attention to his surroundings. How people reacts to certain situations, their hand gestures, their personality, so on and so forth. He feels curious towards the actions of others and he could quickly grasp the personality of someone just by observing them. He notices every detail as he is quite alert to his environment. As Joonseok knows that he is intelligent, it is not hard for him to think easily of funny things. He would use this way for people to remember him and honestly? It works most of the time.

But, it is not always fun and games for Joonseok, if he has decided to do something and achieve his dreams, he'll do his best in order for him to reach his goals. He will not allow any obstacle to stop him from doing it and he's just going to try harder. Expect him to give his hundred percent when he's trying to achieve something. He's also a headstrong kind of guy even though if other people would try to persist on him to do something he doesn't like. For example, if his peers try to tell him to just have fun always, he wouldn't do that because he has planned out his future already... He really wanted to be successful in this industry. Despite being witty, Joonseok also has this weird kind of humor and that's him being sarcastic. Sometimes, he just can't take stupid questions, he'd just give out these remarks that others feel annoyed at or hurt. It's not like he doesn't care for other people's feelings but... "
Come on! Common sense, please!" And with all these weirdness that envelopes this guy, he's also really unpredictable. He could be serious at one point and then later on, he'd be acting all 4D. He's such a dork that his friends and family, truthfully, find him peculiar which makes him to stand out even more.

While most of the time Joonseok acts like a prince and a knight in shining armour, he can be straightforward at some point that could actually hurt others' feelings. When he thinks he had enough being sarcastic, he'd just plainly point out some things that people find offensive but, he doesn't really mean it that way. Sometimes, it's just easier to be frank than sugarcoating words. But, he doesn't really like it when other people does this to him. He thinks he's really a wonderful person and very intelligent too that he doesn't deserve harsh words and it annoys others eventually. He sometimes can't help but think highly of himself. Graduating with honors? Incredibly good looks? What more can he ask for himself? "
It's not like people can pull this off." OTL Because of this, Joonseok also likes to think high and mighty and could act bossy whenever he does something that he knows he's good at. There are times during shoots when he becomes too overbearing but he would reason that it's because he just wants everything to be perfect and because of this, he always require the best effort from everyone and to meet high standards so that the team will be successful. He takes work seriously, there are times when he forgets to have fun because who would want an uptight boss, right? Even him doesn't like that. So, he's trying to work out on these personalities. With all the seriousness aside, Joonseok can be an overly comical  person that he has his moments when he's facing slight troubles, he would act exaggeratedly. He'd be all extremely dramatic over petty things that others wonder if he's really in a straight mind or he's just plain weird. But, despite of all his shortcomings, he's actually a nice guy that anyone can turn to and he may not show this much, but he truly treasures all the people he encounters may it be for the good or the bad.

Behavior towards strangers: 

Joonseok never had a hard time in interacting with people in variety of ages. He'd just act normally and maybe tell some jokes here and there. If they don't love him then, it's their problem not his. But, if they loved him, congrats! They just won the favor of this alien prince. Of course, Joonseok looks scary and intimidating at first. And no one can suddenly blurt out things out of the blue so, he waits for the perfect timing to say something witty and thus, people find him really appealing. Then, the natural flow of conversation will follow after the warming up convos. He's actually better with adults than with kids but nonetheless, he could still pull it off.


- You know he's in deep thought when Joonseok creases his eyebrows. It's his "thinking look".
- Stares into space as his way of destressing himself from all the work and sleepless nights.
- Drinks milk before going to sleep because he got used to it ever since he was young.
- He scrunches his nose when he feels annoyed.
- Jogs daily at 4:00am.


