Infinite 30 Day Challenge - Day 2 -


Day 2: Your favourite Infinite song
Hmmm so far I'd have to say my favourite song by them would be 'She's Back'. I don't know what it is about this song but since the first time I heard it, I've loved it which is unusual for me (I'm the type who has to listen to a new song a few times until I decide that I like it).
The song is cheery and fun and if you've seen the MV you'd understand how well the two go together. Everytime I wach the MV, even now; a smile manages to appear on my face. Even though they're working, to me it generally looks like they're having a good time and that's a job well done in my books XD
Poor Woohyun XDDD


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i love this song ^^ it's so cute. and lol poor woohyun ♥