

NAME : ock juyeon | 옥주연
ock maekju | 믹주  juyeon's infamous nickname amongst the student body at yonsei. no she's not an alcoholic (because in that case she'd rather be called ock soju) but she does appreciate the beverage so much that it's almost like water to her (again, not an alcoholic). it's no wonder that juyeon is referred to as maekju when she goes out because the girl can really hold her alcohol well (where most girls usually stop at two, maybe three, she can go up to eight in a night). it also doesn't help that she somehow always is lucky enough to get free cans and bottles by numerous admirers that she passes by wherever she goes out— whether it be at restaurants, bars, a curbside food stall— much to the displeasure of her boyfriend and her friends that want free beer as well.
generic ncknms |
ock-ssi (namjoon) joo-ah (hunchul & namjoon) yeon-ie (etc friends) 

BIRTHDAY (AGE) : may 21st (twenty two)
GRADE : senior at yonsei university, majoring in marketing (specifically in public relations)
for knowing so many people that envy her for being in the position of basically being able to graduate at any waking moment she doesn't really understand how she could be "so lucky" to have finally made it to this period of time in life. while juyeon appears to be having the time of her life hopping from party to party, staring boringly at frantic and panicked underclassmen at her favorite cafe, and still effortlessly passing the few classes she has in her roster, she's quite aware that after she walks across the stage wearing a gown too big for her slender body and clutching a piece of paper worth more than she can afford (at least right now) she's practically on her own in terms of supporting herself financially and emotionally. but for now she decides to push the reality way far back in the corner of her head in favor of just enjoying the last 8 months of her life in higher education.
BIRTHPLACE / HOMETOWN : itaewon, seoul, south korea
FACE CLAIM & BACKUP : seon hwang | lee chae eun
if there's anything juyeon regrets, it's not tattooing a warning on her forehead for anyone under 160cm to not stand next to her if they didn't want to feel ty about how short they are. standing almost unrealistically tall at 172 cm, ock juyeon is 62kg of chimaek, college stress, and more maekju, but still looks like she could use a couple more pounds of ramyeon and tteok at the sight of her slender figure. thank you mom and dad for blessing me with almost livable body proportions she often says to herself before treating herself to the fifth meal in her day. beyond the fact that you literally can't miss her amongst a crowd of girls due to her towering height, she hair also is a viable indicator to find her as the firey red ombre sort of sticks out like a sore thumb. otherwise she's just your modern day faux korean rock star running around the streets in flannels and vans, flashing her collection of random but cute tattoos laughing the night away.
positive | adaptable charming freethinking quickwitted
archetype | the adventurer the free spirit_:/.mbti | efsp
negavtive | a bit escapist sensitive unfocused variable
let's get this straight: ock juyeon isn't some sort of urban legend at yonsei, but she's still pretty well known. at the drop of her name people often turn their heads so quick that it's easy to hear a neck or two snap and she'll only humbly smile and try to be willing to accept the awe and wonder at other's gazes at her. she knows that the only reason why people react this was is because actions obviously speak louder than words and with the things she's done in the past three years at yonsei university (more if one has managed to have gone to school with her during her years of primary education) have proven that it to be the truth.

simply put, she is the ideal college student that people often see in films and tv: managing to be the life of the party (responsibly, of course)— being able to drink twice as much as a girl should be able to yet remembering to keep herself in check to not give any one any assumptions about her— while earnestly working her of for grades she truly deserves. while she isn't valedictorian material, she's one to never underestimate in terms of her abilities and knowledge, always having an answer and opinion to anything she's asked about; and when it comes to sassy remarks from professors that like to question her capabilities, she'll still be quick on her feet to respond in a equally clever yet still respectable way that makes kanye west want to come into the room and interrupt everyone saying, " imma let you finish, but ock juyeon had one of the greatest comebacks of all time " then dropping the mic while everyone tries to comprehend what had just happened.

but really, don't you dare lie and say that wouldn't be something you'd like to see at yonsei.