- Graduated from Korea National University of Arts with latin honors and got his degree in BFA Filmmaking in 2008. He took further studies in Korean Academy of Film Arts and finished the 2-year course and graduated in 2010.
- He's a health freak who eats dark chocolates, tteokbokki, jjajangmyeon, and pizza. He's not a vegetarian but he loves his veggies and fruits.
- A hater of selcas and doesn't own any SNS except for his photography blog.
- Loves photography and keeps a blog/port folio of all his works. It's title is, "Through the Lens".
- He has joined some photography contests and he twice won the first place.
- His secret? He loves kpop! A big fan of Big Bang and Girls Generation. He's secretly flattered because a lot of people tells him he looked like T.O.P. HAHA
- Behind the manly man figure, Joonseok's guilty pleasure is collecting cute stuffed animals. He has more than twenty to this date and when he feels stressed out (too stressed out), he talks to them and baptizes them with names.
- Not a play boy but had four girlfriends already. One of them is a girl group member whom he dated for a few months, but, it's his
secret to keep. /wink They met in their company and became friends. After the breakup, they remained close and he supported her with her new relationship.
- He's allergic to apples and he's deeply sad because of that.

protego horribilis
"Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there anymore” ― Robin Hobb



Father • Choi Dongwook • 55 • Architect • Being the first child, Joonseok has felt a bit of pressure from his father as Dongwook wanted him to follow his footsteps. But Joonseok grew up to love films more, he understood that what he can do for him was to give him support as he was his son. Joonseok respects his father so much and though they may not show it towards each other, they do care. Dongwook was also happy that Jiyoung and the kids became so close. • In all honesty, at first, he wasn't at all impressed. First, Joonseok decided to be a Film Director. Then, he suddenly jumped to a new career of being an actor. Not that Dongwook has anything against celebrities but he thought Joonseok needed a stabled career (Jiyoung will surely kill him haha). Of course, he doesn't have to say about anything. Dongwook respected the choices of Joonseok. He's just hoping the best for his son and he'll surely support him even though he didn't like much his decisions.


Step Mother • Kim Jiyoung • 53 • Actress • Even as a kid, Joonseok somewhat looked intimidating and Jiyoung was quite scared that he won't like her to be his new mother. Of course, there were pretty much awkward moments but as days became months, Joonseok started warming up with Jiyoung. It was true that losing his mother was his first heart break, but, what pained him more was the thought of replacing his mother. Then, he discovered that, no. The situation was far from that and he just needed another space in his heart for Jiyoung. Since then, he treated her more like his real mother. Sometimes, he would go with Jiyoung when she had filming and because of that, Joonseok felt more inspired to pursue a career in film. Upon discovering this, Jiyoung taught him more about films. • Ah, she practically squealed upon knowing the news as she was so excited for Joonseok. Him being an actor, Jiyoung already acted like a stage mother, always there for him and supported him. Joonseok didn't mind, of course. She claims that if she could just join Roommate, she will. :))


Younger Sister • Choi Jooeun • 22 • Actress • While Joonseok thought about camera angles and cinematography, Jooeun focused more in the acting aspect of it. Having the same passion for the entertainment and film industry, the two supported each other more. Also, ever since they were young, the two were inseparable. No guy could actually come close to her because Joonseok will be expected to be all overprotective towards Jooeun. She was grateful because not all siblings could be close but the two of them were. Her nickname for him was "Seokkie" while he liked to call her "Joojoo" because she didn't like it too. Having a mother as an actress and an older brother as a director, it wasn't hard for Jooeun to have some acting gigs (with Joonseok constantly ed every guy). She also appeared in some of the films Joonseok had produced and now that she graduated college in the same Alma Mater of Joonseok, K-ARTS with a degree in BFA Acting, she has decided to pursue this career.  • Jooeun couldn't be any more proud for Joonseok. She knew that her brother was one helluva funny guy and he may be more well-known through this. She supported this idea 100%.



Best Friend • Shim Changmin • 27 • Idol - TVXQ • Ever since Mimi, Changmin and Joonseok became best mates. It was not only because Joonseok was the asst. director for the show, but also because he had a role in the series. Changmin had helped him as well with acting and given him some important points that Joonseok needed to remember. This tightened their relationship and since then, the two would go out together and hang out. • Changmin knew about the show and he was quite surprised that Joonseok decided to participate there. He knew Joonseok was bit by bit becoming popular in the industry and he was happy for him with that. Changmin thought that this was a chance for Joonseok to be more known by the people. He had a concern though, he was going to miss his bro... But Joonseok doesn't need to know that.


