ROOMMATE S3 2016 - Lee Haewon


Lee haewon
Layni17  / Tsuki / 7-10

“Your appearance influences your life, because it effects how people treat you. Sometimes you don’t have to be king to be treated like royalty—you only have to look like the king.”   Jarod Kintz

Face claim: Naeun (Apink)
Back-up: Yuna (AOA)
Height, weight: 170 cm and 52 kg
Appearance: Lee Haewon has surprisingly deep brown eyes, paired with her currently-long blonde hair that she's definitely a fan of. She has small lips but a wide mouth that makes for a pretty smile. Her body is thin and she has just enough shape for her age, though most of her weight is in her thighs. This doesn't make her love her body any less.
Style: Haewon loves dresses, as well as jeans. She tends to wear a lot of black as well as white and cream, and it's very common to see her with layers. Haewon is a huge fan of leather, so there's a lot of it in her closet. cute hats are always a great accessory, and she definitely doesn't have anythign against skirts. Big sweaters are also on her favorite list. Haewon loves both boots and tennis shoes, so depending on whether she wants to be casual or more formal/badass is what her shoes depend on.

layout © cerulean tm
homenum revelio
"human-presence-revealing spell"
"Each time you say hello to a stranger, your heart acknowledges over and over again that we are all family.” ―  Suzy Kassem

Name: Lee Haewon (이해원)
Other name(s): Honey (How she's known professionally, an alias)
Haewonnie- A basic play on her name, she's always been called this by her friends and family
Ice Cream Monster- Those who truly know her call her this because she literally hordes gallons of ice cream in every freezer she has access to and will murder those who touch it without permission
Yabi- Her close friends call her this, a shortening of her Japanese name

DOB, Birthplace: March 1st, 1993
Hometown(s): Hometown
Ethnicity: Korean-Japanese
Korean- Fluent, native langauge
japanese- Fluent, she's half-Japanese and her step-father is fluent so he taught her growing up
specialis revelio
"Any man's life, told truly, is a novel” – Ernest Hemingway

Occupation: Model

Background: Lee Haewon was born twenty years ago to a distant family. Her father had died shortly after her mother was pregnant in a plane crash, and her mother prefered to work than to care for a child. She was left with  a nanny who only did these three things- Cook, help her get clean, and tell her when to go to bed. Haewon was basically left to learn to care for herself as a child, but learned quickly. When she was six, her mother remarried to a very kind man, and that was when her life got better. Her stepfather was a very kind, very warm person who loved children. He took great care of Haewon, and finally she had a parental figure. Haewon did quite well in school- In fact, she was always in the top three scores. She never made more than a few friends though, because of her quiet personality, but she could charm anyone she pleased with one smile, or just a few gentle words.

She would always bring in stray or hurt animals, from cats to lizards, turtles to squirrels, just any animal that needed help for her and her step-father to take care of. It was almost like they ran their own animal shelter and vet, and always made sure that the animal made it to a loving home, or simply a safe place to be. Haewon was scouted by Woollim Entertainment in her middle school years, when she was thirteen years old. She was scouted originally by SM when she was ten on account of her pretty face, but she quickly denied that offer. This time, she was scouted not only for her beauty, but her parkour skills and flexibility. Parkour is a very intense physical form of trainning in miliarty, but was slowly leaking to people as a hobby or career.

A manager in Woolim spotted Haewon in 2005 performing parkour, which had gathered quite a crowd, and afterwards gave her a card, telling her the performance was amazing. Haewon was quite interested, and by 2006, she was well on her way to stardom. Originally, Haewon was a trainee to be an idol- She was lead dancer, vocalist in her trainee group- But she stayed there for five years. Haewon graduated high school and moved onto Seoul National University, majoring in Biology and minoring in film production. Shortly after she started college, she had a long talk with her step-father on whether or not she was happy with her life. After the answer was clearly no, she knew something had to change. In early 2011, Haewon quit as a trainee, as well as Woolim, before moving onto JYP Entertainment, with the specific request of wanting to be a model. She, for the first time in her life, put her foot down in fiercely said if she wasn't going to be a model within the next month, she'd look for a new company. During her time as a trainee, she went to many fashion events with her mother and step-father, and became absolutely fascinated with the designs and the whole process.