however (in all seriousness) as amazing as she leads on to be— living the life of decent grades, 90's grunge inspired clothing, and being tall— there's always a fault in our seoul cityscape sky, and the star in such sky isn't as bright as she always appears to be. because life isn't always going to be rainbows and free food, and for juyeon, she has her bad days too. while she doesn't like to admit it, she knows she has her tendencies of her fickle like ways tend to annoy those close enough to her and the fact that its equally hard to explain why she's exactly like this to others only adds more fuel to the frustration fire she's begun; on occasion, she's guilty of easily losing sight of her ambitions and goals, but does try her best to bounce back and stay on the path she's paved.

but whats most important to note about juyeon is that as dilligent and direct she is with some responses, it doesn't mean she's immune to the comments and questions made about her in the first place. she is very much aware and self-conscious about the opinions from others that she tends to shy away and deny such truth, choosing to place them in a box deep inside her head for times when she's by herself, or even worse takes such comments to heart and carries them on her shoulders as a reminder of how much of a burden she (potentially) is to others. but people often fail to catch her in these times because her image of being the beer loving-free spirit senior is just too big of a façade to ignore, thus she easily gets away with hiding her true feelings inside and potentially endangering herself (and others) by repressing these feelings. as much of an issue this is to juyeon, she knows she'd rather not let others in on this for the sake of not revealing all her woes, but she knows someday she'll find someone to entrust to truly divulge such feelings so she could live a healthier and maybe not a happier but a close enough life.


hover over icons for more details.

the boyfriend | 정헌철

after meeting each other more than a year ago at a mutual friend's party (thank you park jaebeom), jung hunchul and ock juyeon have been dating for a little over a year now and they've never been any happier than with each other. compatible in more ways than anyone can bother to count, no one has managed to find any other couple just like them, but even they can vouch that they aren't absolutely perfect. while they aren't too shy to indulge in some pda (that, of all people, ahreum wishes she wasn't the one always catching them in the act) they also don't hold back when they know an argument is upon the horizon. regardless, they know whether they stay together forever or until juyeon graduates (which is soon), their relationship was never done in vain and both of them see one another as someone truly valuable to them and others that may come after them.

the bf's bff | 송아름

despite her title being of hunchul's best friend, the boy thinks that such title is utter bull and that the two girls are better friends than he is with either of them. since beginning to date hunchul over a year ago, ahreum was a definite part of his life that juyeon couldn't ignore. thankfully, the two girls fell deeply in love with one another that it wasn't a problem that either of them were equally as close to hunchul as the other. because juhyun is so similar to hunchul, as they are two people too relaxed for their own good, she naturally balances out ahreum's hard- working yet almost neurotic attitude (but don't tell her that juyeon thinks that). when the younger isn't slaving over her work, juyeon usually takes her out on coffee or bar dates where they'll sit, drink, and chat for an endless amount of hours. if there was anyone that juyeon wouldn't want to piss off, it would definitely be ahreum first, then hunchul.

the li's PA | 남윤도

on his resume it says that he is the personal assistant to one of the youngest ceo's in korea's history, but in reality everyone knows that yoondo is really namjoon's second mother. juyeon and yoondo really meet before namjoon ever catches sight of her due to the intial interview she has to go through to qualify for such an internship. after all is said and done, the two often find ways to have mini chats when namjoon's back is turned and (more often than not) yoondo is the one making the girl laugh. he feels that if anyone was to accept any blame for the potential love line between juyeon and namjoon he would be so eager to place it on him because he was truly the one adamant enough to vouch for her to join the venture, thus it was truly his fault for introducing the two together. but neither juyeon nor namjoon ever let him take the blame as it was sort of inevitable that this would have occurred and think that the man should take more praise than blame.

the bff | 김효연

because no girl is complete without a bestfriend, kim hyoyeon fills in that void perfectly even though juyeon never really formally asked the girl to do so in the first place. hyoyeon is that kind of best friend where you could live without her for a year and then when you finally meet it would only feel like yesterday when you last talked. of all the people, hyoyeon was the most wary of hunchul (she doesn't support younger men relationships) thus juyeon tends to avoid the subject with her despite the two being together almost 24/7. however, when it comes to namjoon, she is the only one that truly knows what's going on and doesn't encourage to go any further (she's not into cheating either) but still likes the elder more than hunchul. just saying. 



