love problems

Guys, this is my first time to blog something here and I can't help myself. >\\\<

The thing is, there is this guy. omg

i think he's a refugee (don't mistake me, I don't have anything against them) and he's absolutely pretty and i like him a lot.

he takes the same bus than me in the morning and at noon, so i see him 5 times a week, which is definitely not enough for me.

I can't take my eyes off of him because he's asian and he resembles choi seunghyun. i really want to get to know him and talk to him, but I just can't, I'm too shy to say anything and if he'd turn me down it would be horrible to continue driving on the same bus.

I'm just too shy to say something because i don't know if he can speak english and well... I'm just too shy XD

can someone help me please >\\\<


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Du musst ihm ja nicht gleich erzählen, dass du ihn süß, hübsch oder so findest.
Fang an mit einem Lächeln und dann mit einem Hallo und dann kannst du ja anfangen mit ihm zu reden.
Es gibt genug Leute, die das tun und vielleicht freut er sich ja wenn du mit ihm redest^^