She'd fallen in love with the profession itself, and knew that being a model was the most important thing to her. JYP accepted her, and within weeks she was a hot, up-and-coming model. Haewon graduated from Seoul National University in the summer of 2015, and became widely known for having the top grades in a majority of her classes. There were accusations of plastic surgery- The common eye-nose deal, and Haewon was upset at all of the harsh words. Finally, she took to social media and said, "People are asking for the truth. The truth? My eyes were not done. They have been this way since I was a child. My nose, I use fillers when asked to before photoshoots. However, the only plastic surgery I've had is a rhinoplasty." In a followup post, she clarified, "When I was younger, I got into a car accident and my nose was broken badly. I had to have it fixed with plastic sugery." Many people still don't believe her (Even though it's true), so she's been laying low for a while.

POSITIVE » Clean, charming, self-reliant, practical, reliable, gentle
NEUTRAL » Soft-spoken, obedient
NEGATIVE » Weak-willed, submissive, envious, aimless, faithless, secretive

Haewon has always been an unexplainably charming girl. Some say it's her smile, some say it's her personality- No matter what it is, it works well for her. She enraptures nearly everyone she meets, and it's simply a natural gift. She often gets things on a discount or for free- It's just how it is. Haewon is a very practical person, though. She does things in an obvious way- The way that makes sense. She's not quite a "creative thinker-" She doesn't see the point in making the extra effort, to be honest. If things can be done in a set way, then that's how they should be done.


She's very self-reliant, and doesn't like to be taken care of. She doesn't think anyone would do anything for her, anyway, and with being an only child with busy parents she simply learned how to care for herself and do well that way. Truthfully, Haewon is at her best when she's alone, doing things by herself. She's very clean, and takes care of hygene, and . She doesn't really curse, and tends to be very healthy. She's normally the one who cleans the whole dorm, and makes sure every has taken care of themselves.


This girl is reliable- Even if you're not that close, you can definitely expect to get advice from her, because you will recieve it. She'd never flake on you, and when she makes plans they're always made so she can get there. Haewon is always there for you, whatever you need. She's a gentle person, so she'd never yell at you unless that was proven to be the only way to get through to you. She's got a low-key, soft presence that can simply calm anyone down. It's amazing, how with a few soft, truthful words and a smile she can make you break down into the tears you'd been holding back.


And no one can bring themselves to be embarassed to cry in front of her, because it feels right to people to. When you meet (And sometimes just look at) Haewon, you feel comforted and the need to let all of your worries out to her. It's just a natural aura that affects many people. Haewon is very soft-spoken. She doesn't tend to raise her voice, not only because she doesn't like it, but because her voice is naturally quiet. She likes to think that it's that way because she was born to be a gentle person, but really, it doesn't matter.


Her soft-spokeness tend to put her in the background (Particularly during things like variety shows, which people don't fail to notice), and Haewon doesn't tend to speak her mind. She's quite obedient, so no matter how bad it is to her, she always listens to those who are older than her or command more respect. If the CEO said to starve herself, she would. If a sunbae told her to make dinner for a month, she would. Though they're not the same in terms of severe, Haewon would to it all. Even still, she's very weak-willed and submissive. She doesn't hold her opinion against anyone elses', and is quick to give up her idea even if it's smart because no one likes it.


She's the exact opposite of stubborn. Haewon is easily influenced, and her opinions and ideals can be changed if someone says they should be. She doesn't like to fight, so she always gives up when there's one arising- After all, fights only harm people, so she would stay quiet and act nice, right? Jaehwa is always keeping secrets, though. Her family and background are completely unspoken of within JYP, and anything that she likes or wants is kept in her mind. This girl simply doesn't want anyone to know much about her, so she keeps it all locked away. Surprisingly, it takes most people a long time to notice this.