mental destruction | 멘붕 where juyeon is known for being maekju to the students at yonsei university, namjoon is known as menboong to everyone that works under him specifically yoondo, his assistant. it's not a secret that namjoon is a literal genius— IQ of 148, graduating at the top (but not number one, he slacked off a bit in his junior year) of his class at UPenn when he was barely 20 years old, and now one of the few youngest CEOs within korea— but no one can deny that his brain is an 8th wonder of the world. namjoon reasons that his thinking process is just a little too complex for others to truly understand but everyone just knows he's really good at bullting at the last minute and speaks so eloquently that it just sounds complicated (but it really isn't). yoondo specifically calls him this whenever namjoon is driving him insane (re: every moment namjoon breathes, even while he's snoring in his sleep) but juyeon thinks it's cute and makes fun of him for it.
general ncknms |
nams/nam-ssi (juyeon) joonie (yoondo) nam-swoon (hyoyeon)
BIRTHDAY (AGE) : september 14th (twenty four)
kim namjoon (for all intensive purposes) is like that kid in high school you always underestimated because he looked like donald duck but talked as if he were albert einstein, plato, and bill nye the science guy... except he was a korean kimbap, but always knew that he would make it big, and you would probably try to get into his good graces so he could pay off your student loans or your next happy meal. 

by the time he was old enough to realize his fate— to be stuck being that nerd everyone loathed— he knew he should at least try not to look the part; slowly transitioning from wearing his thin wire frames to thicker, no lens ones (because he got lazer eye surgery) to getting an undercut and sacrificing hair folicles for the love of a shade of blonde that would compliment his tan/not tan (it was debatable if he could be qualified as tanned, comparing himself to signifciantly darker koreans) skin. but even with all the dramatic changes of his outer appearance, all of which occurred in his years overseas and maintained when he came back, he was still that goofy kid that loved to break down the concept of gravity and liked over analyzing everything— especially when it came to specific korean words that held double meanings and probably could be creatively made into k-pop ballads (yes, we're talking about his incredibly long and anonymous blog post on pann about adele's hello. don't get him started about this, again).

though he's now a ceo of a successful education program (think, khan academy, but korean and ~swiggity swaggity~) easily accessible online and on mobile (android and apple), and has had many times where he's spoken to numerous investors and reporters about his brain child, he still is socially awkward. while he knows some things shouldn't be joked about, sometimes his tongue easily slips and causes the atmosphere to easily become cold. he doesn't take social cues well, even if they're painstakingly obvious, and isn't one to be subtle about his own actions and words to others. it's his achilles heel, deal with it. he's actively working on trying to be a more debonair man to those that truly want to get closer to him, but surprisingly people are still receptive to him and his intellectual ways. anyways, he's heard geek chic is still a thing, so it isn't all too bad after all.

i'm not gonna lie, his personality is literally like rap monster. read this post for more.
" oh my god. she's like sailor mars. " " what the joonie? she's a potential intern." " . do you think if i reference sailor moon, she'll laugh? "      "please don't. please."

upon hearing the news that the company BREAK THE SYSTEM (lovingly referred to as BTS) (also, feel free to change the name, oh my god i have no clever ideas) was hiring interns, juyeon may (or may not) have jumped at the first opportunity presented. any sort of internship would've been fine for her resume, but considering that the start up (turned succesful business venture considered to be its own business now) was still looked at as a fresh meat compared to the ol' sharks of the business world, it was a great enough opportunity for her to take as a marketing major to increase their public reputation and eventually her own. she had heard of the infamous genius kim namjoon but never once bothered to look him up on naver or any other method to see his shining face at the ripe age of twenty four.

of course, when she finally did see it— at her final interview, no less— she kinda wished she did her research before the intial meeting.

walking in with a (probably) freshly pressed italian suit (probably armani? gucci?), a slightly cute but slightly awkward smile, and a familiar face (nam yoondo! the man who looked too tired for his own good but was newly 28. thus juyeon remembered to buy him a drink for his hard work at her first inreview for the job), you could say that juyeon was a little starstruck at kim namjoon.

you could also say that namjoon was a little smitten by the cherry lipped, ethereal campus goddess in front of him.