Mentor • Bong Joonho • 46 • Film Director • When Joonho and Joonseok met, the latter couldn't be any happier then since Joonho was one of the most well-known directors in South Korea. He saw the skills of Joonseok that was why when the younger man asked if Joonho will allow him to apprentice for him, he agreed. The potentials and the passion of Joonseok impressed Joonho and he knew the guy will do his best to create his own films someday. • Joonseok immediately told Joonho about the show and he was impressed that the lad had been opening his career paths to different ways. He knew Joonseok will be perfect for the show as he was a comical person and could entertain just about anyone.



The Crush • Robin Bae • 27 • Solo Artist • Robin probably doesn't know the existence of Joonseok but, he didn't mind. He first saw her during her performance for MTBD and you must say that Joonseok may have fallen at first sight with Robin. He somehow wishes to know her in the future, not knowing that both of them were going to be casted in Roommate.

"Many relationships are give & take but the most successful ones are give & give.” ―  Mark Hewer

Who do you want to share the same roof with?: Honey Lee

Have you met them before? If yes, please elaborate: No... (He wishes though)

More about this person: 

→ Name: Lee Hanui / Honey

→ DOB: March 2, 1983

→ Height, weight175cm and 51kg

→ Occupation: Actress

→ Personality
POS : Intelligent, warm-hearted, goofy
NEU : Enigmatic, high-spirited, motherly
NEG : Mischievous, childish, insecure

As she had a lot of experiences in life already, it's not hard for her to understand a situation and she can quickly think of a solution to every problems encountered. Honey's a wise person who likes to share advice to people who needs them. Whoever asks for her help, be sure that she will be there to help out. She's also known as a ball of sunshine, Honey is actually a sophisticated lady with a very young heart. It's like, she's bursting of happiness that's why almost everyone within her vicinity (or the television, internet, etc.) instantly falls in love with her. She can be a 4D person too who likes to make others smile and laugh because of her silly antics. Hence, Honey could be all oh-so-weird that no one could actually get her personality. She’s one tough rabbit to crack because no one can really predict her next actions. It’s like she’s always full of energy and she could be spontaneous when she wants too. With all the crazy antics she had done, Honey’s actually a very caring person. She’s attentive to everyone’s needs and she would often attend to them first before hers. Even though she sometimes acts mature and be the mother figure of other people, the kid in her heart still surfaces. She tends to be playful when she feels like it. When she knows she’s in trouble, she uses her aegyo skills to get out of the hot water because of the pranks she may or may not have done. But despite all these, Honey is still kind of insecure. She can’t help but sometimes thinks that she’s not talented enough, smart enough, or even pretty enough. She envies those women who have more confidence in themselves and she wishes to have that one too. What she doesn’t know is that, she’s a person you can’t help but love.

First meeting on the show: 

Joonseok arrived a bit late than the others and he was sort of rushing to the house because of being afraid for being late. As he made his way to the garden, he then bumped in to someone and both of them fell flat on the floor. He immediately offered his hand to that someone and realized the person was a girl. He bowed a few times and excused himself at once. Joonseok didn’t really saw who it was but he got the glimpse of her side view. Upon entering the house, he saw Ahn Hongjae sitting on the couch. At first, Joonseok was awestruck. Who wouldn’t? The guy’s a famous producer! And again, Joonseok’s a fan of K-pop and Hongjae was a famous artist and also produced for some other artists too. Going back… He introduced himself to Hongjae and they began some small talk. Then, he remembered about the woman he bumped into. “You know, I saw someone who actually looked a lot like Honey Lee. Dang! Even I just saw her side profile, she’s so pretty.” Hongjae pursed his lips, cleared his throat, and nodded his head to another direction. Joonseok felt confused but followed the other guy and as he turned around, cue in Honey Lee standing behind him with a cute smile on her face. He couldn’t be any more embarrassed with that.