She's envious of others, which is another thing that's under lock and key. She used to be outgoing, cheerful, optimistic- Now? She's quiet and nearly unheard of.  Sure, when someone gets to know her, she's charming and cute, but otherwise it's like she barely exists- At least, that's how she feels. Haewon is jealous of people's abilities (She knows she can sing, but dancing and rapping are things she's not-so-great at) and things like their love lives. Of course, she knows it's her fault she has none-


After all, she's completely faithless in others. As soon as she starts to date someone, she begins to have doubts about their loyalty, their love for her, and her love for them. It's totally common for her to accuse someone of cheating- It's happened before, so why not this time? It's something that she hates about herself, because it holds her back from enjoying life. But, really, she's just expecting to be left by people- Jaehyun left, why wouldn't anyone else do the same?

Behavior towards strangers: Haewon is extremely friendly and welcoming towards strangers- How else do you make friends? She likes to be very kind and symapthetic towards those she doesn't know, and gives off a warm, motherly-like aura that draws said strangers to her. She's a natural at making new friends, and it's hard not to be attracted to her, whether you're looking for a mother figure, a girlfriend, or simply a best friend who will always have your back.

Smoking when she's really stressed (Never more than three times a year, though) She made her dad that promise, as well as she can't afford to ruin her voice).
Digging her nails into her wrists when someone's being seriously mean but she can't say anything
Biting her lip when she's angry


Sunflowers- They're her favorite flowers
Being outside, she loves the feeling of the sun
Storms, she loves the scent of rain and the feeling of needing someone when it's dark and cool
Winter, it's her absolute favorite season
Snakes, aren't hey so cute?
The Penguins of Madagascar movie- It was really hilarious!
Penguins in general, they're her favorite animal, aliong with snow leapords
When people curse, it's not the worst thing ever but she's not a fan, you know?
Night, when it's night she gets scared easily
Acting, she's never liked it for some reason
Big Bang- Sorry, guys, she doesn't like your sound or your concept
When people criticize others for no reason- It's really rude, you know?
The summer, it's too hot
Skating, she used to do it in middle school, and she still does it now
Cooking, she's done it her whole life and loves trying to make new recipies. And let's not forget baking!
Interior design, it's really cool, right? She loves designing rooms.
Parkour, it may be surprising but that's how she keeps in shape, and it's really fun.

She's a huge fan of animals~
Haewon kinda at art.
She prefers to wake up around six a.m.~
She loves being at the beach! Isn't it the best?
Haewon, despite everything, is almost always smiling. She feels that it makes her a happier person~
She owns a
baby hognose snake named Ben! They like to play dead, pretend to be mad, etc., so don't let Ben fool you! He's actually very love-y and loves to wrap around your finger(s) and wrist.
Hot chocolate is her favorite, and she must have it every morning (No matter the weather) or she'll be quite unhappy. And whines. A lot.
Haewon really likes to take selca's- She's was into it before they were a thing, if we're actually being honest.
She really likes to snowboard, but she hasn't had the opportunity.
Sometimes, she looks pissed off. I swear she's really not!
When she gets closer with people, Haewon gets playful and likes to tease~
She's not into surprise birthday parties, but each time she gets one she knows people put a lot of hard work into it and makes herself act really happy. So happy, in fact, that people thinks she loves them, and think she's lying when she says she doesn't. She's nearly given up saying otherwise by now, but there's still a little fight left in her!
She really likes the English play Hamilton.

