it may be my headache but (rant)

Hi guys. I..I don't want to rant about feeling all kinds of ty again but..yea :/ it's like I'm feeling more and more lost in life but whenever I tell it to anyone they think it's cause of them and they need to do something for me but no. I..I just.. Want to curl up and die. I'm so behind in school and the last exams are coming and here i am knowing nothing :/ I wish I could skip these next few weeks and yea. I am so behind in eveything. And I'm not even interested in it anyway.... I wish I had the courage to flee away. I really do.

But I don't...

And it .


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I've been there so many times. I can't even begin to tell you how much I've wanted to just end my life... But in the end, it's never the answer. When you want to cry because things got ty for you, then cry your eyeballs out. Punch , scream, do whatever the hell you want to do to relieve yourself of the stress. Come morning, wake up, and just go on with life. Sometimes stuff has to happen to make you a better person, and you won't get to experience the better things if you let yourself get stuck in your current situation. You can do this.
Do what makes you happy! If you feel like the path you are going on now, won't ever make you happy, change it! It's never to late.. You only have one life, why waste it on being miserable? Yes, sometimes it's good to not give up, if what you are going to is your one true goal and dream.. But if it's not.. why do something you don't like? You can do that in high school but college/university should be your passion!
Don't give in hun, youve come so far. You know youll regret it. Things were going so well when we last spoke what's happening xx
It will pass, like it always does, so hang in there ♡
Do what you can do from now on, fighting.