CHIC。Application- Minatozaki Ayaka

Minatozaki Ayaka
creamcoloured- || nicole || activity rate: 7

other names: japanese (minatozaki ayaka)
— aya ( a shorter form of her japanese name )
— boba ( her labelmates make fun of her obsession with bubble tea (especially the pearls) using this nickname. )
( add more if needed, use shift+enter )

birthday: November 9, 1996
age: 19
birthplace: japan, osaka
hometown: south korea, seoul
ethnicity: half korean, half japanese

— japanese ( fluent )
— ​korean ( fluent )
— english ( conversational - she took up english speaking lessons during her trainee days. )

faceclaim: twice's momo
back-up face claim: twice's mina

appearance: she has natural brown hair but she has dyed it blonde for her last trainee year. She is 168cm high and weighs 47kg. she has natural pale skin and has '11' abs from her training. She has black eyes and a small tattoo on her inner wrist (treble clef)

style: ayaka is not very particular about looking good, but she does anyways. she doesn't wear skirts or dresses because she finds it frustrating to have to be mindful about sitting properly (she only wears them when performing or when her company tells her to do so.) yet, she likes wearing heels and has a collection of them. her most favourite outfit would be just a simple t-shirt paired with jeans or a sleeeveless top paired with shorts. for shoes, she's not very particular andd can wear any kind of shoes.

casual: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
formal: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

height & weight: 168cm, 47kg


she has lived in osaka since she was born for 5 years. then, when she was five, her family moved to korea where the rest of her father's family was at. then, she gained an interest in music after she witnessed a singing competition when she was 7. then, with her interest in Kpop, she started to get better at her korean and even took violin lessons when she was 12. 

after her best friend encouraged her to audition for an entertainment company, she did so and successfully entered Star Entertainment at the age of 14. her parents were fully supportive of her decision since they knew that she was musically inclined, also, they were open-minded parents. However, they were not so supportive of her when she was spending much of her time just practicing, so she dropped out of school at 19 years old, not finishing university.

father | kwon sangchul | 46 | manager of a famous hotel | supportive, funny, blunt,  | when they see each other, it is a short conversation with 'hello', 'good morning', 'how are you', 'goodbye'. they rarely make contact but ayaka does feel thankful towards her father for working hard to provide for the family.
mother | minatozaki yuko | 44 | housewife | supportive, patient, hardworking | ayaka is feels the most gratefulness towards her mother as she knows how hard she tries to keep the house clean and to take care of her. they chat everyday for at least an hour on phone or not due to their closeness.

best friend | myoui mina | 19 | trainee at Star Entertainment | comes of as a cold person (but is not), blunt (like ayaka) | they go around the company and performs in front of them daringly. also, mina lends a listening ear to ayaka when she needs it. mina and ayaka's parents have been friends since ayaka lived in japan. they moved to korea together and therfore, ayaka and mina are close friends.
friend | kim ah young (Girls Day Yura) | 23 | idol | personality* | (they met each other due to their looks (similarity)) they call each other from time to time and hang out at shopping malls to shop and chill out.

jessica jung | 26 | ceo of star entertainment | funny, mother-like, (how ayaka thinks jessica is) | ayaka greets jessica politely and always shows the best of her abilities to her. even though ayaka auditioned after jessica came, jessica knows her potential and how hard she works.

personality traits:
positive: hardworking, funny, humble, confident
negative: blunt, negative, too talkative, secretive

"Okay, one more time." Ayaka is considered to be one of the most hardworking trainees, she never stops practicing until she hets a particular dance move the way she wants it to be or if she has a certain note that she can't reach. Ayaka can sometimes come off as over the board but it rarely happens. Her dancing is one of the top-notch in the whole company. 

"That's not how you do it, you look like some idiot." Ayaka's bad point would be her bluntness, she can also be known to be very strict. Sometimes, she thinks that being blunt is the only way she can get her real point across instead of trying to make things sound good when it is actually trying to criticize him or her.

"Knock, knock." Ayaka loves to cheer up her friends and trainees when they are feeling exhausted or depressed. Somtimes, her actions are naturally humourous and most of the time, she cracks small jokes her and there and they would appreciate her for her effort. Her jokes come in all types, crude humour or just gags in general.

"That's it, I'm never debuting. I at everything I do." Ayaka is known to be very negative, especially to herself. When she cannot do something right, she blames it on herself and sometimes even cries due to feeling depressed. When she starts feeling negative (in that zone), Ayaka will not talk to anyone and only practices all day, sometimes, she starves herself until her best friend lends her a listening ear (Myoui Mina).

