I am now enlisted in the ARMY

So about a month ago, my sis started showing me bts vids, and even though I knew I shouldn't get into them too much (bc I was studying for this big exam and I was even keeping away from anything exo), but of course I didn't listen to myself and got into them anyway. (I blame the 95s)

And now, after the exam, bts is slowly ruining my life bc all I do everyday is watch bts, watch bts, and oh. watch bts.

I actually thought I would lose interest in them after I could see exo vids again after the exam, but no siree, that's not even close to happening. And so now, I consider myself an ARMY (although I will always be an EXO-l before that).

And bts is gonna come back soon! Yay! :D Can anyone explain HOW IN THE WORLD ARE THEY ALL SO PRETTY?! they're even ruining my grammar....

They also had, and will be having, a concert that I wish I could go to :( I guess I'll just have to suffice with v-app and fancams...

Totally random (butitsmyblogsoilldowhateveriwant), but my bias is Jimin! V, at one time, threatened that, but Jimin is still intact (and he always will be muahahaha). And Jungkook is so funny hahaha, especially these days now that he's more comfortable in front of the camera. And I love J-hope's personality! He's so nice and bright and ahauehfahf. And his dancing is also aenfiaweofh. Like the dance battle on AHL, I DIED when it was his turn. Why is he so freaking good at dancing. I'm like so serious right now.

Well anyway, Ima go now, but I hope I can meet other ARMYs nowww~~


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