
Honestly said, I'm not a famous person, I'm a straight-forward person, I like to dream, I like to draw and I like to be loved.

I've been in a relationship once. For my entire 19 Yeas Old life and, it was with someone I really like. I've receive countless confession, but I can never love someone who love me. Cause I know, people who love you, can't love you more then how you love them. Basically saying, I want to love someone, so I can never let them go.

On top of that, it's just me saying "I don't want them to say goobye to me, I want to be the one saying goodbye", cause I hate goodbyes.


But it turns out I was wrong, neither hello or goobye makes any difference. It's just a word. Cause my relationship with him didn't last. I ended up leaving him and I found someone else.

The one who reads through my every movements, my thoughts, my reactions. Even to my deepest secrets. Without even me saying anything. What he says was perfect. How he reacts just appeal of his affections and love.

"I learn it from loving you"

He says goobye, He says hi

He'd appear and dissapear.

He'd smile, He'd frown, He's even cry.

But all of his negative thoughts will make him more positive.

Make him love me more. Make him learn more. Make him try harder.

Just to capture a maiden's heart. But in the end, I was the one who can't live without his love.


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This is truly beautiful
..... And that's how it's supposed to be.