"Me? The best at dancing? No, no, I can't be that person." Ayaka is very humble, when she is being complimented on, she doesn't take it for real and instead compliments the other person instead. Her actions yet also invites a lot of gossip as jealous trainees think that she is faking it and pretending that she is humble but is just trying to gain recognition.

"OH MY GOD, AYAKA CLOSE THAT MOUTH FOR A MINUTE GURL!" Ayaka is a very talkative girl and always gets chided by the teacher-in-charge for talking. Ayaka talks as much as the effort she puts into her dancing. That is one of her bad points as she talks 'TOO MUCH'.

"Did you just make up your own script on live TV?" Ayaka is trusted on by the company for her confidence. Ayaka knows what she is good at what she is not, due to this, Jessica belives that Ayaka is able to handle what she is tasked and Ayaka is confident in her dancing which is a good thing. Beind confident is one of her pros as she never gets ahead of herself and turns into being arrogant. Due to this, she can be humble and confident at the same time.

"At least tell me something, you can't keep trying to keep everything a secret!" Ayaka can be quite frustrating to talk to or communicate with because she tends to not trust people at once. The only person she isnt secretive to is Mina as they have been friends since birth. Trainees who are trying to be friends with Ayaka are stopped at a certain point unless they become close friends.

— bubble tea (it was her first drink in korea that stuck with her.)
— kdramas (it has a special place in her heart. i mean, who actually hates kdramas?)
— dancing to boy bands' hard choreographies (it is one of her best areas and she also loves the feeling of successfully learning a brand new dance.)
— horror movies (she likes the thrill of creepy and scary movies. unlike others, she is the kind of person who actually enjoys horror movies instead of hiding when the show is playing.)

— ​playing the piano (she feels calm when she plays tunes on the piano, she feels living has a meaning.)
gaming (ayaka loves playing on her laptop. as bad as she can be at a game, she can still enjoy the game at her anger's expense.)

dislikes: same as above, use shift+enter to add more
— watching bad dancing (she resists the instinct to critisize the dancer. ayaka knows she can dance, that may be one of her strong points but it can also be something bad.)
— eating bad food (whether the food is edible or not, ayaka is very picky about her food and will throw up easily.)
— ​losing a game (whatever the game is, ayaka hates losing anything to anyone. she is very particular about winning and if she doesn't she will get angry, but only for a while.)
— getting injured (when ayaka gets injured, she gets grupy because she can't dance as usual, and dancing is her life.)
— justin beiber (ayaka only started hating him when her best friend, mina started to make a big issue about him, every since, ayaka hated (not even dislike) justin beiber.)

hobbies: max 5, use shift+enter, no explanation needed
— choreographing dances
— snacking
— shopping
— yoga
— listening to music

habits: min 3, use shift+enter, no explanation needed
— randomly dancing when nervous
— cracking her knuckles
— tapping her fingers on anything when nervous or impatient
— sighing repeatedly when things don't go her way.

— choreographs dances for even the dance teacher from time to time.
— she has a tattoo on her inner wrist. (treble clef)
— has an egg allergy
— owns a corgi named 'Kei'
— she likes to dye her hair in many different colours.

— won awards for archery before between the ages of 13 to 14.
— she is grade 7 in piano.
— can't do aegyo, if she does, it is emotionless.
— she has taken rock-climbing lessons with her best friend.
— there is only one thing that can cheer her up other than her best friend: 2pm Go Crazy



stagename: Aya or Ayaka (you can decide)
fanclub name: babo (not meant to be insulting but is based on boba and switched over. Boba -> babo)
fanclub color:
postion: lead vocalist, main dancer
backup position: lead rapper, lead dancer


singing twin: twice's mina
rap twin:  nil
dancing twin: twice's momo (miss a's jia)


training years: 4 years. ayaka joined after jessica acquired the company
trainee background: she was scouted by jessica (was looking around for trainees) at a dance competition when she proved her worth. when she first joined, she was looked down upon by trainees with a longer training period. there was a period of time when she entered depression and all she did was to practice more and more on her dancing. eventually when her best friend, mina managed to join the entertainment company, mina helped ayaka out of her depression and she started to not bother about people looking down on her.


Character's Name

back-up love interest: 



first meeting:



conclusion: not dating


comments/suggestions?: my character was inspired by twice's momo so... yes, hope you like Ayaka. ^^
song suggestions:
miss a - hush
red velvet - be natural
exid - every night
scene requests: ayaka doing slapstick humour (falling off a chair, tripping over herself)
ayaka in her zone, doesn't talk to anyone and just practices again and again, not stopping at all (then the rest of the group comforts her.)

password: yes, I think she might

layout coded by luminous_star @ ice waffles | do not steal or remove credit



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