but only yoondo could vouch for everyone that the two just shared a look that literally spelled trouble.

sadly, no matter how hard yoondo tried to fight for her, juyeon didn't get the job.

surprise!  bet you thought i was going to make them fall in love through work means)
however, the girl did make a big enough impact to find herself acquainted at a neighboring start up DNH, an aspiring mobile playlist/radio service, similar to that of soundcloud and 8tracks fame) thus not all hope was lost for juyeon's future. however, the true loser in this situation was namjoon, seeing as he was sadden that he couldn't keep such eye candy (and a great business asset) around. the execuitve board of directors, aka the actual mr. kim, thought it'd be a wiser choice to choose someone else for the position (that wasn't a girl, damn ist much?) and so the intership went to some nobody.

and so, life continued to move on for the two of them.

or did it? because as much as namjoon wants to admit that he went back on track with his life of playing savior to many students around the world who could learn the difference beween myosis and mitosis through clever rap lyrics better than their own high school biology teacher's traditional ways, he really found himself searching on almost every SNS account for her (he could only find her on twitter and instagram) which then led to him finding ways to look for her in the neighboring cafeteria the two businesses share, to somehow following her onto the yonsei campus to get drinks from there on his breaks instead of his usual shop two blocks from the office. you could say he was borderline obsessed but he'd rather call himself 'head over ankles' for her ("
namjoon, you know the correct term is 'over heels', right?" yoondo interjects, but namjoon shakes his head. "i can only get my ankles over my head, so i take that saying literally.")

although he's not socially savy as he is business wise, juyeon didn't really show any clue or concern that namjoon was practically infatuated with her— she somewhat assumed they were just trying to forge a friendship as namjoon didn't really have many people his age working with him (yoondo is actually one of the youngest since the turnover from a startup to a real business; all the younger employees moved onto bigger companies). even though they aren't working together, it's still intimidating working in a building where most people are at least 5 years older than you, so to have someone like namjoon (and yoondo, the poor third wheel) to have your back was important to juyeon.

while he was the one that initiated the friendship, it was really her that began the development as her natural curiosity led her to try to get to know him on a lower level than his title of CEO allows him to be. behind the dolce and gabana, prada and armani there was a man that still loved converse and supreme, sometimes wanted to dress for casual fridays in ripped jeans and long sleeved white shirts with conviently placed slots for his thumbs to hand out on, and kept a stash of snickers bars deep in his desk when he was hungry. she pried on every nook and cranny that wasn't explored in his world and surprisingly he opened up without any hesitation. while normally such a feeling would've made him feel uncomfortable, having her watch him with her eyes made him relax, be okay, and just be free.

of course he tried to do the same with her because even he knew that no good (potential) relationship is imbalanced. general questions were thrown here and there become heartfelt discussions of fears for the present and future and slowly but surely he feels like he is getting closer to her. but as close as he felt, he was still miles away. 

because having a friendship is millions of meters away from having a romantic relaionship and kim namjoon was no where close to being like that for ock juyeon. jung hunchul, however, was close enough to be in the position namjoon desperately wanted to be in. knowing that he was in juyeon's life as a boyfriend should've been the last warning sign to stay away, to turn back now before he regrets anything.and... he did take it. he saw the distance and the time frame that they were in: namjoon was ahead of his time while juyeon was holding perfect timing and the distance couldn't have felt any further than it really was.

but in the gap that was slowly becoming bigger with the revalation of juyeon's relationship status— as he chose to keep a more considerate distance between them— she (suddenly, but not really.. maybe like belatedly) felt like the gap needed to be closed. she really wanted to deny it, pretend it didn't exist, but the feelings that were profound in namjoon were blooming in her.
loving looks that she used to reserve for hunchul's eyes were looks she slowly wanted to give to namjoon's; time allocated for her boyfriend that was in the midst of having a good time was given to the man with an established future. the feeling of love? liking? lust? wasn't immediate (as dramas portray love to be) but it wasn't as if time stopped for a minute too long. but even if feelings began to develop, it wasn't like juyeon knew what to do in the time she had left before her own future would begin; to settle with someone that she had been with in a life she knew she wouldn't continue living after she graduated or to move on with someone new but with a life eons away from her own beginning.

tl;dr : namjoon and juyeon are a mess that shouldn't be together but oops.