Her Japanese name is Fuji Miyabi (藤実弥美).
Haewon's Chinese name is Kim Nuan (金暖).
This girl really- And I mean really- Likes bubble baths.
She only drinksout of water bottles- Never tap or anything else.
She's a fan of rootbear and creme soda.
Haewon loves body art- Y'know,
painting bodies.
This girl tends to sleep early~ She just prefers it.
Soda gives her life, but she's never had it often.
She's totally confortable in a bikini.
This is Haewon's favorite pair of pajamas~ Yeah, she likes the ier pajamas- They're comfy!
Haewon seriously doesn't look like much more than a pretty face, but I can assure you she's much more.
This girl loves wine- Any kind. Though she rarely drinks, she really likes wine. It's bene ber favorite for years.
She never got wisdom teeth~Stuffed animals give her life.
So does Infinite.
Her favorite holiday is Christmas~
She wants a kitten one day.
Haewon loves to play airplane with her brother- You know, the thing where you put the kid's body on your legs/feet and push them up while holding their amrs? Think SHINee and Hello Baby.
When Haewon knows she needs to blow off some steam, she goes to the gym and beats the crap out of a punching bag. There is no mercy, and there was even a time when she accidentally ripped it when she kicked it too hard.
This girl tends to get carried away when she write ballads. Once she starts, she doesn't stop until she has at least one done, usually three. While she's pretty good and composing and writing songs, there are definitely others who are better.
If the day ever comes that Haewon curses, run for your life. There is legit maybe a two-percent change of that ever happening. If it does, either something huge just happened or the world is ending.
Surprisingly, she doesn't mind the fact that she used to sleep around. She thinks that it taught her a lot about life.
Haewon loves to play piano versions of songs- Whether she's the one playing it, or if it's one her phone, she likes it all.
Her favorite KDrama at the moment is "Because It's The First Time."

protego horribilis
"Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there anymore” ― Robin Hobb


Mother • Lee Hana • 45 • Businesswoman • Hana and Haewon don't really have much of a relationship. Hana never took care of her as she grew up, and didn't care what Haewon did so long as it didn't get Hana criticized. They actually haven't spoken to each other in two years, so it's like they barely know each other. • Hana literally could not care less. Haewon was do whatever the hell she wants, so long as it doesn't make Hana look bad. Of course, if asked, she's say she's very happy for her daughter's chance to make new friends and meet new people!

Step-father • Kim Jaehyun • 46 • None • Jaehyun has and has always treated Haewon as his own. He loves her to bits, there's no denying, and Haewon loves him too. She's a totally daddy's girl- She doesn't see him as a step-father, he is purely her father. They call each other every night before Haewon goes to sleep, and Jaehyun is always taking hre on shopping trips, or going on father-daughter dates. All Jaehyun does is gloat about his baby girl to all of his friends and family, and Haewon loves ot go on about how amazing he is. • Jaehyun is actually a bit nervous. While he knows it's an absolutely great opportunity, he's afraid that she'll end up getting hurt somehow. He's half-Japanese, and really wants to see Haewon on the show- Like, visit.


Best friend • Kim Youra (FC: Yeeun of CLC) • 19 • Idol • Youra and Haewon have been friends since childhood, and have always know each others dreams, so imagine Haewon's joy for Youra when she's going to debut in the six-member SM girl group Mel0die in 2013 as the main rapper and maknae. The group was a fairly big success, seeing how as they're released two ful albums, three minialbums, and are expending to Japan this summer. They're currently in the middle of theri comeback with the song Me Gustas Tu. Haewon and Youra basically know everything about each other- They don't keep secrets in the slightest, and just one look, one touch can have a whole conversation behind it. Youra's been pretty busy with her comeback, but upon hearing Haewon is going to be on Roommates, she has to visit. Seriously, she'll die if she doesn't, and that would . They're totally clingy hang all over each other.

Close friend • Park Alice Jaehwa (FC: Seoyoung of Hello Venus)• 22 • Waitress + College student • Jaehwa and Haewon met in high school, and have gotten pretty cose since then. Whenever Haewon has freetime and Youra doesn't, the first place she does to is the cafe where Jaehwa works at. They love to go shopping together, or to just have sleepovers. They tend to hang all over each other, but not to the extend Haewon and Youra do. Jaehwa majors in Biology at her college, and though it's nto a bad college in the slightsest, it's also not the best. She's working hard to transfer to Seoul Natrional University, and Haewon is the only one cheering her on. Hopefully she's be able to see Haewon on the show, but who knows.

