Ever Blue

Hey guys, what a lovely eveining we have, ey? So... um... I've been making posters hardcore these past days (AND been working on school stuff at the same time :D) and kinda felt like sharing them with you cause..why not. Been trying new things for a change :D

I had a roughish day, all is okay but my dad is sick again *sighs*

anyway...poster time lol

well..you can se that these two are kinda similar..not by intention tho, I just had requests of a similar style lol

and then, the main stars of this post are these little things. I need your guys to help me choose which one is better... for... for reasons :D

not a fan of using a lot of colors..but I tried so yea :D



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I like the first ever blue ; u ;
orphanaccount #2
I like the second one better but you could have made Sehuns pic a bit more visible or bigger owo
I agree with ziva1234!!!
I like the 1st one for ever blue!!!