(suga voice) anime! anime! anime! | in times when namjoon is nervous around juyeon (like 15 feet away or right in front of her face) his go to defense mechanism is to start talking about anime. he doesn't even like anime but after one too many marathons of naruto with an old friend and his little sister introducing him to sailor moon (which then somehow led him to finding ... but that was inevitable lets be real) he easily finds himself referencing everything anyone does (but really, just juyeon) at moments when he can't find the composure to say something intelligent or at least interesting.
coffee and tea, la la love | when they go out for a midafternoon chat, ignoring their work and responsibilities, and act as proper twenty somethings they'll go to a cafe deep within the yonsei campus. after two or three times visiting the place together (depending on who gets there first) one of the two will order for the both of them. namjoon is a puss and usually takes black tea with two sugar cubes and a splash of milk while juyeon takes a double espresso hazelnut latte.
netflix and chill? | prior to learning about hunchul in juyeon's life, namjoon tried to make his interests more obvious to juyeon by asking her out to a movie premiere. she accepted (again, thinking they were just friends) but having the press hound namjoon made juyeon a little more aware that this wasn't a normal thing high profiled guys do with their relatively unknown friends (that were girls). namjoon was really embarrassed with every question hurdled at him about him and juyeon because she would always beat him to the punch ("we're friends. we eat lunch together") but he figured it was for the best. despite the temporary embarrassment, watching movies becomes a normal thing for them to do even after hunchul is revealed and slowly develops their comfort and skinship with each other.
s for skinship | though most people know this about juyeon, especially hunchul who has to deal with her, it comes to a surprise for juyeon when namjoon reveals how comfortable he is with casual hugs, brief moments of holding hands and resting on each other's shoulders. 
one sided or two? | the real question for everyone is if the relationship between juyeon and namjoon is onesided or mutual? at first it appears onesided as namjoon is the one stepping out of his comfort zone to reach out to her but the moment that he finds out she has a boyfriend it feels like the tables have turned? but have they? as much as namjoon is a real man and steps back into his corner, no one ever told him to stop looking in such direction.
" this is so weird. you know me, i shouldn't have to introduce myself. " juyeon makes a face but ahreum whines, complaining that the elder girl isn't playing along with the style of interview she's trying to conduct, and it doesn't help that sanghyuk can be heard almost halfway across the room cackling over the girl's misfortune, " okay okay, i'll play your game. " juyeon shoots a sympathetic look at ahreum before glaring at the boy who mockingly laughs at her friend's woes.

" i'm ock juyeon. senior at yonsei university. probably the coolest person anyone has met today but it's debatable.. i guess. "
" looooooooooooove~ " juyeon starts to sing in a steady voice with a big smile on her face. she sees ahreum's raised eyebrows as if they were to say please don't sing but juyeon ignores her and continues to belt out the same note until the younger gives a distinct look to tell her stop.

okay, sorry. the word 'love' is just something that... " she pauses, moving her hands as she were wafting the air up to her, to give her a sense of relief, " it gives me a multitude of senses."

" for me, when i think of love, most of the time it isn't something that's romantic. i mean, it's great to have that love from someone that appreciates your farts as much as how good you look in a thong, but platonic love, unconditional love, unrequited love...
the variety just makes me feel like the emotion is something necessary in everyone's life. like, even if it's your love for your dog or the subject of starfish reproduction, it gives you the wide array of additional emotions: happiness, frustration, fear, and acceptance. "

juyeon purses her lips as the question of 'distance in love' is asked. she takes a moment to carefully choose her words before responding.

distance in love is inevitable. " she states, " its what makes things complicated since life isn't simple. if it was, the world would've been happier. "

" but challenges, such as distance, aren't necessarily bad either. it's a chance to really test things out; see if you really trust a person, figure out the durability and reliability they can provide to a relationship. if it works, it works; if it fails, it's okay too. to fear distance is natural, 
no one wants to feel it because it is a representation of the unexpected outcomes we don't want to think about, but it shouldn't be shunned away."

i think we all need to try to have some distance in love. " she concludes with a smile.
" i do. you should know of all people. " juyeon chuckles, " his name is jung hunchul, but we both know him as my boyfriend and your best friend. "

" in terms of distance i guess the only one we have is in regards to
time? i mean, we're two years apart, with me being the older one, so it's something new that we're both experiencing together."