Close friend + Ex-boyfriend  • Lee Woobin (FC: Park Hyung Sik, actor) • 25 • Medical assistant • Woobin and Haewon met in middle school, and they definitely were interested in each other. It wasn't until they were in high school, and it lasted for about two years before they had a somewhat-messy breakup. There were accusations of cheating, promiscuity, anything and everything. It wasn't until Haewon graduated that they became friends again. Things are a bit awkward, but mostly they can talk about their dating period comfortably. It's not uncommon for Haewon to visit him at the hospital, and on the rare occasion Woobin has a break he likes to go to the park with her, just to hang out.


Others: N/A

"Many relationships are give & take but the most successful ones are give & give.” ―  Mark Hewer

Who do you want to share the same roof with?: Kim Kibum- More known as Key of SHINee. He's absolutely awesome- Fluent in English, super gorgeous, great fashion, and a great person. He has talent and is genuine- Who wouldn't want to share a roof with him?

Have you met them before? If yes, please elaborate: Nope!

More about this person:

Name: Lee Jinki / Onew

DOB: December 14th, 1989

Height, weight: 178 cm + 61 kg

Occupation: Idol (Leader, lead vocalist of SM group SHINee)

→ Personality:

(+) Responsible, empathetic, mature, forgiving, confident

(=) Optimistic, trusting, humorous

(-) Busy, strained, wears heart on sleeve yet keeps bad emotions inside

Lee Jinki, or more often known by his stage name Onew, it the kind of person who is very optimistic. In many cases, this is a good thing- This optimism keeps his band, SHINee, from becoming discouraged or depressed, and he can always she the lgiht at the end of the tunnel. Unfortuantely, he can have a habit of being much too optimistic- He doesn't tell people where to improve, and only tells them where they're good instead of encouraging growth. This optimism allows for his overly trusting behavior as well. He trusts people without a second thought, which has gotten him hurt and betrated many times in the past. Even still, this trust makes him many friends. Jinki always can pick himself back up after being hurt, and shoves aside the feelings of regret and pain. But any other, non-negative emotions he expresses freely. He's not afraid to show his true self to others. Jinki is a very busy person- He's been an idol since 2008. He acts. He models. He doesn't have time for himself, which is one of the biggest reasons he's on this show- He wants to meet knew people and mostly get away from work. He's very strained, because he's always had weak health and it's only gotten worse through the years.

Because of this it's not uncommon for him to suddenly snap. Jinki si hery humorous, though- His jokes range from dad jokes, to sarcastic humor to just plain crude- Whoever he's with decides the humor, and his sense includes everyone. Jinki is respeonsible. He never leaves tasks to other people that he needs to do, and always checks up on those that he cares about. He understands the situations that many people are in, and have gone through them himself, so he's a very empathetic and connective person. When he talks to you, he always finds a common interest or situation (Like being an only child, or the oldest of a group of people) so he and the other person can connect. He's a very forgiving person, and doesn't like ot hold grudges- They eat him up, and he's much happier letting everything go. He's quite mature in this way, putting aside his anger and hate for something better. Jinki's the kind of person that doesn't let arguments or fights get in the way of anything and everything. He's quite confident in himself and his abilities, because he's been culturing and improving himself for years. He loves himself the way he is. Overall, aJinki is a responsibly mature leader-type who makes others comfortable naturally.

First meeting on the show: They first met at a meal- And a fairly comfortable on at that. Jinki had shown up after the others because of a SHINee schedule, and in fact had just gotten back from Japan not two hours ago. Haewon was somewhat concerned for him, and immediately fed him before the others as she had made the first meal and thus was the one to make everyone a plate to eat. Truth be told, she knew of the famous "Dubu Leader Onew," and she did like his voice, but he wasn't someone to fangirl over- Not that she'd really fangirl over anyone, except maybe Leeteuk of Super Junior or Minho of SHINee (She loves his dramas). They sat right in front of each other, and had a very comfortable, natural conversation. Their first meeting may not have been anything exciting, but it certainly was the start of something, there's no denying.