How’s your relationship with this person throughout the show?:

Because of the embarrassing first meeting they had, Joonseok decided to introduce himself once again during the time they went packing their stuff in the room. (Both had internal panic upon discovering they were roommates but kept their cool) Honey found his idea weird but nonetheless, went along with it. Joonseok went out of their room and then knocked. Honey chuckled and opened the door for him. He introduced himself in a charming way and she couldn’t help but feel slightly giddy because of him. ‘He sure knows how to charm the ladies.’ She thought. They spent the rest of the night being awkward and then talkative, and then awkward once more. As days passed, the two of them became a lot closer. With their weirdness and 4D personality, they eventually got a long each other very well. They even made a pact that they will be partners forever even after the show ends and the two were secretly glad because of that. Even on live television, it was very obvious how close the two became and most fans couldn’t help but to ship the two of them. How they act behind the scene is also how they interact on screen. They really act normal (or maybe beyond normal) towards each other like they’ve known each other for a long time already. It was also discovered that Joonseok’s weakness was Honey and when she feels like playing pranks to their housemates, the two would team up and do it together. Yes, he didn’t have any other choice. Partly, his reason was because of their promise but, deep inside, he does this just because… Just because.

Is it okay if I pair her/him up with someone else in the show?:

Oh heck yeah! But you can expect Joonseok being bummed about it and he will not show his uneasiness with the situation. He would just go to his stuffed toys, baptize them with new names for like twice or thrice, and talk to them for a long time until the casts notices these weird events.

"“Each time we don't say what we wanna say, we're dying.”  ― Yoko Ono

Hello, please introduce yourself.
→ /tries his best to wink… manages after three attempts/ Hi, everyone. My name is Choi Joonseok and you’re watching Disney Channel. /chuckles at his lame joke/ I’m kidding. /wiggles eyebrows/ This is Roommate 2016, people.

Where do you live, with who, and what’s your reason to join the show?
/smiles/ I have my own apartment in Yongsan-gu. Sometimes, my sister would stay with me if she wanted to catch up or basically when she’s free. Ah, why I joined? /creases eyebrows/ Hmm. I guess, I just wanted to try something new. Plus, I’ve watched the past episodes of Roommate and it seems fun. Also, maybe to broaden my circle of friends and meet new people too. /smiles/

How is the situation in your current residence?
→ Well, just great, you know? /smiles/ I enjoy my solitude but sometimes I can’t help but feel bored too whenever I’m alone. But yes, I like my independence. No one’s nagging me on what to do and what not do. /chuckles/ I can do whatever I want, like freely watch K-pop… /raises eyebrows and then eyes roams around/ Err... What?

How are you feeling about living under the same roof with strangers?
→ It’s very exciting for me. /leans head to the side/ New people to live with. It’s something new and I’m willing to partake on that.

Who do you want to share the same roof with?
→ Ah, I have a long list. /chuckles then pretends to clear throat while saying “K-pop artists”/ Would you still want to know? /wiggles eyebrows/

What do you think is your role in the shared house?
→ Interesting… /scratches chin while nodding his head/ My role? I guess that one guy who’s really handsome but weird. /chuckles/ I will be in charge of the craziness and how to be cool at the same time. Ah, I hope I could really contribute something with my new homies! Yeah! /nods/

expecto patronum
“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.” ― John Lennon

Scene requests.
I have nothing as of now... Hope that's okay? ;u;

→ None~ :)

→ Aloha, authornim! Finally!! I am successful and I was able to finish my app. And I'm really sorry that my app became too long. I tried cutting some parts down but it'd be more confusing. ;n; I got so excited today, I had to finish it already. :) I was browsing some Roommate photos~ the one with Bom and Chanyeol? Hah, inspired! I hope you like this weirdo. ^^ Thank you! Fighting!

→ Park Bom <3


.F I N.


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