" when i first was interested in relationships i never really cared if there was an of any sorts
so with hunchul being the first guy i've dated that's actually younger than me it's something new and a big challenge to tackle. our gap isn't that big of course but sometimes we just don't see eye to eye with the way we've both been raised up. i don't know, it's hard to explain. "

juyeon then takes a moment to think back over the past year with hunchul as ahreum nods, writing a couple notes about what she just said.

she's seen ups and downs with the boy but she can only think 
isn't that normal in a healthy relationship? she ponders about their present situation, how happy they are together after finally figuring out a groove they could both work with. then she starts thinking about their future together; in no time she'll be gone into the real world and he'll still be back in school, would things change? would it be difficult to see her mature while he's allowed to be more relaxed? she wonders if things would be different if the situation was reversed— where she was the younger, less responsible one, and there was a guy (not necessarily older or anything) with ambitions too high for her to see— would she act the same way as the situation she's put in now, or differently?
"i remember when instragram wasn't popular. god, you youngins makin' me feel old." juyeon laments, pulling out her iphone  6s with a black leather case out of her purse,

" lets see... " she mumbles, " my username is @juokayeon... geddit? ju okay yeon? " she laughs at her own little joke before looking closer at her profile, "i don't have many posts, just 175, but i do have a lot of followers. haha. " she smiles meekly, showing her phone to ahreum as the middle number in the line of statistics shows an impressive 10.4k followers compared to the humble 357 people she follows, " what? a marketing major can't pimp herself out for potential bosses? "

as surprising as this may seem, my bio isn't really as chaotic as you probably are thinking " she a knowing look at ahreum who smirks right back at her. looking at her profile once again, her biography only has her name, an emoji of two beer glasses clinking together ( 🍻 ) and an unidentified date ( 03.14.15 ).

as for my photos, i'm pretty much like everyone else. " she scrolls down her feed to show ahreum multiple selfies— some perfectly taken, posed and edited well; others grainy and spontaneous— along with shots of beautiful sunrises, sunsets, and the evening glow seoul has to offer, and other aesthetics as random pieces of art to what meal she ate on a random day.
" cool. " juyeon grins, standing up from the chair and leaning over to give ahreum a big ol' hug before she turns on her heel to leave the room, " i hope these answers help you! we're still on for drinks later, right? "
COMMENTS? CONCERNS? QUESTIONS? : to begin with, i wanted to alter hunchul's age but then i figured i could live with the dongsaeng-noona relationship; if you feel uncomfortable then i think it'd be better to change his age at least because juyeon kind of has to be a senior (in my opinion, and to stay true to the original plotline). originally i made it that namjoon was twenty four because it made more sense if he went through school and then established the start-up in tandem of his actual age, but then i thought about it again and figured he could've been a special case that graduated super early (in both high school and university in the states) and still mange to create a successful company before he's 25. nevermind he's back to being twenty four. oh well. anyways, i'm so excited for this story but i'm pretty sad how this character came out. some of my ideas aren't original (coughs @ BTS and DNH for company names, and reusing characters ala eric nam) and i literally wrote the personalities under the influence (of insanity and maybe one corona) so i apologize if they and don't make any sense. THE RELATIONSHIP SECTION IS MESSY. I CAN CLARIFY IF IT REALLY DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. if i could do this application all over again, i would. anyways thanks for reading and good luck to the both of you for this story!
hermano vs hermano | an occasion where namjoon and hunchul do (coincidentally) meet, they go against one another in beer pong. plot twist! they're both pretty drunk so neither of them do well. people boo at them and they're both nominated to team up against juyeon and hyoyeon. the girls win by a landside because namjoon passes out halfway through the game.
PASSWORD : " live a little, ok? you look like you're about to die any second now. "







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*inserts pic of drake popping a champagne bottle*