How’s your relationship with this person throughout the show?: Onew and Haewon warm up quite quickly- Since they're "living together," they should be comfortable, right? And there's no denying that Haewon's natural charms were getting to him- She's just the kim of person that can charm people without trying. Normally, it's her looks and attitude that are charming to people, but in Onew's case, it's her personality itself- How each trait works together in a strange yet amazing and workable dynamic. In order to be more comfortable, after about two-four weeks they actually call each other by their real names- Jinki and Haewon, and even later Jinki calls her Yabi, because she feels closer to her father and step-father that way. They're undeniably attracted to each other, because appearance-wise they're both very appealing (Jinki is actually Haewon's ideal type- Mature and kind, not afraid to be who they are, with big hands and a gorgeous, soft voice).

Even though Haewon isn't the flirty, fox-type that Jinki always saw himself being attracted to, her gentle charms and obedient yet faithless actions are fascinating. Within two months, these two start a tentative relationship that soars from there. They become absolutely skin-shippy, openly laying all over each other on-screen. hey're always paying special attention to each other, and saying sickly sweet, romantic words when the cameras are off. A sneaken kiss or two while the producers and cameras aren't looking happen, but mostly these two are the cuddly type. Their favorite thing to do is have their head in one of the others' lap and have fingers running though their hair. It's absolutely calming and amazing. After three months, Haewon sings this song for Jinki, and it become a thing for them to sing together.

Is it okay if I pair her/him up with someone else in the show?: If you wish! I think she would be quite depressed, though. Actually, she would be quite depressed.

"“Each time we don't say what we wanna say, we're dying.”  ― Yoko Ono

Hello, please introduce yourself."
(/Looks at the camera with a confident smile/) Hello, I'm the model Honey! I'll pierce your heart. (/Makes hand gun, fires/) It's nice to meet you~ (/Peace sign/)

Where do you live, with who, and what’s your reason to join the show?
I actually live on my own, though I've been looking for one of my friend's to move in with me so I can help take care of her son. (/Thoughtful look and tilts head/) I came here because I wanted to branch out and meet new people. When I'm not working, I'm normally at home trying to take care of myself- Being a model requires constant care, so I have to keep in shape, take care of my skin and hair, all of that. I'd like some time to make friends, you know? (/Small smile/)

How is the situation in your current residence?
Kind of lonely? (/Laughs/) I only have a few friends that can come over, and they don't often, so I'm normally alone. But I like it that way, so I don't mind that much.

How are you feeling about living under the same roof with strangers?
I think it'll be fun. After all, we all get to learn about each other, as real people. There won't be any masks or personas, I think. We all can show our true selves. I hope you all look forward to it. (/bows/)

Who do you want to share the same roof with?
Someone from Infinite? I've met a lot of the members before, so I know we'd probably have good chemistry. And it would probably be more comfortable for them, so~ Ooh, or maybe someone from Super Junior. I've looked up to them for a while.

What do you think is your role in the shared house?
I think I'm the background character, you know? The quiet, almost mysterious one. (/small grin/) People will probably expect things from me that I won't provide, unfortunately. I'll definitely clean and cook a lot, though.

expecto patronum
“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.” ― John Lennon

Scene requests.

- Within a few days they're all over each other's social media. Seriously. Everywhere.

- Haewon stubbornly refuses to admit her emotional attraction towards Jinki.

- The other occupants desperately try to get them to kiss on-can

~More to come~


I hope I was descriptive enough for their relationship. >.< I have to go spend my last night with my brother before I don't get to see him again for at elast six months, so...

Sunny and Bae Jong Ok


.F I N.


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